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Everything posted by petedk

  1. " Passport already certifies your date and place of birth. ' I agree entirely, but it often seems that Thai government officers like to have proof of proof. You can't marry without an affidavit with freedom to marry, yet when you apply for a visa they need your original marriage certificate and the affadavit. When I renewed my driving license I had to shoow my passport to get in and start the process and again at every stage.
  2. It's a new requirement. My friend retired 2 years ago and din't need it. I retired 4 months ago and it was the first thing they asked for. I have 2 months to get one or I lose the social security.
  3. To be honest I think they should do this with all foreigners who actually live ere more than 3 months. They could then integrate the pink card ID number into their stupid IT payment systems, so that foreigners are not always barred from using some applications and payment gateways.
  4. See my comment. I need a pink ID card to continue my social security. Thailand is changing and the pink ID card is used as proof of residency more and more
  5. I thought the same as you until I tried to continue my social security payments after my reirement. "Sorry, you need the pink ID card and yellow book." I have applied 3 times over the past 5 or 6 years, but have beenn "rejected" each imes as "they were too busy." I am in the process of applying now. I need marriage certificate, certified translation of my passport, blue house book ( the house is in my wife's name). Anything else? I will find out tomorrow when I go to the district office for the third time in 2 months.
  6. What he probably means is that the herbs soothe the symtoms caused by PM 2.5. It is impossible for them to block the dust from enetering the lungs. The best solution for any illness is prevention., not treatment. They need to tackle PM 2.5 from the source
  7. ALL the Thai people I have spoken to about this know that it is all a game. Not one person even believes he is sick. Why on earth don't they stop this expensive and ridiculous charade?
  8. Tried to join, but it's invite only.
  9. Really??? I thought they peed in bottles and then threw the bottles away.
  10. Why don't they leave the poor man alone? He must be on his death bed to be in a special ward for so long.
  11. This is terrible if true, but it isn't so uncommon as people believe. When I was teaching oral English classes at the university, there were several stories from the students of Thai men meeting single mothers and then sexually assaulting their daughters. The mothers were either so blindly in love with the guys or desperate for their money that they nearly always refused to believe the daughters. This case may well be different and I am keeping an open mind.
  12. Interesting subject. I speak Thai quite well and many Thais appreciate that, especially government offices which I have used a lot of recently Taxi drivers usually come with remarks such as "Oh how many girlfriends do you have?". I tell them that I am married but but only speak English with my wife. I learnt Thai so as to be able to join in converstions with my wife's family and friends, plus to be able to get around outside Bangkok and other big cities. I was just talking 30 minutes ago to my friend who is looking for a Thai girlfriend. He also speaks Thai and he told me that many single girls are simply not interested in him because he can speak Thai. The reason being "He must have had many Thai girlfriends." So I guess different people have different opinions about foreigners speaking Thai. Anyway, I believe anyone living in another country should make an effort to learn the basics of the local language.
  13. I have just been to the local Social Security office and they absolutely insist that the yellow book and pink ID card is required. Do you have a link or something definite that I can use as proof that it isn't required?
  14. I hope Apple of stocked up on iPhones.
  15. It is correct that you cannot apply for a new visa while in Thailand, but..... I retired in September and was on Non-B visa. The day after my contract terminated my employer went o cancel my work permit and gave me the letter of proof of cancellation. I also had a letter from my employer confirming my retirement. CW gave me a 60 day extension based on marriage. I had all the necessary documents, bank statement and photos. Today, I am going to do a 1 year extension. There is absolutely no need to leave the country. It took me 4 trips and something like 30 hours at Chaeng Wattana to find out about all this. PS. During those 4 trips I found out for sure that different officers have different requirements. On my last trip I got all 3 of the officers talking together about the different requirements.
  16. Everyone knows that. Wait until February when he will have a miraculous recovery and go home. Why don't they just stop the charade and waste of tax payers money and let him go home now?
  17. But you still have to register the sim with your passport. Right?
  18. Most people have good roaming deals nowadays, so it isn't necesary to buy a local sim. Would they have to show passport and register the passport number to the sim? Maybe this is the "tracking device" that they once wanted all foreigners to have. For their own safety of course!
  19. My condolences to the victims. ONE Chinese lady is killed and security is beefed up all over Bangkok and other parts of the country. 300+ people (including foreigners) are killed on the roads every day. What is done about that? No need to answer. We all know.
  20. You are correct. Depending on the reason for denied entry of course. The airline is at check-in will check your visa, passport expiry date and maybe other stamps regarding denied entry. If you are stopped at immigration and denied entry for any of these reasons, the airline is required to pay for your flight home. That is why they are strict at check-in. Also if there are too many breaches by the airline, then they will be blacklisted. Of course the airline will try to get you to pay, but by law they have to pay under these circumstances.
  21. I have noticed at nearly all car parks the security guards walk around writing down the registration numbers of cars. I though it was just to give them something to do.
  22. Yes, I have been using MRT elder card for years and it is 50% off . I originally got one from BTS and I topped up with 500 Baht. Went through the gate and security took away my card. No refund! It'll be interesting to see if the new government get their "Flat rate of 20 Baht" through. Will this be for Thais only? Will there be dual pricing and foreigners charged 4 , 5 or 10 times the Thai rate as in National Parks?
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