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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 5 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    Ah yes, Lend - Lease. Signed into law by the President of The United States on March 11 1941. By which time the immediate threat of invasion had rather subsided.


    If you are going to argue "robblok" you could at least try to do so from some basis of factual knowledge!

    You forget a lot of US help before, like the Destroyers for Bases Agreement, and a LOT of supply of weapons, and other needed material to fight the Germans.  In a fact an act of war of the US against Germany starting in 1939.

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  2. 10 hours ago, trucking said:

    If the Scots want independence why not ?  But don't ask them because they might fluff it again.


    You have to put it to the English. Do you think Scotland should be independent ...yes or no ?


    Problem sorted and Scotland becomes independent. Where's the problem ?


    The only difficulty arises if Scotland joins the EU as an independent nation.


    That would , in the end lead to a hard border between Scotland and the rest of the British Isles.


    If everyone is o.k. with that , then let it happen. 

    But in inter-EU-border with Ireland.

  3. 11 hours ago, crazykopite said:

    SNP only have 45% of the vote share that tells me only 45% of good Scottish folk want independence that tells me there is not a majority in Scotland for independence. I think she pushing it through as come the next elections SNP vote will be even lower than the 45% my own personal view is those who want Independence should pack there bags wherever they live abroad and move back home as Nicola will need all the help to just break even in the economy if they become independent. The loss of income just from the withdrawal of military personnel and the 10s of 1,000s of civilians who are employed in the Submarine base would be an absolute disaster for the region . The grass is not always greener on the other side .

    A vote for SNP does not have to be equal to a vote for independance.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

    In many countries politicians aren't allowed to hold any other nationality, because it can cause a conflict of interest.I perceive Israel as like an overseas territory of America. When Israel says jump, DC says how high? It's behind wars in the ME in the last 20 years, getting rid of Israel's enemies.

    As far as religion goes, I'm a staunch atheist, many problems through history have been caused by religion, it's divisive.

    The speaker of the House in Netherlands is a Moroccan born lady, Arib. Probably the best in decades.

    The Mayor of Rotterdam is a Moroccan born man, Abouthaleb arrived in NL as a 17 y old boy. Even the anti-islam party Leefbaar Rotterdam ( livable Rotterdam) does not oppose him anymore, as it was THIS mayor, who stopped the Turkish minister to enter NL against the will of the Dutch government. 

    Their loyalty is beyond any doubt: their appointments in Netherlands

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

    Germany under Hitler wanted “Lebensraum im Osten”, which translates to living space in the east. Apparently Putin is looking for “Lebensraum im Westen”, living space in the west. I’m not sure at all if the USA and/or Europe would interfere if Putin decided to annex Belarus.

    Putin has "Lebensraum enough, but wants a buffer between Russia and the West.

  6. 6 hours ago, vogie said:

    Bully boy Barnier cannot seem to understand that the British waters belong to Britain and untill he does, which is highly unlikely, there can be no way to any agreement. A blind man can see that, Barnier doesn't want a deal. 

    about what ? Fish ? ? ? ?


    You mean: the financials of the City of London, the British make industry. In 4 months + one week hit by a 10% import duty when activities into the EU.


    FISH ? ? Only something of interest in the British press.


    Even a stupid child could know, Boris Cummings was not interested in any deal. Even when today an agreement is reached, it still has to pass the national parliaments of all 27 EU member states. Only one who wants to hurt UK competition into the EU or the Financians in London and the deal is off.

    Therefore in the EU we hardly hear anything anymore about the Brexit deal, as all already know the outcome: a NO deal.

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  7. 2 hours ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

    What is his connection with Germany that German doctors were given access to him in Russia?

    1) As there were no Thai, Chinese, US, Canadian, Australian, Iranian, Israeli, etc etc, but only German docters available, what's your guess ? ?

    2) You think, there would not be any coordination behind the screens between several potential governments, like between Germny and France, with Merkel speaking Russion fluently ( ovbligatory in the DDR) and Putin speaking German fluently ( former KGB-officer stationed in the DDR ) ?

