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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 22 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    Sorry about your business contacts but we have a whole country to take care off. We really don't care about what happens to your EU business, but we can see that's what all your complaints are about. You represent the EU's position as a whole, which is something we have known for many years now. But we are out now and soon will be fully out without your EU masters demands. Why don't you complain to them?

    When my British business contacts and British friends see dramatic situations ahead, I think it is a thread for the entire British community.

    My EU business... could not get better as many EU manufacturers and distributors want to switch away from British origins. For that Boris the Liar would get the highest approval.... 

    Here lies again a British disaster: cannot afford to live outside the Tiny Islands... https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/feb/03/fear-anger-stalk-britons-costa-del-sol-brexit  and a lot more :  "British pensionarios abroad in trouble caused by Brexit "

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  2. 2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    That's only because it was forced on the UK.

    Before then we used to buy from New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Argentina.

    When I lived in the UK, I purchased loads of stuff from the USA, much cheaper than France or Germany.

    I'm sure other countries still have produce they'd like to sell to the UK.

    Great,., fresh strawberries from Australia.. or cucumbers from South Africa. Of course, you can charter a Lear Jet to fly it in....

    It is NOT about: "like to sell to the UK ", it is about... affordable for the UK consumers...

    • Like 2
  3. 11 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    No it wasn't about food until you just decided so. Same difference though, if you want imported European food you can pay for it.

    31 % of UK consumption originates from EU. So, get started in growing your own vegetables, fruits, meat, etc. Better today as tomorrow.

    However, the REAL problem will be in the exporting make-industry and the commercial + financial services ( City of London) . 

    One advantage: less British pounds will flow to the EU during (holiday) trips, as.. Schengen visa, international driving licence+ Insurances. And.. big chance.. British cannot afford these trips anymore.

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  4. 28 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    You can if you want to, but don't expect the UK to do so. Or are you so horrified by the possibility of some US chicken?

    No, I am horrified so many business contacts since over 40 years and and friends in the UK are going to end up in deep sh.t. I saw then m climbing out at the late 70's, see https://www.economist.com/buttonwoods-notebook/2017/07/19/britain-back-to-being-the-sick-man-of-europe 

    Chlorified US chickens anyone simply can leave at the shop shelves.

  5. 36 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    You are still looking for problems, which I have already said I don't care about. It's paperwork, or not even that now, it's online declaration and payment work. If you are in the freight industry either get on with it or don't, but it won't make any difference to the UK not folding to EU demands.

    No, it is NOT only paper work. it is "life" inspection by the UK custom officer, when something leaves the UK and again when something enters the EU ( and visa versa) . THAT's the trouble. And when more in/out as the custom officers can handle, you have a lorry traffic jam. As nearly every non-Brexiteer already forecasterd for years.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    That's OK. I'm happy for the price of German luxury motors to increase in price. I won't be having another Porsche. Buy if you like - the option is always there. It will reduce the UK trade deficit with the EU.

    Yes, together with no flowers and a lot less fresh foods... if.. the many unemployed when exports to EU fails, still can afford to buy these...

    One advantage: British exports of fish might fall to zero seen +15% Import duty and a lot of veterinary fuzz, you the British menu will even be more "fish & chips". 

    It will NOT be: able to buy a German Porsche, but.. can you still afford a new spare part for your Nissan car, as 50% of the spare parts used in it are imported from the EU.

    Are you still able to afford an Italian refrigerator or a washing machine ?

    And the UK economy is really going to be hurt if the EU decides all trading in €uro's has to be under control of the ECB, so.. have to be based inside the €uro-land...

    Even when businesses decide, better under the EU court in Strasbourg than under "common law" in London, it is finished with the City.

    see https://www.sussex.ac.uk/webteam/gateway/file.php?name=foodbrexitreport-langmillstonemarsden-july2017pdf.pdf&site=25

    file:///C:/Users/gebuiker/Downloads/CBP-7851 (1).pdf

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  7. 1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

    I said they will still get money from the UK because of the tariffs which to the EU is free money. Its not free for the citizens of the EU who will have to pay them. But then again I also pointed out the EU citizens will most likely be able to source tariff free stuff from elsewhere in the EU. Its only going to be stuff that is unique to the UK which they will have to buy. Like Scotch Whisky. Wrong again.

