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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 14 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    You can call Boris a clown, or a failed journalist, or a buffoon, or a liar, or anything else you want to. He's still beating your Barnier and Macron. That must hurt a bit doesn't it, beating your best?

    He's not bluffing either, is that how your pair are losing the negotiations and being sent home? 

    Boris the Liar beating Barnier and Macron ? How ? The EU with 450 mln will continue, but the tiny British isles with 67 mln ?

    See the economic situation: GDP development 2nd quarter 2020. ONLY Spain (-22,1 %) performed worse as the UK ( -20,4%) .

    gdp EU member states 2 nd '20 vs 2 nd '19.jpg

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  2. 8 minutes ago, 3NUMBAS said:

    Walk away now!' Boris backed over tough stance and ordered to end 'nonsense' Brexit talks

    BORIS JOHNSON has been urged to follow through with his threats to the EU and to leave the bloc with no deal, according to a new survey.

    Did somebody already find anybody in a ditch somewhere ?

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  3. 1 hour ago, RayC said:

    And if we accept for a minute that is true, why is it necessarily a bad thing?

    Look at the graphs: of all EU member states, ONLY Spain performed worse that the British "Empire", with 

    1. UK GDP fell by 20.4% in Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2020
    2. https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp/bulletins/gdpmonthlyestimateuk/june2020#gdp-fell-significantly-in-quarter-2-apr-to-june-2020-with-widespread-contractions-across-all-main-sectors-of-the-econom
    3. Growth of real gross domestic product (GDP) in EU member states in the 2nd quarter 2020 
    4. https://www.statista.com/statistics/263008/gdp-growth-in-eu-countries-compared-to-same-quarter-previous-year/

    Really, a magnificent job.

    • Like 1
  4. 11 hours ago, luckyluke said:

    I am rather perplexed with these announcements, seems contradictory. 

    Or does that mean that no one care about what Mr. Johnson is saying,

    and negotiations goes simply on. 

    On government level, for sure it will go on. But.. you think all EU customers of UK goods inside the EU are simply awaiting the outcome, with whatever result and by that price + supply reliability, OR did already made up their contracts for 2021 with EU manufacturers ?

    • Like 2
  5. 6 hours ago, Patts said:

    We don't need access to the internal market, the UK buys considerably more from the EU than they do from the UK. If the EU don't won't to allow us access to the internal market then it is they who will lose.


    "The EU, taken as a whole is the UK's largest trading partner. In 2019, UK exports to the EU were £300 billion (43% of all UK exports). UK imports from the EU were £372 billion (51% of all UK imports)".


    Why should the UK be held to ransom when we are at a £72 billion annual deficit and give the French and Dutch access to our already over fished waters!? 

    You forget about WHICH products. The EU imports from the UK can sa0moly be replaced, the problem is the British imports from the EU, which cannot be replaced so easily.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Patts said:

    Well I asked you to explain it to me and after a couple of hours you haven't! I am a business owner who manufactures electronics and exports all over the world so thanks for your assumption! 

    Can YOU imagine, the Japanese competition in your country get a licence free technology transfer or.. free-of-charge technical assistance / parts from Japan for 50% of the value from the Japanese gov, while you have to pay for all ? Complains only in your evening prayer ?

    • Like 1
  7. Just 2 1/2 months to go and then: rules + regulations coming from a 'Third country" into the EU are in force:

    a) veterinary rules about food import so no meat, fish, dairy like Scottish salmon, cheddar, allowed to take with you to EU from a visit to UK in your lugguage https://www.telegraaf.nl/financieel/1637308519/douane-schotse-zalm-mag-straks-niet-meer-mee-in-bagage

    b) alcoholic drinks, sigarets etc : think of EU rules

    c) Parcels by post with value above € 22 = custom clearance + import duty + VAT to be paid

    d) bought something above € 430,- with you =  same: custom clearance + import duty + VAT to be paid

    e) alle electric appliances, sports + toys articles MUST have CE approval

    f) big chance for checks for branded products seen counterfeight items


    How many EU tourists will still choose UK as destination ?


    Or: Free to The Great Irish Famine  iles.eric.ed.gov › fulltext

    Soon a Celt will be as rare in Ireland as a Red Indian on the streets of Manhattan. ...


    Soon an EU tourist in the UK will be as rare as ....

  8. 11 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    In the general election it was very much about making sure that the inadequate Corbyn didn't get in as much as voting in Johnson. That is why so many Labour supporters voted Conservative.  Similar situation in the USA now,  People will vote to get rid of Trump rather than voting for Biden.

    Thanks to the British ( and US) voting system: the winner gets it all. No use to vote on a party, who risks NOT to get the majority in the Barony ( sorry: constituency). No use to vote for party nr 3 or even 4, as wasted anyhow.

    Second advantage: every party know: next time I will need THEM, instead as now, treating them as the mortal enemy. Disadvantage, see Spain and Belgium, when parties see their own interest far above the national interest: re-upon-re-election or.. 550 days to form a new government.

  9. 22 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

    I think that perhaps a glance at a map might persuade you that a ferry journey from Rosslare to Cherbourg or Roscoff takes about 18 hours or so. From Belfast or Dublin is going to be at least 24 hours at sea. The crossing is exposed to the vagaries of the Atlantic / Western Approaches weather which could dramatically increase the journey times. Roscoff (and Cherbourg only marginally less so) are about as far in France as you can get from the rest of the EU. 


    I suspect that the logistics of driving through the UK with two short sea crossings, and ending up in the Pas de Calais or Belgium  will prove a more attractive prospect.

    Inclusive all customs clearance: out of Eire (EU) , into UK, and at Dover or so out of the UK, and in F /B inside the EU again ?

    Even on a T2 carnet, it wall last a LOT of customs clearance time, see (TIR=Transport International par Route). With a littlebit luck, a lot of traffic jam at Dover, so.. make up your transport scheduling mind.

    This aside of a completely closed and sealed lorry needed.

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