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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. 24 minutes ago, Paul Laycock1 said:

    Why the hell would I need any of that. I’m just crossing the border not actually going anywhere, just crossing the bridge and coming straight back to get another 90 day stamp. Work permit? What planet are you on.

    Planet earth, suggest you actually use Google to good effect, you ARE leaving Thailand and will NOT be allowed back again without any of this, ignore at your own peril.

    • Like 2
  2. 47 minutes ago, Paul Laycock1 said:

    I watch the television and read google. Not seen anything about all borders being closed.

    Supposing the border is open, have you investigated if Laos are allowing people in, do you have the COVID free certificate (valid for only 72 hours), the required 100,000 USD COVID insurance and a Thai work permit?

    The restrictions on movement, especially foreigners, applies to the land borders as well as the airports.

    • Like 1
  3. Thanks for the replies, I will take some measurements later on today and let you know what they are.

    Tried to buy a new contactor / overload relay earlier, but the shop only have the S-T10 in 200-240v range, this might be slightly underpowered, although it does state it is ok for 1P motors up to 1.5hp on the side of it, guess it would do no harm to try it.

    2 hours ago, Metropolitian said:

    Are you able to do some measuring with a voltmeter?

    If yes; At the end of the 4hours run check what the emaux is feeding to the contactor on pen A1 and A2.


    If not; Do you feel a ticking at the end of the 4 hours run at the timer altogether with the chatter of the contactor ?

    Assuming that your model is the one with the round-dial-timer.

    I'll do some measurements later, not sure if there is ticking, it is not easy to hear much other than the contactor and pump when it is chattering, yes, it is the one with the round timer.

  4. 21 minutes ago, JackThompson said:


    A COVID test solves the whole issue of folks coming in and safe flights - just a matter of having things "open" for visitors to do when they get here.

    I tend to disagree, currently a COVID test shows that you are clear of the virus at the time of testing only, actually getting the results of the test differ from a few hours to 48 hours +, unfortunately there are no guarantees that the tested person hasn't contracted the disease after the testing and getting the results / travelling.

    If and when they manage to get instant testing, then this would help enormously, it would then be a matter of cost and who pays.

    • Like 1
  5. Morning, I recently had to have the salt water chlorinator unit & cell replaced on my swimming pool due to a cell failure and it made economical sense to replace all.

    The original unit was a Viron V25 (Astralpool) which had a built in electronic timer for the pump start and stop functions.


    The new unit is an Emaux SSC50-T, with a built in timer clock for the pump start and stop functions.


    Motor is a single phase, 220v, 1.5hp Astralpool Alaska Plus model.


    The power from the chlorinator unit goes directly to a Mitsubishi S-N12 Magnetic contactor and motor overload relay, before going to the pump.


    Since replacing the chlorinator unit, the pump starts up perfectly OK, runs for the 4 hour cycle with no issues, however, at the end of the cycle instead of going off the contactor starts to chatter, as if the voltage feeding it has dropped to a point where the coil is on the edge of being neither properly on, or properly off, eventually the contactor de-energizes and will be fine until the end of the next cycle, this chattering only happens at the end of each cycle, it does not chatter when starting the pump or at any time during the run cycle.

    With the Viron V25 unit, this never happened, it is only since the Emaux model has been fitted.


    If the pump is manually started and stopped by either the on/off switch on the control box panel, or on the chlorinator unit, it works correctly, with no chattering of the contactor.

    Turning the pump on via the timer for say 15 minutes, it turns off correctly, with no chattering of the contactor.

    It seems to only do it after the full cycle of 4 hours.

    I have checked all of the electrical connections to make sure they are all tight and are making good contact.


    Has anybody ever experienced this, or have any suggestions as to what could be causing it?


    My thoughts are the following, but really do not know if the truth be known.


    1. Polarity - Perhaps when the new unit was fitted, the polarity has been reversed on either the input to the unit, or on the input to the contactor (Being AC, would this matter and if it did, then surely the contactor would not energize?)

