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Posts posted by puipuitom

  1. 1 hour ago, Thorgal said:


    Both attacks in Nice and Lyon have not yet been confirmed as Islamic terrorist attacks by French justice.


    The Tunesian migrant was found with 3 knives. 2 other suspects that live in Nice were also arrested. Only one knife was used according to police reports. For sure, one of the 3 shouted “Allah Akbar”. Real motive not yet confirmed.


    The Greek Orthodox priest had been in judicial conflict with the previous priest of the Orthodox church. The gun has not yet been found on the suspect of the kebab restaurant. Real motive not yet confirmed.


    Islamophobia also includes false prejudices.

    After so many terrorist attacks of muslim-origin... chance it was just this time done by a Hindu, Boeddhist, Taoist, Confusionist, Voodoo, polynesian native,  dark brown -African, Indo-Chinan origin, etc  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents_in_France   

    If also this president does not be successful, I already know the name of the next: La Pen

  2. 17 hours ago, vinny41 said:

    It clear the message from the op is don't buy products from the EU

    France has been using the same message for the past 6 months 

    Buy Local Fish

    French boycott hurting Scottish seafood sector

    Park also pointed out that more than 120 non-U.K. vessels have been fishing in the waters north of Scotland while the Scottish fleet is tied up, meaning much of the fish being landed in France is actually originating from Scottish waters. That, he said, has added fuel to the U.K.’s calls for full control of its waters in the ongoing Brexit talks.


    Why I cannot understand the British focus on.... F I S H ,  0.12 % of their GDP...  I would worry about the  make" industry and the financial service...

    • Like 2
  3. Does the Emperial British Government already published the laws the British foods, toys, electric appliances, sport goods, chemicals etc should apply to ? Or.. just copies of the EU laws and regulations ? Maybe BE instead of CE ? And BReach instead of Reach !  Of course no access anymore to the RASFF  and EFSA databases

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  4. On 10/22/2020 at 12:27 PM, 86Tiger said:

    They always refer to access "....EU's internal market of 450 million consumers...." as being the concern.


    If UK produces anything the 450 million want they will buy it regardless of price, tariff, whatever.  It is called demand and the supply will be provided to meet any demand.  Hiding behind 'we only want to make it easier for you to take our money' seems disingenuous. 

    If any importer into the EU brings merchandise sub-standard to the EU laws and regulations, it will be simply confiscated and destructed at the expenses of the EU importer. Whether food : EFSA-RASFF,; toys, electric appliances, sports: CE;  chemicals: Reach....and a LOT more. 

    Sorry, even during the times of Horatio Hornblower, a British empire supplier needed an importer in (Napoleontic customs) Europe.

    see http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20110801/local/new-health-warning-over-noodles.378335

    One BIG advantage for the Chinese and others: per 1 Jan 2021 the UK is out of the RASFF, so all this stuff can be re-directed to UK ports.

    • Like 1
  5. On 10/22/2020 at 12:07 PM, Nigel Garvie said:

    Yes I agree as regards a relatively small country like the UK. However, you will note that when the US were in negotiations with the EU, the US insisted that all disputes be settled in US courts. The EU told them to take a running jump. Negotiations have stalled I believe.


    It is simple, if the UK want access to the single market then they will have to abide by the rules and regs of that market. There are sadly some people around,  whose brains are tiny enough,  to let them believe that the UK is the equal of the EU. In trade terms for a start,  it would be obvious to a blind wombat, that it isn't.


    I still expect a no deal Brexit, though I would be glad to be proved wrong. Too many friends of Boris and the Tory grandees have shorted the pound depending on it, so we are told. Again I would like to be proved wrong. 


    a) The UK will be out of the EU Horizon research programme too.

    "The UK’s post-Brexit collaboration with European scientists hangs in the balance after it emerged that the EU offer of staying in the Horizon research programme could leave London with a £3bn deficit.



    b) FSA questioned about post Brexit food safety rules see https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2020/10/fsa-asked-about-post-brexit-food-safety-rules/


    c) The situation around the European Commission-operated Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) is also still unclear.