    Brexiteers. The only people who look at a house fire and think great. My heating bill is going to be cheaper this month.

    Exactly. The GBP 8-10B net UK contribution tot he EU is "peanuts" compared to the EU import duty for inbound UK goods. Of course c.p. =ceteris paribus = all other circumstances stay the same.

    MY forecast, with 43 years experience in international trade, is quite some EU imports from UK will switch to EU made. Remind competitive (dis)advantage is mostly just a few %. For EU imports from UK is mostly switchable, but UK imports from EU is for a substantial part fresh ( 31% of UK foods are imported from EU), for which it is not so easy to change in a couple of weeks.

    Has ZERO to do with politicians, but all with probably decisions already made at purchasing boards of EU companies. 

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  8. 15 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    You talk about the procedures for entering the UK, but the tread is about exporting to EU. You are driving on the wrong side of the road mate.

    No, I am talking about both ways, but the most about importing into the EU as I see big problems for entering goods into the EU from "third countries", as I know these problems for imports from China, SE Asia, India, Sri Lanka, Africa, Latin America since 1977.

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  9. 3 hours ago, natway09 said:

    Just another subject that the "non planners" did not even give a thought too.

    Wait until the fishing industries start understanding just how it is going to be

    15% import duty into the EU +all veterinarian fuzz...  Ask the Thai fish exporters...

    EU import conditions for seafood and other fishery productsimage.png.b801751543c2a19834cd3890e0126393.png

    EU import conditions for seafood and other fishery products The European Union (EU) is by far the world’s biggest importer of fish, seafood and aquaculture products. Import rules for these products are harmonised, meaning that the same rules apply in all EU countries.

    Import fish from the EU from 1 January 2021 How to import fish for human consumption from 1 January 2021, the documents you may need and customs rules to follow. Published 22 August 2019

    Non-EU country establishments database. Non-EU countries - Establishments list per sector; Non-EU countries - Establishments list per country; Bovine Holding Lists (Brazil) These consolidated lists are published in accordance with the requirements of Article 127 of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/625.

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  10. 14 hours ago, RayC said:

    But when? Businesses need to plan for the future. What about businesses who are part of a JIT process or deal with perishables? Their businesses will be severely impacted by delays.

    Agreed but businesses shouldn't have to plan for numerous possible outcomes coming into effect in +/-3 months. They should be some definites by now.

    And YOU believe buyers from retailers and processing industry did not prepare yet, by contracting alternatives, but wait to start thinking after 30 Dec 2020 ? ?

    I have to supply raw materials to a Hungarian manufacturer, who thanks his new business to the switch from British products. it is already happening, whatever the outcome might be the coming 14 weeks... Bye Bye, Britain !

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  11. What astonished me the most: all think ceteris paribus = all other conditions will stay the same.


    Not so many retail organisation will give shop space to products they do not know that the purchasing price will be seen import duty, but especially.. just-in-time deliveries.

    For any industry: who will take the risk, necessary raw materials, spare parts, components will arrive just-in-time when they can be purchased just a few % from other sources ?

    You think BMW-Mini in Borne (NL) will take the risk for... British shock absorbers ( + 10% import duty), when they also can get them a few % higher in price as the present - without the new import duty price - ex... Italy/ Romania, but.. absolutely sure... 20 -24 h after ordering delivered at their warehouse ?


    There will NOT be so much trucks in a traffic jam... as there will be a lot less business...


    You really think the EU will buy British caught fish for 15% higher as fish caught by EU trawlers ?

    Second: UK is no longer under the EU safety food umbrella, so..get your EU fish licence and IFS as BRC is no longer valid. Ask the Thai fish or food exporters....

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  12. 16 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    What magic paperwork is that exactly that prevents a business from ending up in a two days delay? 

    For sure you have ZERO experience with customs clearing ( and inspection)


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