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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. Gen Sonthi killing Sondhi? Not possible.

    Kasit already publicly claim that it is the work of Thaksin.

    We all know that Kasit is a very close to Sondhi.


    Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya, who is visiting the United States this week, accused Thaksin of playing a role in the attempt on Sondhi's life.

    "Thaksin failed on the populist movement and now I think he has resorted to some sort of assassination attempt," the Bangkok Post quoted Kasit as telling a group in New York.

    Kasit, criticised for backing the PAD's occupation of Bangkok's airports last year, gave no evidence to support his claims.

  2. Then jakrabob got himself into big trouble with his English language comments at the Thai. Foreign Press Club about the establishment. Now he's up on charges for lese majeste.

    Thaksin was trying to become president via Jakrabob.

  3. It would be nice if more of you acknowledged that many people hold an opinion different from you and that, while different, these are valid and genuine opinions and people have the right to voice them.

    What is interesting is how people arrive at these opinions. If you can spot things like wrong facts, gaps in knowledge and faulty logic, it eats away at cliamed "validity".

    There was once an interesting episode at ICT ministry that involved Smart ID card specs. They should have had 32MB memory available but the delivered samples had only 28. Seems like a stragihforward answer to a simple question - do they comply with the specs?

    Not if you have a politically appointed committee voting on it, everyone with "valid" opinions. The cards have passed.

    So, there are cases when people express their "valid" opinions based on anything else but the subject at hand, there certainly are cases like that on discussion boards.

    My 32MB drive does not have 32MB of usable spare. 28MB sound right. The balance is system files, and database structure files, etc.

  4. sale of Shin Corp for 76bn baht "without paying tax".....This was so misleading......I still meet people who don't realize that stock market main board transaction generate no tax because there's no capital gains tax in Thailand for stock market transactions.

    Thaksin's children, the legal owners, were eventually charged with tax on buying Shin shares off the market at 1 baht value and then placing them on SET at market value, two days before the sale to Temasek.

    So yeah, I sitll meet people who think that Thaksin was taxed on Shin sale itself.

    Like many Thailand people, I thought Thaksin (himself) bought the company for 1 Baht. He (Thaksin himself) than sold the company for 76 bn Baht. So he made 75,999,999,999 baht, right.

    Since he make so much money, it would note hurt if he pay half of it in tax (37,499,999,999.50 Baht). This will show that he has spirit. This will show that he is sporting. This will show that he love Thailand. There is nothing wrong in paying tax even if you don't have to. It is called "Tam Boon" in Thai.

  5. GLO gives green light to online lottery

    The Government Lottery Office's (GLO) board gives the green light to the online lottery project which is scheduled to be launched concurrently with two- and three-digit lotteries if approved by the Cabinet.

    GLO Director Wanchai Surakul spoke of the process for the online lottery and two- and three-digit lottery projects, saying that they had been submitted to the Finance Ministry and would be forwarded to the next Cabinet meeting for further deliberation and approval.

    He said further that the office had been set to launch the two kinds of lotteries within 45 days and there were 5,000 automatic online lottery machines and lottery dealers ready to distribute the lotteries.

    Source: National News Bureau of Thailand - 21 April 2009

    I remember TRT legalise this lottery (manual, not online). Democrate/PAD cry foul. Now Democrate wants to launch it themselves. Do you think PT/UDD will cry foul as well?

  6. Emergency Decree did not prevent tourist from coming.

    Why lifting it will promote tourism?

    I don't buy that.

    Emergency Decree does not sound good for tourists, no question, but after it is installed it does not matter much if continues to stay or not.

    Important is if tourists feel safe or not. Felling safe or not is the point and that is not so easy.




    perfect environment


    Easy to go

    Not getting cheated

    Maybe the first point should be that tourists don't get cheated from the taxis at the airport.

    I was in Swampy today. The arrival numbers is quite normal. So with SOE or not, it has not affected arrivals. Who cares if there is a SOE or not.

  7. The Thai Government asked Interpol to arrest Thaksin, that's all. Anyone can ask Interpol to arrest anyone. Whether Interpol actually does it, that's an entirely different thing. And it looks like they won't join the Thai circus this time.

    Sorry, you are wrong.

    Interpol will have to do what Thailand ask them to do. Else Interpol will not be allowed to operate in Thailand. Also Interpol may be charge for LM too.

