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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. I tend to agree with you, and was going to comment that the glass fronted building that has been hit in two drone attacks is a good target, since there have been no casualties, but the damage is very visible and apparent to anyone looking in that direction, giving pause for thought. However, I do have some doubts as to the overall effect. As Hitler found when bombing London, and, indeed, Putin is finding with his attacks on Ukrainian cities, far from terrorising the population, it unites it. Ukraine, and the West, want to split the Russian people from Putin. Bringing them together in a "blitz spirit" would do the opposite. Attacks on the Kremlin, military bases and other government buildings could show the Russians that the fight is against Putin, and not the Russian people, but I do think it would be a big mistake to start hitting civilian residences and infrastructure - either intentionally or not.
  2. The military, and their backers, have set this whole thing up, and Thaksin has walked right into their trap. If he was truly committed to democracy, and really wanted to make a change, he would have stuck with the MFP, no matter what. Even if it did mean forming a majority opposition and not having control of the PM position. But no. They played him like a spineless fish, knowing it's in the nature of the scorpion to sting, even if it kills him (to mix my parables). Now he's opened up a chasm between the two biggest "democratic" parties, and the squabbling, and no doubt further protesting and burning of effigies - just wait till the red shirts wade in on his side, will be used as an excuse by the military to seize control of the country once again to "calm things down". Smart? Pah! His thinking is done by his ego and narcissism. But hey, at least he's in the limelight again. That'll cheer him up.
  3. ^^ Ee, back in my day, a carbon footprint were why mother made father wipe his feet after coming home from t'pit
  4. From the link in the OP: "Singapore’s laws mandate the death penalty for anyone convicted of trafficking more than 500 grams (17.6 ounces) of cannabis and 15 grams (0.5 ounces) of heroin". Now why anyone would smuggle these into Singapore knowing the risks is beyond my comprehension, but, as has been pointed out above, it's obviously worth their while to do so - if they don't get caught. If it's such a deterrent then why have three people been executed in two weeks? Rather than go to the root cause - finding the buyers and end users , putting them in rehab, and then under probation when they're out, with regular reporting and drug tests, they try and cut out the symptom. It doesn't work. As long as there's someone willing to pay the price for these drugs, there will be someone making the choice, and taking their chances, to import them.
  5. I've heard him say some of them on YouTube, but, according to this website, he said them all. Along with a few more, including: My wife complained that her feet hurt. I said: “You’ve got your shoes on the wrong feet.” She said: “But these are the only feet I’ve got.” 30 Tommy Cooper jokes that will remind you of his comedy genius - Wales Online
  6. I don't know, but his fez rings a bell. Just like that.
  7. Seems this would work at any beauty show these days.
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