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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

    Although does your royal family not actually contribute to society? That is the problem we have in the UK - far, far too much spent on Betty herself, then all the hangers on, attendants, flunkies and countless people that the taxpayer never hears of but has to pay for. If we must suffer the royal family, they need a good culling moving forward. 

    THE difference between NL and the UK: the latter lives in the far past.

    Here even our crown price can be spotted with friends buying an ice cream.. of go by bike to ....  We will see who is the first boy-friend she will appear (in public...) 

    Or in the public seats of the House of Commons  see 


    No paparazzi, as hardly any Dutch interested, so no newscrooks ... Or as our King W.A says: "my daughters are followed - on distance - by servicemen. I get a report, but NOT if my daughters have a kiss or so... "


    And if... only on special occasions...on bike. https://blauwbloed.eo.nl/artikel/2020/05/zien-royals-op-de-fiets 

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  2. 4 hours ago, nauseus said:

    The fact the Thatcher manged to get a rebate proves that we were being ripped off from the start.


    Blair manged to give some of this back and if we had stayed in then it would have disappeared entirely. 


    Your rebate figure is wrong, as is your so-called "shortfall" theory - if we pay no contributions we will keep about 13 billion straight away.

    You mean: the EU accepted the blackmail and pressure of Thatcher. 

    For net contribution: I understand you do not believe your own House Of Commons, but.. according to them, the net UK contribution is around GBP 8 billion ( seen EU imports from UK 290 B, a 3% import levy is worth more. And the reality.. it's a LOT more.. ) 

    UK contr to EU, HoC Lib CBP 7886 of 24 June 2019, p 3 .jpg

    average import duty into the EU, source HoC lib imp-exp statistics.jpg

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  3. 7 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

    Fog in the channel. Europe cut off.

    People living in the EU will be able to source alternatives to UK produce which will be tariff free. So probably not that much of a big deal for them.

    Ah fishing. The Holy Grail of Brexiteers. Many of those French fishermen bought a quota license from UK fishermen. They will still be able to fish in UK waters.

    The German car industry was quite clear. Protecting the single market was the priority for them. They will still have a domestic market of 350 million to sell cars to. But those car manufacturers in the UK are going to have a tough time. A small domestic market and tariffs to the EU. Ironically German car manufacturers might see increased car sales. Someone in the EU who is thinking of buying a Nissan for example can now get a German car for about the same price.

    Balanced trade deal?


    The UK’s new trade deal with Japan commits it to tougher restrictions on state aid than the ones it is currently offering the EU in the Brexit talks, potentially undermining its negotiating position with Brussels.


    What was that thing you were saying about sovereignty?


    domestic EU market = 450 million + many associated countries.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    I think most of us never doubted Boris would get Brexit done.  But which version of Brexit.  He promised so many from "the easiest deal ever" to "oven ready" even to the point of signing the withdrawal agreement and now trying to renege on it.


    I understand he is trying to sound macho before folding and agreeing a deal which he will almost certainly do.  

    2021: The British discover, they are now only English.

    2022: The English discover, their industry is in disaster. Want to apply for an association with the EU. The Gaelic Confederation votes against.

    2023: Theresa May + David Cameron are asked to beg in Brussels for a new association, or better EU membership. Ukraine and Belarus use their veto: first these countries...

    2030: England is allowed a junior EU membership. No funds out of EU, no voting rights, and sign for at least 25 years silent membership. Only two British oppose: Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings. They could not follow other leading Brexiteers, who organised their finances much better after 2021, when all got the idea, it might go wrong.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

    Not everyone wanted Boris and half the country didn't want Brexit.  Johnson won the last election for various different reasons based on his usual lies and false promises, helped massively by a pathetic opposition party.  He ended up with a massive majority which means he can pretty much push through anything he wants to and the British people can only sit on their hands and rue the day they allowed this to happen.  Truly shameful.


    However now Johnson has had a warning from the USA that if he continues on his quest to break international law and jeopardize the Good Friday Agreement,  they will block any trade deals with the US.  Raab is in Washington now squirming away trying to assure them that it isn't going to happen.  Also last night Johnson was rowing back furiously on the threat himself.  We can expect yet another U-turn no doubt.


    And under pressure Boris admitted that the world beating track and trace system he lauded was failing miserably.  He was also forced to admit that they had failed on their testing facilities which is crippling the countries efforts to get back to some sense of normal.  We can expect harsher shut down restrictions to come later today.  Johnson and his cronies have failed on everything so far and there is nothing to indicate that is going to change anytime soon.



    The "cleverness" of the British election system: the winner takes it all.

    That the British, after over 25 years experience with Boris the Liar, still voted for him.... that's something we will see the coming 6 months... WTO "third country" import duty, outside all EU combined organisations, Schengen visa, international driver licence + insurances

    • Like 2
  6. 19 hours ago, scammed said:

    a devalued pound might just be what england need

    to be competitive.

    nations cant just devalue on a whim these days,

    but with this method no one can raise objection,

    and england can export on the cheap

    Look to what happened the last years: when the UK was invited to join the €uro, 1 GBP = € 1,71. In 2016: € 1,35-1,40, April-Aug € 1,12-1,13 and at present € 1,08-1,09. In my young years... 1 GBP was even DM 9,70 or.. € 4,88

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  7. I donot know, what the influence, official, but especial unofficial, is of the British Queen/King on Barbedos. I can imagine the position of a member of the Supervisory Board in a PLc of Ltd...

    As Dutch national and quite royalistic, I am very happy with our king, but especially Argentinian origin queen. One of the advantages is, they are not till next election, but think of the position of their children ( and our future queen) and even their grand kids. That is exactly the horizon I would like a normal government to oversee ... and not only to look how to win next election.

    For me even, they should have the right to speak out more about several situations...

  8. 3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    You may be right in your theories. But you ignore the revolver the EU apparently put on the table regarding NI.


    It could be argued Johnson and his team should never accepted that and been wise to the possibility when concluding the current agreement. 

    EU pressing in Northern Ireland ?  NO, N + S Irish want NO BORDER. Where you English get the idea from you are masters still of that Island ? 

    Second: Every country or union of countries have the right to define where their borders are. The EU can never accept a 500 km long border as open as open as a colander without bottom. The EU was even willing to accept a border in the Irish Sea. Only NOT south of Cork, as the English would like.

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  9. 5 hours ago, transam said:

    It was the German government of the day, plus help of thousands from your country and others, to try and become something they were not.

    The UK is a union, England, Wales, Scotland and N.Ireland, we are now fighting to get back to where we were before getting involved with you lot, and it will happen, then you lot can stew in your own juice....Good luck with that....????

    Remind the economic situation the UK was in the beginning of the 70's, ( the sick man of Europe) when they begged and got a EU membership. Pity, we should have listened to Charles de Gaulle

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