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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. you are boring and your main aim always seem to be to prohibit any form of sensible arguments. And unfortunately we fall for it way too often.

    And added: And since the woman attacked she got what was coming to her. What is your problem exactly, that the red's wasn't allowed to attack whoever they wanted without them defending themselves?

    you are boring too.

    and no, my problem is that someone claim that the woman spit on the mens face. and that the woman later lie about that. or that the PTP edited the video and cut out the spitting scene with intention.

    for this i can't still see any evidence. i didn't do it before, but now is say it's a lie and who claims that is a liar. or a troll. a boring liar.

    i don't want to make here red propaganda. how that woman got her hair pulled, i have seen the videos many days ago, as it was fresh news. how the thai media misleading and false reported that incident. i read about days ago on bangkok pundit, i didn't bother to bring that here to the forum.

    but at the moment, the woman was an object to mock about, i thought i add some more information here. and because there is the fine difference that it was an other woman that spit on the ground and not the woman that got her hair pulled. thats is the FACT.

    that she spit on the mans face and blah, blah isn't true, it's propanganda spin, mud throwing, BS, but not that what happend.

    if i wanted to do i could expose that hair pulling hero much more earlier as yellow shirt. i didn't do it.

    but when i have to read here other BS, like the woman have been send to create a scene and all that, to make soldiers look back and so on. blames without proof, and still no evidence that she spit on the mans face. okay i can play the same. and i have the pictures. i inform myself before i claim something.

    can you forget all that diffent colours involved for a moment?:

    i honestly think, that the women went to that soldier line, to express their sorrow. they have been under the impression that other reds got killed. they are sad, desperate, in emotional stress. calling the soldiers that is enough, stop it. i am sure those women didn't burnt down the buses.

    i posted a picture in panorama view, before the both of them reach the army line, there is nothing between them, those two women and the soldiers. all the journalist are coming later, standing before on the side. the women walking across the battle field, to the trench of the heavy armed enemy to beg for peace or truce. they take each other by the hand and walk down that line.

    yeah and than that hero man steps in, feeling himself so strong with the army behind him, mocks them. makes sheep noises and ask "why enough already"?

    that is how i see the scene. can you follow me there? did i got it so wrong?

    what that man did is ugly, i can not justify that that and i can not understand why someone is trying to do that.

    Thanks. I agree with you.

    Thanks for posting a clear photo of the PAD boy.

    Now I know how he looks like.

  2. On the Thai TV a few minutes, more reporting from the Red Shirt Mob about the huge numbers of followers killed by the army...... the army collected the bodies and disposed of them , so they would never be found....

    I thought DStation was already censored by Mark.

    I don't think they will ever let us watch DStation again because the reds have some video clips they don't like.


    For the sake of peace in the land of fish & padi. Any mentioning of Thaksin over public media (local and foreign) should be banned. In 6 months, nobody will remember.

    Long live Mark.

  3. Boost international confidence by locking up the yellow thug terrorists and throwing away the keys. I neither support yellow or red but what is going on in this country is disgusting. The red supporters are arrested within days (and rightly so) and are still been held in prisons and army bases while the yellow leaders are told to leisurely take a stroll to the nearest cop shop, where they are charged with some petty stuff that we know will never carry any custodial sentence. If Abhisit is to gain any sort of respect internationally he should have clamped down on all these idiots a long time ago, unfortunately, he never will and we all know why, so does the rest of the world. One big joke.

    Good post.

    If you are going to have reconciliation and are genuinely trying to make things fair you either clamp down on both sides or none.

    This whole thing makes the present powers that be look utterly partisan to an outsider who spends even 5 minutes reading up about what has been going on for the last few years.

    Someone in TV suggested that there are kangaroo court in Africa, but not Thailand. Is this a fact?

  4. Edit:

    An additional interesting wiki tidbit found to bring things full circle.

    On April 12, 1980, Tolbert was overthrown by military mutineers in a coup d'état and was executed. Before the end of the month Tolbert's entire Cabinet had been put on trial in a kangaroo court and sentenced to death—with no right to be defended by a lawyer and no right to appeal to the verdict. In a horrific scene they were all but one publicly executed on a beach near Monrovia. The only cabinet member who escaped from being shot was the only minister of tribal origin, president to-be Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.

    History repeat itself?

    If this were to happen to Thaksin and his entire Cabinet, I am sure Newin is the only one that could get away.

    Newin "monkey-like" face qualifies him as a minister of tribal origin.

