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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. And another from the only band that mattered. A cover of the classic Booker T and the MGs number:
  2. They're using exactly the same victim blaming argument they do for the cause of the Ukraine war: The war is Ukraine's fault because it provoked Putin by existing. Navalny's death is his own fault because he returned to Russia, therefore provoking Putin. They're effectively saying he knew he would be killed if he returned, but still did so, so he's only got himself to blame, which rather begs the question; just what sort of twisted world does one have to live in to think it's perfectly fine for the leader of a country to ruthlessly murder any opponents, or anyone who looks at him in a funny way, and is not only perfectly within his rights to do so to anyone in his country, but the victim is entirely at fault for having the audacity to step foot there? (A position their hero is presently trying to claim that he should have the same right to do in the US).
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