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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. The 2007 Constitution was approved by the whole country, via a national referendum (can we even say that about the 1997 version?). No way you could tear it up legally. Only choice is to amend the parts that people don't like. Personally, I think both version make it far to easy to amend the constitution. I think that any change should also be approved by a national referendum, after passing through the parliament. But they forgot to ask me when they were writing it...lol

    You mean 65 million vote yes? I don't think so. I think only about 13 million (from my memory) vote yes, 10 million vote no.

    Also, the question on the referendum is bias.

    It ask the people to vote

    (A..) Yes, the newly proposed 2007 constitution or

    (B..) No constitution at all (because the old one has already been thorn; also imply that military continue to rule, as no fresh election can be held without constitution).

    In fact, it should ask the people if they would rather want:

    (A..) reinstead the existing 1997 constitution or

    (B..) the newly proposed 2007 constitution.

    which I am sure most people will choice (A..) (just my judgement).

    The USA had an early constitution of sorts, it had problems.

    A new one was written up and then a

    yes no vote was held for EACH state, and it was simple.

    Not a :

    do we go back to the last one or do we approve this one.

    Sometimes things are best left simple....

    It was perfectly fine for the voters to vote yes no.

    If no was the answer then more drafting would have been needed.

    And another vote.

    But the voters said yes. Enough of the voters voted to make it valid.

    It is NOW the law of the land.

    I personally think modifying '97 would have been the best idea at the time.

    I wasn't consulted.

    I agree with you. That is the way to go. Suggest changes, and let vote yes or no. If "No" vote, the current one is still running.

    However what I mean to say is that the army already burn the 1997 constituation in the 2006 coup. A "No" vote will lead to "No" constitution.

  2. The 2007 Constitution was approved by the whole country, via a national referendum (can we even say that about the 1997 version?). No way you could tear it up legally. Only choice is to amend the parts that people don't like. Personally, I think both version make it far to easy to amend the constitution. I think that any change should also be approved by a national referendum, after passing through the parliament. But they forgot to ask me when they were writing it...lol

    You mean 65 million vote yes? I don't think so. I think only about 13 million (from my memory) vote yes, 10 million vote no.

    Also, the question on the referendum is bias.

    It ask the people to vote

    (A..) Yes, the newly proposed 2007 constitution or

    (B..) No constitution at all (because the old one has already been thorn; also imply that military continue to rule, as no fresh election can be held without constitution).

    In fact, it should ask the people if they would rather want:

    (A..) reinstead the existing 1997 constitution or

    (B..) the newly proposed 2007 constitution.

    which I am sure most people will choice (A..) (just my judgement).

  3. April 2009

    After the Uprising

    by Thitinan Pongsudhirak

    Posted Apirl 19, 2008

    Thailand's contested democracy in the eyes of the UDD and beyond means that Establishment prerogatives and preferences have carried the day for too long.

    Having overcome an ominous uprising, Mr. Abhisit and his backers still appear reluctant to respect and recognize the claims and grievances of the red shirts. The pro-establishment bias in Thai society runs deep. Most movers and shakers have an incentive to see the Abhisit government succeed and to see Thailand move forward in a direction consistent with establishment interests. They heard the reds' noises but they discounted them on various grounds from gullibility and stupidity to financial opportunism. They resort to the comfort and convenience of seeing Mr. Thaksin as the sole force behind the reds. Now that Mr. Thaksin has been further disgraced and discredited during the red shirts' downfall, they will be tempted to conclude that all's normal, that the brief sound and fury seen in Thailand was just a passing nuisance.

    But the reds represented more than Mr. Thaksin. Their quest for the will of the majority to shine in a genuine democracy was real and relentless. Their efforts came to naught this time, but the anti-establishment sentiments behind them are likely to simmer and fester until they find an outlet somewhere else sometime down the road. The undercurrents against establishment forces are deep and wide in Thailand. The lack of recognition and accommodation will make them pent-up and potent.

    Thailand's ongoing transformation should not lead it to replicate the experience of Nepal, as the institution of the monarchy is integral to Thai history and identity. Nor does it want to follow in the footsteps of the Philippines, whose periodic people's power movements brought neither political stability nor economic vibrancy. And it should not turn the clock all the way back to end up in comparison to Burma's military dictatorship. Indonesia's democratic transition after decades of autocratic rule offers hope. Somewhere out there lies Thailand's organic and optimal longer-term destination.

    1. Discussion or reporting about the establishment should not be allow in ThaiVisa.

    2. Most Thai people do not know what happen to "the experience of Nepal". There is a news black-out in Thailand, and it should stay that way. Please we warn that anyone who speard the knowledge about "the experience of Nepal" are deemed to want to remove the power of the monachy, and will be charged for LM.

