My kitchen is not that big , certainly not big enough for a microwave and a convection oven.
At home (europe) , combination ovens are easy to find.
In Thailand , there are very few.
Yes HomePro (and others) have microwave with grill , but that is a heating element on top.
This is not suited to make bread.
The only ones I can find are these :Microwave Convection | HomePro Online
The only affordable is that Samsung 7490 B but with hot air which is not good.
The one I saw a while back is not even in shown anymore on that webpage.
2 HomePro's near me don't have it , so I can't see how it is heated.
The manual is not that clear and doesn't say anything about baking bread.
Both ovens are pretty big too ! 50 x 50 x 30 , that is BIG !.
Of course I want to microwave , but also bake bread.
Now, I put makro bread in the fridge but that is not so good.
The "bread" from that big Thai company I cannot mention,
you know that "structure on a plantation" , is very bad.
Since months now it has a chemical taste especially at both ends
of the bread. Loosening agent to get it out of the molt ?
Emailed them about it , but no answer.
So time to try and bake my own bread.
Anyone have a smaller combination oven , with the traditional
opper and lower heating element ?