    2. Heat related, the pump room is small and not ventilated, so heat builds up, especially at this time of the year, thinking maybe that when the timer reaches the end of the cycle the power is not fully released due to expansion of something internally?


    I can solve the ventilation fairly easily, by drilling holes in the wall and fitting a wall fan to cool the chlorinator unit and will probably do this anyway.


    Worst case, I can purchase and fit a new contactor and overload relay, although this model has been replaced with the S-T12 version and I'd have thought that if this was at fault it would show the same symptoms when starting or running?

  6. 11 minutes ago, pineapple01 said:

    Funny thing is i went past a Chang Owned distributor place and they still load up Shopkeeps trucks.its near a Police Station, so i recon its an area thing. Up counry Thais dont take much notice of Nannie State anyway.

    It is a regional thing, not every province has banned alcohol sales.


    In fact it is a 'smart' move from central government to not place a blanket ban, it relieves them of some of the inevitable political pressure that the Chang and Singha empires etc. will pour down on to them as times goes on!


    Still think that it is all OTT, nowt wrong with having an evening tipple or two.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, GeorgeCross said:


    why not just test the 2800?


    or do they intend to lock that area down and let it burn through the foreign population?





    They say their intention is to test the 2,800 Foreigners, how and why is unsure.


    9 minutes ago, bahtboy said:

    Yes, a map is definitely needed.

    I am sure they will produce one.


    5 minutes ago, thaiflyer1 said:

    If they set up on central road getting down central road to go to Big C Extra should be fun..........thinking of those of us on the darkside

    Seems the checkpoint on Central road is exactly at Big C extra, it will be interesting to see if the back roads are closed, there are many ways to get to Big C extra other than Central road, in fact I don't think I've ever entered from that way.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, darksidedog said:

    The "FreshFood" supermarket on Soi Siam by the fuel station, is actually not bad, though like Tops, a lot more pricey than Tesco Lotus or Big C. More expensive on most things than even Foodland actually, but a fairly wide range of fresh stuff.

    If the railway road is the final cut off, then even the Lotus near Numchai will be out of reach, (though allowing darksiders access to it and shutting the entrance there to Sukhumvit would make sense),and not sure the locals can afford to be paying 40 or 50% extra for their groceries at Tops and Freshfood right now.

    Hopefully some of the finer points of practicality will be in the final details.

    Never been to that one, so cannot comment, I might give it a whirl and was going by the map, so was discounting Tesco by Numchai, although you are quite right, it would not be difficult to make it accessible.

    There certainly isn't much choice if you consider the darkside only, hopefully as you say, all will be revealed once the details are released.

    • Like 2
  9. 31 minutes ago, smedly said:

    like many others posting on here they are expecting sick people to be in a hospital here - they obviously aren't grasping what happens here when someone reports they are ill with a fever - they are ordered to go home and deal with it

    Most countries are doing this, basically, if you are unwell and have covid like symptoms, stay at home, self isolate and only call for help if it becomes essential.

    • Like 1
  10. 37 minutes ago, smedly said:

    tell me the steps involved to record death rate


    note - people reporting ill are most likely sent home to isolate and that's the end of it live or die - so explain how Thailand is measuring the mortality rate for CV-19

    That is a question few of us can answer, however, it would become increasingly obvious if people were dying in the same percentages as Europe, in this modern age it is impossible to hide everything, social media would be buzzing with it, people that you and I know would be affected by it, or know somebody that is.

    I've no doubt that the actual number of deaths is higher than the official number, but would almost guarantee that is nothing close to Europe, an additional 700+ deaths a day would be hard, no impossible, to hide.

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  11. 3 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    All the queuing for tests in hospitals sounds like madness, a sure way to spread the virus

    Yes, this was a major factor for us as the risk was way too high to take, we ended up with 7 going to drive thu's and 43 tested by a travelling team from WMC, nobody tested positive from the tests, this was due to one person testing positive earlier and these 50 had some form of contact, the person that tested positive was quarantined in a private hospital in BKK, never showed any symptoms at all and was tested negative last Friday.

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