    I only can wish the British much strength... per 01 Jan 2021 00:00:01

    • Like 2
  6. 45 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    It has been claimed (no links) that had our pensions been managed as well as the Dutch managed theirs, the pensions would be 70% greater than they are as of today???

    According to Global Pension Index of Mercer and the CFA Institute  the Dutch pension system is the best in the world. Just published for the 3rd time.  The ONLY problem: many people believe Mr Complot or Ms Nonsense more as the signed statement by an register accountant.

  7. 8 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    We had no problems importing fresh fruit and vegetables before we joined the Common Market, in fact in certain cases they were cheaper!


    I'm pretty sure that fruit and vegetable growers in European countries who currently sell into the UK will wish to continue doing so.


    If the EU chooses to forbid such trade (illegal unless properly sanctioned under the World Trade Organisation rules) or to impose punitive tarrifs, then they will have to answer to those producers, who will certainly not be happy.


    I cannot think of anything that we currently import from EU countries which we couldn't source from elsewhere - perhaps more expensive ( by no means certain in all cases), certainly less convenient, but given time it can be done.


    And for those enthusiasts who advocate bricking up the tunnel and effectively imposing a blockade, don't forget that would also effectively blockade Ireland. What is more (and this last is not intended  to be taken seriously) I understand that none of your U Boats work at the moment!????

    Why the EU would forbid any trade with any nation on the world ?  And how ?

    Maybe when there is a boycot, sanctioned by the UN or .. EU, but against England c.s. for fresh foods ? ?

    To block any transport from and to the EUK ? Give me any reason.

    Please take in account the exchange rate of the GBP then and now.

    It is the CUSTOMS handling, who will cause the congestion. Not any other EU rule.

    Only a big chance the UK will impose the same import duty tariffs as the EU impose on UK origin.

    Like.. oh fun, 

    0704 20 goods_menu.png
    -   Brussels sprouts 
    Measures for import:
    Third country duty (01-07-2000 - )  12.00 %  


    0809 10 goods_menu.png
    -   Apricots  (PN001)
    Measures for import:
    Third country duty (01-08-2020 - 31-12-2020)  20.00 % (PB002)


    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, vinny41 said:

    Looking at recent European polls it appears not everyone out of the 450 million people in Europe wishes to remain in the EU and weren't aware when their countries voted to join the EU that they were entering into a contract that is similar to the now illegal perpetual timeshare contracts.

    If the EU is so great there shouldn't be an issue holding  national referendum every 5 or 10 years or is it the case they are not confident that every country would vote yes to remain in the EU

    Which ? Yes, as small minority maybe. 

    Bye-the-way: would also be a good idea for the UK: which county/constituency still wants to stay in the UK...

    Even the Scots are not allowed by Westminster...

    Eur social survey member EU.webp

  9. 6 hours ago, vogie said:

    You stated that the EU is not bothered about a deal which equates to not being bothered about the 1 million EU workers who will lose their jobs, care to re-think your original post?

    Explain me: why so many EU-érs would loose their job ? Do not forget: a LOT of UK's export to the EU will disappear also. British cars will be replaced by EU made etc. And for fresh vegetables and fruits... you just can stick to "dried" and canned.. 

  10. 7 hours ago, vinny41 said:

    Have you tried to convince the Mercedes CEO that no deal is better than a deal, any ideas who will buy the  30,398  mercedes cars that were sold in the UK last year

    Once Mercedes start laying off workers it will make it more diffcult for Mercedes to remain in F1 with the expenditure required to maintain a F1 team will Mercedes withdraw from F1 as a result of no deal

    What cars the present Mercedes buyers in the UK will buy then ? A Thai built Pajero pick-up ?

    • Haha 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    Did you think we were negotiating about who has the biggest GDP???


    We were negotiating about what type of deal we leave the transition period with. As far of Macron and Barnier's demands for our fishing waters goes, we have won.

    Boris & Frost 1 - 0 Macron & Barnier


    Boris has well outperformed Macron and the eight EU coastal states.

    Why you British are always coming with the "fishing", a 0,12 % of the British earnings ?

    I would care about the "Make"industry and of all: the financial service industry of the London City, worth a LOT more.

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