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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. The office of the Constitution Court filed a complaint with police, seeking legal action against Visaradee for her comment during a House debate that the court's dissolution of the People Power Party was unfair.

    If found guilty, Visaradee can face a maximum jail term of seven years or a fine of 2,000 baht, or both.

    No further comment needed on the state of democracy in Thailand.

    It is so funny. No wonder Giles & Thaksin are better off fleeing the country.

  2. Quite amazed at the at the sheer hatred and viciousness of the anti-Thaksin brigade here! I don't remember any such knicker-twisting from the other side when PTP made a very poor showing in the last round of bye-elections. Poor old Marshbags screaming about the "scum", etc., etc.!

    How they hate the fact that on a very good turnout, the people have cast their votes for their preferred candidate. Tough luck, chums, it's called democracy - something that I prefer any day to your military coups, your judicial coups and this present government of turncoats and incompetents.

    Sure enough, out come their chums in the EC to declare that Thaksin's phoned appeal for support (fairly standard electioneering practise in most countries!) was somehow corrupt, so they can throw another elected MP out. Of course, had he just given out free cinema tickets directly to the electors to influence their vote, as did a member of the Dems EC, that would have been OK, or rather the evidence would quite magically disappear!

    Total agree to Cat man of Chiang Mai.

  3. The Nation has a report which clarifies the position once and for all.


    For all those doubters, the Government has now proved beyond all dispute that state officials including the military and police had nothing to do with the massacre.This was achieved by a scientific analysis of the evidence which demonstrated there was no security force type DNA on the crime scene.I'm assuming by this Khun Suthep, the Deputy PM, is referring to examination of discarded kleenexes, dandruff, eyelashes and spittle left on the crime scene by the perpetrators (these pieces of evidence including all bodily fluids vary slightly in molecular structure in proper Thais compared with the Southerners of Malay extraction responsible for the outrage) which was then compared with the database covering all state officials.I'm not sure if Khunying Pornthip co-ordinated the exercise but no doubt we will hear from her soon.

    Presumably this now puts all discussion of State official involvement at an end, and the Muslim terrorists can now be tracked down and punished.It just shows that the government and Khun Suthep, the outstanding deputy PM, have this problem well in hand.I hope there are no negativists who continue to insist this respected statesman is lying through his teeth.

    I did not know that all police and solider have to submit their DNA in Thailand when they join the forces.

  4. I have no idea why there's bloodshed down there. Seriously.

    From what is reported even the previous generation of separatists is at a loss, and they are certainly not in charge anymore.

    It's easy to blame everything on history, or rather the version of history that insurgents learn from their imams, but it still doesn't explain why a village football team, the whole team, not just one or two players, one day decided to arm themselves with knives and go on a suicide mission against That army. They all got killed alright, they stood no chance, and they were only a small group out of hundreds on that day.

    It was kind of flashmob - no one had a clue when it appeared and what was their goal other than getting killed.

    Their usual targets make a lot more sense, but not their overall strategy - they've got no leaders, no spokesmen, no demands, no agenda, no plans. And that's probably the main reason that all Thai efforts are going nowhere.

    There's only military solution to this, I'm afraid.

    That's why China still have Tibet; UK still have Northern Ireland.

  5. Now Mark wished he did not send those stupid messages when he became PM. Even though the telcos all say they do it for free, Mark, who benefited from it may have to pay fringe benefit tax. It all adds up to a lot of bahts.

    The tax man are push by the opposition to look into the matter now.

  6. yea... and that "someone" has been flying Thai commercial planes as he/she pleases wasting it's fuel and operations... staying at ridiculously expensive international hotels... spending more than 2$ mil +++ pocket money on shopping sprees on him/herself a year on such trips.... if you know my drift about that "someone" i dare not to name...

    Watch out for the LM police. Want to spend your next 15 years in Bangkok Hilton?

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