  5. Runaway former Thai PM Thaksin in Liberia

    Fugitive ex-Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra is in Liberia, Africa to explore Thai investment and cooperation, Star Radio of Liberia reported on Tuesday.

    Thaksin has held talks with Liberia's Vice President Joseph Boakai aimed at exploring avenues for a huge investment in Liberia.

    The radio quoted Thaksin as telling Boakai that it is his strong intention for Thailand to have good relations with African Countries.

    According to him, Thailand would like to share its success and failure in the areas of agriculture and poverty eradication.

    He said his group is interested in oil and mineral exploration and extraction, agriculture, telecommunication license and Lottery.

    The Thai billionaire arrived in Liberia early Tuesday and would continue his journey to Ivory Coast and other African Countries on Wednesday.

    Making remarks, Boakai welcomed Thaksin and delegation and urged the Thais to investment in Liberia as the country has all of the minerals.

    - THE NATION - 2009/04/23

    So, the roving Nicaraguan ambassador, responsible for drumming up investment opportunities for Nicaragua is slinking around West Africa trying to drum up investment opportunities for Thailand. Didn't take him long to expose his lying, deceitful ways to the Nicaraguans.

    My gf holds 3 passports Thai, US and NZ. The Thai immigration has no issue with her. Are you saying that Thaksin is the ONLY one that does not allow to hold other passports?

  6. thats all very suspicious for me. and than the poor quality reporting of The Nation and Bangkok Post. makes me not to believe a lot of other stories inthose so called newspapers. like that story that red shirts shooting and assault inncocent residents and killed them. evidence? because someone was wearing a red shirt? could be an agent provocateur. or anybody else. how they can ruled that out without proper investigation? as the team yellow did go after the airport The Nation care fully wrote that men "dressed as" yellow shirts hijacked a bus and it is not sure if they are PAD members or not. but red shirts shoot at innocent residents get in print without a doubt. other media outlets at the same time wrote about of organised attacks by groups of men in civilian clothes on the reds. could have been blue shirts, yellow shirts or camouflage shirts in disguise as residents. why aren't that suspects as well?

    And Elvis is actually Hitler faceoff.

    A rapist/muderer/bankrobber goes out to do a job; he has a yellow shirt; it is not sure if he is PAD or not.

    A rapist/muderer/bankrobber goes out to do a job; he has a red shirt; it is without doubt he is a UDD.

  7. On the Thai TV a few minutes, more reporting from the Red Shirt Mob about the huge numbers of followers killed by the army...... the army collected the bodies and disposed of them , so they would never be found....

    I thought DStation was already censored by Mark.

  8. The longer I live in Thailand, the better Cuba is starting to look ;-)

    Hey Havana is not a bad place.......for those of us who are older,,,,,, like living in a antique auto museum, and seeing all the same type of cars we used to make out in the back seats...... great for memories

    Just a quick question

    Which JA [same letters that start off jackass] is it that won't call his mother.????




    Do you know a guy call Tony JAa?

    Try google it


  9. Squareface saw an opening for "Dictator" since Charles Taylor was ousted.... Can't blame a guy for trying right? Blood Diamond for everyone!

    He's not got the qualifications to be a dictator. He's not a military general for starters.*

    Nicaragua...Liberia...Ivory Coast... Thaksin is racking up an impressive list of highly-desirable travel destinations lately.

    No more or less desirable than Thailand for a successful businessman.

    *See Thailand's recent history.

    TG will be openning new route this Summer. You guess it. Daily non-stop flight to Nicaragua...Liberia...Ivory Coast...

  10. ID cards specs required 32MB of usable memory

    If your company issues you shares at special prices as a part of your renumeration package and you then sell them on SET at market prices you'll have to pay tax. Everybody does, it's the law. You'll have to pay tax on the difference between your buying price and the market price on the day you registered them on SET, not the price you sell them three months later.

    That's what they taxed Thaksin's kids on.

    That is share given to employee as part of compensation package on top of general income.

    Thaksin kids bought the share from his father at 1 Baht. It was was given to his kid as part of a compensation package.

    You may argue where his kids gets the money to buy the share; it is obvious that his father gave them the money. There is nothing wrong giving money to your kids. It is not taxable in Thailand.

    Many people avoided tax using loop holes. There is nothing wrong with that. Eg. Thai govt collect 15% on interest if interest for that year is >20,000 baht. So people divide they money and open multiple accounts under their children names, and each account earns below 20,000 Baht in interest.

    It is obvious to the tax collector that children have no income, and only acts as a proxy for their parrents. There is nothing the law can do; unless your name is Thaksin.

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