    • Like 2
  8. a) For igniting ammonium nitrate not so much is needed: a small explosion with a 1/2 kg of dynamite is sufficient. We used lots of that stuff in Nigeria to blow up rocks in road building. So, a few grenades.. would be enough as starter.

    b) The BIG question is not: did explosives of whatever militia or group caused this explosion, but… why so much and so long 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate were stored at one place = port of Beirut, nearly completely in control by Hezbollah , an organisation, which is caught red--handed in trying to store ammonium nitrate also on other places on the world ! Did Hezbollah reserved this pile of terrorist grade explosives to use whenever it pleased them ? As THAT is the question !

    • Sad 1
  9. 18 hours ago, rcummings said:

    didn't pose the kind of threat that a democratic Belarus would. What's to stop Putin from sending in the troops and taking the country over?

    Yes, a real democratic open and free election in Russia is Putin's biggest nightmare, but.. invading Belarus might be his second.

    Remind: it is not a 45% who lost towards a 52% of the regime, but probably a 80+%, who wants a complete change. Putin, as former KGB agent stationed in the DDR for sure will have heard the stories of invading Warsaw pack troops in the Tsjechoslowak spring revolution in July 1968. How he would like to have hundreds of thousands Russian troops to come home with stories about election fraud, massive violent oppression of the peaceful demonstrating people and a president, who tells fairy tales ?


    Putin needs economic prosperity, and for that he needs oil & gas export especially to Europe. Will the Europeans have the guts to protest and stop their purchasing, making with that Trump very happy, as now the USA now has to pay for the defence of Europe, while European €uro’s help to rebuild the Russian armed forces, and make the suppression in Syria possible .

  10. 21 hours ago, dexterm said:

    But the Palestinians are still there ain't they, despite all Israel's ethnic cleansing and discriminatory apartheid and immigration laws. And they outnumber Israeli Jews from the Jordan to the Med. It's just a matter of time before the racist Zionist project fails. A minority has never managed to successfully colonize and rule over a majority indigenous population.

    Teh Israeli's are in fact at war with teh Palestinians ( especially Hamas). 'Kill the jews" and "push them into the sea", but never... "how can we peacefully live together in the land of Abraham, we both claim as our origin father". 

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  11. 9 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

    Clearly you didn't understand the physical geography or you wouldn't have written something as utterly nonsensical as:

    But now I am intrigued. Where will this Wales/Scotland border checkpoints be physically located? 

    At the same place as between Wales and the EUafter transport via sea or overland via England..... So difficult ? Will change, when S+N Ireland, Scotland and Wales form the "Gealic confederation" ( like Belgium is now: 4 entities) 

    • Like 2
  12. 9 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Please read this slowly. If Scotland leaves the UK and joins the EU, do you think there will be no need for any form of customs border between Scotland and Wales/Northern Ireland? You think the EU will just let goods flow freely between Wales (which is part of the UK) and Scotland (which would be part of the EU)?  


    I'm sure Barnier would love that!

    Same regulation as between Northern Ireland and the rest op the UK: a customs border in between ( despite Boris the Liar likes to call it different).

    2) What Barnier loves... I hope his wife is interested, but what counts is the mandate he got from the EU Council = heads of Government of the 27 remaining EU member states. An agreement has to pass them and after.. the 27 national parliaments of each EU member state... Just one, who wants to kill the UK car export into the EU, or the financial services of the City into the EU and we have a No Deal Brexit ( in 24 weeks )

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  13. 20 hours ago, nausea said:

    Nationalism may be getting in the way of rational thinking. The Scots are always gonna have a bigger say being part of the UK, than being part of some conglomerate called the EU. Up to them. England will probably be wealthier, if less influential, without them. 

    The Scots have now nothing to say, as all is done by Londoners. When EU member state nr 28, they will be heard.

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