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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. I'm not called "Jake the Peg" for nothing. On second thoughts, let's not open the Rolf Harris door.
  2. I'll make a note of your response, as you've struck the right chord there.
  3. He'll be in tears when they explain they didn't order a chicken ceasefire salad.
  4. Nothing I've read indicates that's the case, just that the fine increases by $87,502 per day, which is just over $2.6 million per 30 days. "On the 9 percent interest, Trump is being charged an additional $87,502 per day from February 16, according to Associated Press calculations. That means Trump will have to pay $1,050,024 for the 12 days between February 16 and Wednesday, February 28." Donald Trump Will Owe $1 Million in Interest on Fine Within Days (newsweek.com) If it was compounding then you'd expect the daily amount to already have gone up. He can stop the clock, at least until the appeal is over, by posting the full amount as a bond, but if he has to borrow the money he'll be paying interest on that too. A GoFundMe page opened for him has collected almost $700,000 for the cause. Not even keeping up with the interest owing, let alone paying off the fine. "Now some of Trump's supporters are donating specifically to help pay his $355 million fraud judgment, via a GoFundMe page created by Elena Cardone, the wife of investor Grant Cardone. As of Tuesday afternoon, the fundraiser had pocketed nearly $700,000 — and had also sparked backlash on social media. GoFundMe responded to those calls on Monday by saying the fundraiser is "within our terms of service."" How will Trump pay legal penalties in fraud, Carroll cases? : NPR And people here complain about road accident victims raising money on the platform.
  5. Currently $87,000 per day until he either posts the bond for the appeal, or pays the fine, according to MSNBC:
  6. And he wasn't expecting what happened when he asked if it could be opened a crack to let the breeze waft in either.
  7. Hopefully it will all pan out in the end for you.
  8. His link also says: "Researchers in Israel spotted 2.7 extra cases of myocarditis per 100,000 people who were injected with the Pfizer vaccine, but this shot up to 11 additional cases for every 100,000 individuals who caught the virus" indicating catching Covid gives a 4x greater chance of myocarditis than taking the Pfizer vaccine. And the following summary of the "largest Covid vaccine research" that he posted. Tells quite a different story than the one he intended: Largest Covid vaccine study ever finds shots are linked to small increased risk of neurological, blood and heart disorders - but they are still extremely rare | Daily Mail Online
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