  8. Will this be like Thaksin's "opening" of Cobra Swamp? He took a flight from Don Muang to Swampy to declare it open.

    Meantime in the real world the workers kept working fixing cracks in the runways that were not there, and leaks in the roof that did not happen and then it started taking flights some time later, after negotiations to get international certification.

    It will be Mark riding the 1st train to the airport, I guess.

  9. The commission, the E.U.'s executive body, has added Thailand's One Two Go Airlines

    When did 1-2 -Go reach Europe?

    It mainly caters for poverty packers in Thailand.


    1-2-Go is a domestic airline. It don't even do regional. I don't think they give a <deleted> if EC ban them or not.

    That maybe so, but it's a warning to travellers from the EU not to use them. I certainly wouldn't. Ever.

    I don't think they care if EU travellers wants to you them or not. The bulk of the passengers are Thai (NOT Farang). Farang fly Thai Airways clash all the time (Nepal (1992 all dead), Surat (1998 nearly all dead), etc(2001)). I hope you don't fly THAI too. Bangkok Airways clash too (1990 Samui all dead).

    But Thai AirAisa (FD) never clash ever (yet). Go fly Thai AirAsia (was 50% Thaksin own, still is, via proxy) on their fleet of mostly old B737-300 (very few A320). Malaysian AirAsia (AK) has already gone 100% A320.

  10. Poll backs government response to riot


    Published on April 19, 2009

    Almost 80 per cent had hope of national reconciliation, the rest none.

    - THE NATION -

    Does that mean that the national reconciliation law should be passed, since almost 80% had hope of national reconciliation?

  11. Well Snohs got his suggestion in:

    suspend the 2007 charter, go back to 1997. Give an amnesty to everyone including Thaksin and have Abhisit to resign but then to come back as head of a new government.:


    Not quite sure everyone will agree with this idea.

    I wonder how much Snohs gets for that statement. 2,000 Baht from Thaksin? I hope the cheque bounce.

  12. I dont understand why governments announce a media war. Obviously the government are going to put their side and their spin, but surely you dont have to state so. That just sounds like we are going to use propoganda, which of course all governments do, and isnt very sophisticated. Why not just do it without announcement?

    Blatant arrogance??

    The minister in charge of press release needs a cut from the PR fees. So they have to wage a media war, and sign lots of PR contracts. Remember the "Thailand Elite' case, wher someone benefitted for putting all the ads in foreign media, eventhough the card was already closed down.

  13. What is generally referred to and perceived as "Establishment & Elite" in this particular political bickering, might be some group (or grouping in it's wider sense) quite different from what Establishment and Elite really stand for!

    In my view it represents roughly the power mongers, who had this country run, the way they wanted it!

    In this sense some of Thaksin's accusations are half truths, because even he dares to clearly accuse those who are the "cloak & dagger" leader and benefactors of it all!

    Did he simply fail like many others to grasp this fact, or does he stick sternly to the unwritten rules?

    And preferes not to point the stick at them?

    The Gestapo Szenario, is imho, widely over rated and far overvalued accusation of this group or better "branch" of the "Establishment & Elite" which has proven to be absolutely inefficient - which why Sondhi has survived and Abhisit could not even be scratched - their luck!

    Think, but then ... TiT!

    It's a struggle through the entire "Puu Yai" system, of course non of those who benefited over generations from this system are going to give this "golden goose" up as easily, no way!

    Think the dem's once tried to tackle this Problem already in Chuan's Time in the late Nineties....

    Think alone of how many "Generals" Thailand's forces have... add the "Ministry of inactive Posts", who is going to clean this all out in a single legislature period?

    This is the very base which builds the base of the political Problems in Thailand and at the same time the stage for Politicians like Thaksin, Chatichai and the like.

    No mentioning of the "Establisment" please. This is Thailand. There is a LM law.

  14. There is nothing wrong to see a country divided into 2 groups. Apart from a handful (Singapore, Brunei, Bhutan, etc) Most county are split into 2 (like UK, US, etc). That's why there is a government, and there is an opposition group checking on the government.

  15. Mao is also such a sick man to have to use arms against the Chinese Nationalist & Chinese Imperial. But the end of the day, the victor Mao was celebrated as a hero. All coup leader use arms to seize power too. Without fighting, do you think East Timor will gain their independence? What about the French Bastile?

    It a revolution, fighting and killing is unavoidable (unless you are Ghandi). I DO NOT support a revolution in Thailand now. However, I reserve the right to change my mind if the situation change.

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