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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 9 hours ago, ezzra said:

    And all the while the sultan wannabe Erdogan  pointing finger and accusing  Israel accusing them of occupation and land grab, double standard and hypocrisy at play...

    Total Cyprus is 9.251 km²  , of which the Turks now occupy 3.355 km² = 36,27 %. Before the Turkish invasion it was a 17 %


    After a coup attempt by Green nationalists the Turkish army invaded northern Turkey to protect their fellow-Turks there. On the basis of the Agreement between community leaders Rauf Denktaş and Glafcos Clerides under the auspices of United Nations, 196,000 Greek Cypriots living in the north were exchanged for 42,000 Turkish Cypriots living in the south


    https://www.loc.gov/law/help/cultural-property-destruction/cyprus.php  Cyprus: Destruction Of Cultural Property and Violations of International Law Of the United States Law Library of Congress

    ·         500 Greek Orthodox churches and chapels have been pillaged, vandalized, or demolished; 

    ·         133 churches, chapels, and monasteries have been desecrated;  

    ·         the whereabouts of 15,000 paintings are unknown; and

    ·         77 churches have been turned into mosques, 28 are being used by the Turkish military forces as hospitals or camps, and 13 are used as agricultural barns


    Just a limited number of disappeared fresco’s and mozaics were found back at the international art markets

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, flossie35 said:

    It's not fake. There has to be a border between the EU and a neighbouring territory outside the EU. The border can't be between the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland as that would be against the Good Friday Agreement. The only alternative is the one in the agreement signed by BJ and which he now wants to rat on. That could work with proper preparation but as is normal with this bunch of incompetent bunglers the preparation hasn't been done. People have rightly turned against brexit which apart from being highly damaging politically and economically is very difficult to put into effect. The referendum was advisory and this appallingly bad advice should never have been taken.

    Correct. the EU outside border OR between S +N Ireland or... somewhere else, for instance between the remain and Leave border in Northern Ireland, or.. in the sea between N Ireland and the UK or.. south of the Gealic Confederation ( S + N Ireland + Scotland ) or ....

    But this all was very clear to Boris the Liar, when he signed that agreement.

    • Haha 2
  3. 3 hours ago, dexterm said:

    If the Palestinians don't have a permanent peace, neither does Israel.


    So what do you propose should happen to the 4.5 million indigenous Palestinians living within the area Israel wants to annex?.. ethnic cleansing Vers 3.0?... to make way for colonialist European immigrants?


    Whatever perfidious deal UAE makes with Israel, the problem is not going away.

    All Palestinians need do is remain exactly where they are in their homeland and increase in numbers, until a concerted effort from Israel's largest trading partner the EU or a new US administration that is serious about actually creating the conditions for a permanent peace, puts pressure on Israel to see sense and give up its expansionism in order to live side by side with its neighbors.


    Israel wants 3 things: a Jewish State, democracy, and the West Bank. It can only have two of them.

    Till now the Palestinians even refused any jew living in that area.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, SpaceKadet said:

    And just ask yourself. Who created this Hate, Loathing and Poverty...

    First there where the Turks, then British, and at the last Israelis.

    It's difficult to be rich and happy when somebody always invades you land.


    1834: Looting of the jewish quarter of Safed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1834_looting_of_Safed

    1947 Manama riot against the Jewish community of Manama, in the British Protectorate of Bahrain, on December 5, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1947_Manama_riots

    And many after. Think of the Great-Mufti of Jerusalem, who even escaped to Nazi-Germany, set u a Muslim battalion in Bosnia, and only had one wish: clear Palestine of jews, the Nazi way.

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    • Confused 1
  5. 6 hours ago, dexterm said:

    By "their country's future" are you referring to the unelected dictators who run the UAE?

    I wonder if they would allow a peaceful Palestinian Lives Matter demonstration in Dubai or Abu Dhabi?


