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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. Guthrie Govan. He can do things that no one else can. "Govan is known for his command of the guitar, due to both his technical ability and proficiency in various styles. A 2006 interview hailed him as the "virtuoso's virtuoso" and said of him, "Guthrie Govan is recognised by his peers as possibly the scariest guitarist alive. Combining an unparalleled technical ability with a mastery of almost all styles, Guthrie is comfortable comping in a traditional jazz combo as he is performing death-defying 'shred' guitar. Coupled with some seriously funky grooves and an encyclopaedic knowledge of popular music styles, a wonderfully developed slide style and improvisational abilities to match anyone, he may just be the most complete guitarist out there"." Guthrie Govan - Wikipedia
  2. Given how we've seen him lunge for the steering wheel of the country, throwing a fit and reacting violently when he was made to stand down, nothing this man does, did, or will do surprises me anymore.
  3. More here, with Bob Woodward saying the January 6th Committee has written Trump's political obituary. As many people realised at the time, of the two things he boasted as being - a "stable genius", he was the exact opposite of both. The part about how Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, felt it necessary to ask every ranking officer at the Pentagon to call him should Trump order a nuclear attack, and to do nothing until they had - and they all agreed to it, shows just how serious this was. On a side note, with a similar unstable 'ungenius' in the Kremlin, is it too much to hope for that the Russian military chiefs are doing the same thing? Could there even be some dialogue taking place along those lines between senior officers of both countries?
  4. An old man is riding in a lift with two glamorous women. The blonde reaches into her purse, brings out a perfume bottle and sprays her neck and says Romance by Laurent, $300 an ounce. The Brunette takes out her perfume, sprays her cleavage and says Chanel Number Five, $400 an ounce. The lift stops at the 13th floor and as he gets out the old man lets go a rumbling fart. He turns and says Broccoli, $3 a pound...
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