  4. Nakhon Ratchasima redshirts to rally next week

    Nakon Ratchasima red-shirted protesters will hold a mass rally on April 30 but will not wearing red shirts, its leader Chalong Sangratmekin said Monday.

    His group made the decision during a meeting of its core leaders from 32 districts on April 19 in the province's Wang Nam Khieu district, Chalong said.

    Chalong said, " We'll improve our strategies by no longer wearing in red and we won't make any troubles.

    Its core leaders will be given pamphlets, documents, VCDs and still photographs so that they would tell correct information to our supporters in the province.

    - THE NATION -

    Why not wear yellow and demand Mark to step down.

    Do you think PAD will sue UDD for copying their color?

  5. When the red shirts :

    Attacked and smashed the PM's car in Pattaya


    Stormed the ASEAN meeting and broke the doors to get in

    that was rioting. No question.

    The main issue at that point was when was Abhisit going to

    definitively exert control over the army and deal with it.

    It finally happened and with less than Thaksin's hoped for carnage in the streets.

    Lets forget the government sponsored blue shirts attack on unarmed redshirts the day before asean meeting where canceled. Also there where no armed protesters when they went trough security and into the resort. Of course there is a chance there would be no excess violence if the government didnt chose the confrontation line.

    What blue shirt? What yelloe shirt?

    All we know is that Red shirt cause trouble, and all red shirts caputred on photos & videos should go to jail.

  6. <deleted> about Kasit revoke Thaksin passport.

    Maybe I have been watching too much HBO. I thought another can just pick a fake one from one of the backstreet forgers (same day too).

    Try Kao San road. On top of fake degree, press pass, driving license, student card, teacher card, I am sure fake Thai passport is a penny a dozen.

    Well, there is something else more funny: can a Thai national use a Nicaraguan passport and stay Thai???

    Quite a few countries donot allow it and that means there is now maybe a person without Thai nationality running around and having land.....Seems like a golden opportunity to grab some of it or all.....

    Passport is just an identification document. It is not a citizenship document.

    If you take a look in your passport, there is an entry that state the nationality of the passport holder.

    So, I am not surprise if Thaksin's Nigcaraua diplomat passport print "NATIONALITY = THAI" in it. (Just my guessing).

  7. Maybe just maybe COMMON sense will play a roll this time around and the red shirts will do their best to keep things peaceful, let all this is case, the Tourist industry can't take to many more serious HITs like it has over the past six months or so, heaven forbid a closing of the Airport again. :o:D

    The red have learn now.

    Better shut the airport than shutting the streets.

    Now you know where the red will head to as a new protest ground.


  8. Bhum Jai Thai Party: Newin not behind Sondhi's ambush or blue clad protesters

    Bhum Jai Thai Party Spokesperson Supachai Jaisamut asserted that Newin Chidchob was not behind the assassination plot against media mogul Sondhi Limthongkul or blue clad protesters.

    Mr. Jittanart Limthongkul, the son of the media tycoon Sondhi Limthongkul earlier accused Newin Chidchob, an influential politician with a close relationship to the Party, of masterminding the assassination attempt to set up blue clad protesters.

    In response to the allegation, Mr. Supachai said that Mr. Jittanart was too imaginative. He asserted that Newin did not mastermind the ambush and had absolutely no association with the blue clad demonstrators.

    The spokesperson said the party would discuss the matter and would organise a press conference on 20 April 2009, adding that the time and venue would be confirmed later.

    In addition, Mr. Supachai said Bhum Jai Thai Party would like to see the nation peaceful while problems should be solved via parliamentary measures in order to avoid turmoil. Mr. Supachai said the Party never wanted to solve problems by violence.

    The spokesperson added that Newin's team of lawyers were now working on the proceedings and would file a lawsuit against United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) core leader Jatuporn Prompan, who earlier accused Newin of being behind the movement of blue clad protesters as well.

    - ThaiNews / 2009-04-19

    My money in on The PTV core being behind the assassination attempt.

    Especially Jatuporn.


    My money in on another group.

    However I do not dare to expand further.

  9. 13 pages and not one person wished him well or said they felt bad. i guess he was not very well respected or liked for that matter. i have not heard a single Thai person in the street express sorrow.

    Thais call that "som nam na"...

    sounds hard to understand but its true

    I heard my nana girl friends say "som nam na" too.

    I don't quite understand.

    Anyone want to expand on this term?

  10. i didnt know thaksin was a Dr.?

    is it a PhD or an MD?

    i knew that he had a rank in the police force i think it was pun tum ruat to, but never knew he was a doctor?

    Want a PhD. Just buy one from the internet. Or pick one up sameday from Kao San Road. A lot of would be English teacher in Thailand do that.

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