    The formula for peace has been on the table for decades. (67 borders, shared Jerusalem, recognition of Palestinian refugees). Israel could have relations with the whole Arab and Muslim world, if they did not greedily want their cake and eat it too. They want to annex more land but not the indigenous Palestinians who live there.


    Israelis will be forever looking over their shoulders, and will not have permanent peace until they address the elephant in the room...4.5 million Palestinians under illegal occupation for 53 years in apartheid conditions without civil rights.

    Just read History:

    The jews bought huge areas of land from Arab land owners living in Damascus etc, never bothering with their arid land on the other side of the Jordan.

    A large part was arid, semi desert, and in fact from the Ottoman empire. After the war, as so often, enemy capital was annexed by the winner = Britain and France. When the British left, the Jews accepted a separation, but as ususal, the Arabs, inclusive those, who lived there = Palestinians, refused all. A war started with the aim of the Arabs to push all hews into the sea. Kill, Kill, Kill.. so the local Palestinians were asked to leave, so the Arab armies had free movement to do.

    Unfortunately it went different: the Jews won, and conquered area originally in the UN plan for the Palestinians. And as so often, the winner takes it all: remember the British/Yanks, British/Australians, Spanish + Portugese in Southern America: they took it all. The Sowjets: who pushed the Germans and Poles out of a big part of their territory, direction West. Even the Thais annexed the Lanna kingdom.

    About 700,000 jews were forced out of Arab territory, where they sometimes already lived over 2500 years. A 400.000 Palestinians left what is now Israel, and fled to refugee camps. When the locals there discovered the UNWRA was supporting the refugees, a 300.000 locals also joined in, getting UNWRA aid. This since 1949, latest a US$ 1,3 BIllion/yr. The Jews... got nothing.


    Who is grasping what ?

    • Like 2
  6. 6 hours ago, dimitriv said:

    After Brexit everything will be better for the UK. They can blame nobody for their poverty anymore. They will have control over their own fishing water and the UK industry will florish like it never did before.

    Fishing waters: Yes, but fishing rights are sold to others.

    British Industry ? ? Which ? ? Most are in foreign hands... look at the British car industry... 

    • Like 2
  7. 6 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    It’s a fair bet that these industries are also reliant on tariff free trade and time critical supply chains across the EU. 

    So... relocate to somewhere inside the EU. BMW-Mini goes to Borne- prov Limburg- NL.

    While the British are discussing FISH ( yes, of all ... F I S H ) , the Europeans discuss industrial production (re-)allocation.

    Next: financials = no €uro-business outside €uro-land.

  8. 7 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Hopefully the UK will stop the remaining payments of the 30 Billion remaining from the divorce deal as well, until a fair, mutually beneficial trade deal that respects UK sovereignty is agreed. 

    Stop per 1 Jan 20201 all payments tothe UK: no EU supported and subsidized programs, no pensions, nothing. Even not the rent payments of the London office of the Euro Medicin Agency.

    Start any anti-dumping regulations to UK products imported into the EU.

    Schengen visa per 1 Jan 2021 for all British, who want to visit the EU. (Ask your Thai neighbour, what it means) .

    And stop all trading of OUR MONEY ( €) in the UK. No pensions via the City anymore.


    • Haha 1
  9. 12 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

    So did you vote for a Brexit with continued access to the single market or did you vote for a Brexit on WTO terms?


    The English voted for a "rule Brittania".. Unfortunately, that is a century ago. Economy in UK down 20,4%, France 13,8%, Italy 12,4%, Germany 10,1%. GBP from €1,20 in Feb towards € 1,12 in May-Aug. Well done. Helps to absorb the WTO import duty of UK goods into the EU. Just 4 months to go !

  10. 23 minutes ago, chilly07 said:

    Bravo the Saudi's The more that stand up to Trump and his land grabbing friends the better. Now about those in country human rights violations!

    Just read the history of the 20th century of what we now call Saudi-Arabia: one big conquest and land grabbing for the Wahabites to get in control of the entire peninsula. Even the Hashemites were thrown out of Mekka and Medina. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Arabia

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