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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 1 hour ago, kingdong said:

    the eu knows how to protect their industry and labour? so why have we got over two million citizens resident in the uk?

    Maybe not clear to you, but from 1 January 1973 till 31 Jan 2020 the UK was a part of the EU.

    Why EU citizens would not work in the UK then ?

    And when you have a good job, maybe married, why to leave, unless... as is the present situation, you as non-UK citizen are not wanted/welcome anymore ?

    b) The number of UK pensioners living in EU countries peaked in 2017 at 475,000 and has since ( 4 February 2020dropped by around 8,000 to 466,920. Maybe because their pensions, in GBP, dropped so much when converted to € ?


  2. 2 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    The obvious and most important difference between the UK government and bureaucracy and that of the EU, is that by and large the UK's are all British, not a bunch of foreigners. After that nothing else matters much. 

    In the EU "government", it is all from EU member states. No EU citizen, no EU governmental job. That's why all British had to leave 31 Jan 2020.

    Bye-the-way: how many Scots, Northern Irish and Welsh have a governmental position in the UK government ? Or also seen as "foreigners "? 

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, luckyluke said:

    I was referring to the post of HenryFord :


    "They just want to punish Britain so the other 27 don't rush for the door".



    Looking to a British poll, the other EU member states will not rush to the (exit) door. Better chance to run inside, and be protected by the EU outer border. The Czechs with 66 % remain and 21,9 % Chexit are the lowest in approval of the EU.

    Maybe the Northern Irish and Scots want to run in ? Just a more frequent ferry from Belfast, Dublin and Cork, and no need to travel though the UK anymore + quicker in France and by that the entire EU.

    Eur social survey member EU.webp

    • Like 2
  4. Ask yourself:

    - what is done to increase output and reduce growing + processing costs to be able to compete ?

    - what is done to get better suited cultivars, improve quality ?

    - The Thais still think, the rest of the world depends completely on the "world famous Thai kitchen", but in reality this is only a Thai marketing slogan. In reality this only is valid for Thais and Thai lovers with huge happy-flower glasses. The rest of the world looks at: quality, price, availability, food safety. Therefore, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, could step in the big gap the sleeping Thais let fall.

  5. 6 hours ago, Surelynot said:

    Hats off to Boris and the Tory government for the professional way they have handled this epidemic at every stage from ensuring no shortages of PPE, care homes fully protected and a world beating test, track and trace system to control the spread of the virus.....no other government in the world could even come close.


    I have no doubt the EU FTA will have been handled in the same manner.

    Overwhelmingly, landslided, elected by the British people...

    On the other hand: did other European nations did better ? ( aside of the neglectance + happy handshake program of Boris in the beginning ) 

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

    My understanding is (and its not something that I have looked into a great deal) that Malta lost its veto regarding tax haven legislation.

    Now while I love Malta (been there three times and I cannot speak highly enough about the Islands and its people) you can hardly have a very small population vetoing some highly needed legislation.

    just read:



    So, any Brexit agreement has to pass all 27 EU national parliaments. ( before 1 Jan 21 = 14 weeks from now ) 

    A request of England to be an EU member state, 1 Jan 2021 of later.. same.


    A Gaelic confederation, consisting of Eire, Ulster, Scotland and Wales ( so, something like Belgium) ... will immediately be EU member.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 6 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:


    I think that most countries affected regards Freedom of movement (as well as the other freedoms)

    as an asset rather than a downside when we consider those EEA members not in EU the acceptance of EU legislation is not quite like you describe,

    these countries do have the option to say NO to a new directive, (EU members cannot do that)

    NO, I repeat NO important decision can be law when the EU council = the EU member states' heads of government does not agree with.. In the British case; the UK Prime minister. 

    see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voting_in_the_Council_of_the_European_Union 


    After so many years a EU member, you still do not know the regulations ?

    • Like 2
  8. 10 minutes ago, jvs said:

    You are so full of yourself you do not listen,ok 80% of the food other people(not you)in the UK eat is imported.

    That is a fact.

    And again you got it wrong,i am not against Brexit at all!!!I wish more countries would leave the EU.

    You call my arguments nonsense,why?

    I believe the EU in its present form is not sustainable much longer,especially the Euro.

    I hope for you you will learn to accept rational thinking and try some of your own.

    Have a wonderful evening.

    No further comment. British survey 25 June 2020.

    Eur social survay member EU.webp

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