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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. "Let's go, Bannon", said the arresting officer as he handcuffed him.
  2. A statement from the DOJ's appeal against the Special Master ruling, which sums the situation up admirably: "Trump “does not and could not assert that he owns or has any possessory interest in classified records; that he has any right to have those government records returned to him; or that he can advance any plausible claims of attorney-client privilege as to such records that would bar the government from reviewing or using them,”" In other words, Trump stole this material. He has no right to demand it be reviewed, with the possibility of it being returned to him. Trump FBI raid: DOJ appeals special master decision (cnbc.com) And video of the same, plus details on the DOJ investigating Trump's post-election fund raising activities. They're coming for you Donald:
  3. The New York Times, February 7th 1952. Truman was the US President, Churchill was the UK Prime Minister, Elizabeth became Queen. Even if for no other reason - though there is far, far, more that she did, and should be mourned for - no other world leader links that period with the present. We have lost an enormous piece of history.
  4. Two down and outs were sitting side by side on the street, begging. One turned to the other and said. "What brought you to this state?" "Was it the same as me, drink and drugs?" The other guy replied, " No mate! I forgot to turn my light off when I left the house."
  5. Amazingly, 25 years on, and I can still remember what I was doing the moment I heard Diana was dead. I was at an all-night panel beaters in Paris getting my Fiat Uno fixed.
  6. I bought a book about the dangers of deforestation. The first page says, “You’re not helping”
  7. I accidentally drank some invisible ink earlier. Now I'm in hospital, waiting to be seen.
  8. A new charity single is being released to help flood victims in Pakistan. Raindrops keep falling on Amhed….
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