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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. And here I was, thinking you were a cunning linguist.
  2. Even if incontrovertible proof was found that climate change is definitely caused by humans, and it will destroy our way of life - possibly killing us all, nothing would be done. It's the nature of the beast. Tell the average 20 year old that he should stop smoking, cut down on drinking, eat less fatty food and exercise more in order to preserve his health through to his older years and will he listen, let alone follow your advice? If we won't even take action now to save our own bodies later, we're certainly not going to change our lifestyles now to save a bunch of other people in the future. We'd rather live in the moment, have our fun and hang the consequences. Sad as it is, unless changes are forced on us - which would no doubt lead to protests and rioting, they're not going to happen.
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