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Posts posted by LevelHead

  1. Top Democrat Blasts Plan to Appoint Thaksin Trade Ambassador

    An outgoing deputy prime minister says the Pheu Thai Party's possible plan to appoint convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra as trade ambassador is inappropriate.


    -- Tan Network 2011-07-06


    Ummm... didn't we just establish that this was an incorrect rumour, spread through questionable journalism by The Nation and its sister publications? But it's kept alive and in a headline by TAN, quoting full-time loudmouth Suthep 'slamming' something that isn't there?

    I mean.. whatever, but don't they have actual news reporting to work on?

    Its the propaganda machine kicking back into action to start spreading their lies and false accusations again.

    The fact that Suthep is trying to make something real that is already established to be false could perhaps be a very good indication of where the false rumour came from...................

    The Democrat party, by the way, are not called the "Cockroaches" by certain Thai's (as has been reported all over the media) for no reason at all.

  2. As part of reconciliation everything needs to be reviewed.

    The coup in 2005 - who paid for it if anyone ? All overseas bank accounts of senior coup leaders should be investigated to see if they were paid to carry out the coup, and if so who paid them.

    The coup in 2005 was an act of treason. The coup leaders granted themselves amnesty without consulting the people. Should this be revoked ? It all needs investigating.

    The soldiers who took their guns and tanks on to the streets committed treason by following treasonous orders from their superiors. Even though their superiors granted themselves amnesty what about all soldiers involved ? Needs investigating.

    All Yellow shirts and PAD actions need investigating.

    Did the military or invisible hands apply pressure to smaller parties to form a coalition - therefore doing illegal things ? Acts against the constitution in 2006 ? Needs investigating.

    The Democrats dissolution case dismissed on technicalities overs submission delays, needs investigating.

    Military purchases of airships, second had subs, Ukraine TC's etc.... - all needs investigating - just why did the Democrats turn a blind eye to an un-needed blatant explosion in military spending ?

    And so on from 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010......

    Everything needs investigating again, as part of reconciliation, including the coup, the AEC and their charges against Thaksin and everything else that has happened since then.

  3. Let's play "Guess the technicality?"

    Typically it ends up being something like they didn't have the authority to bla bla bla and to therefore the verdict is overturned. Just watch and see.

    You mean like getting the Democrat party off of dissolution by technicality over delays to submission to the case, as opposed to their actual guilt.

  4. Its so very simple to do propaganda.

    if I ask someone "Could a man called Suthep one day murder someone" ?

    And they say, "well, anything can happen, its impossible to say what someone will do tomorrow".

    Then I run a headline "Source says Suthep could resort to murder".

    Nothing is actually incorrect. Ethically it is very very wrong, it is pure propaganda manipulation, but factually it is correct and so legally no action can be taken.

    This is what they are doing here. Asking one question, taking the response out of context and using it to perpetuate anti-Thaksin propaganda.

    Expect this to happen a lot for ALL anti-Thaksin, anti-reconciliation news outlets.

    Headline the newspapers with the story - then simply print the denial on the internet or a small mid page article.

    Same again with the next lie.

    Headline the news paper with it, front page. Put the denial on the internet only or in the middle pages next day.

    This is what they did before against TRT and PPP.

    Looks like the anti-reconciliation, love division news outlets are doing it again.

    They are a disgrace.

    Yep, that freedom of the press is a real bummer.

    Freedom of the press is not a bummer.

    Unethical behavior is. Particularly if its baseless propaganda.

    I guess you support NewsCorp and their hacking of the dead girl in the UK's mobile phone voicemail. It is press freedom - but very unethical.

    One can expect much more propaganda from the anti-Thaksin rabid groups.

    Perhaps the newspapers should resort to claiming unidentified "sauces" as opposed to "sources".

  5. Its so very simple to do propaganda.

    if I ask someone "Could a man called Suthep one day murder someone" ?

    And they say, "well, anything can happen, its impossible to say what someone will do tomorrow".

    Then I run a headline "Source says Suthep could resort to murder".

    Nothing is actually incorrect. Ethically it is very very wrong, it is pure propaganda manipulation, but factually it is correct and so legally no action can be taken.

    This is what they are doing here. Asking one question, taking the response out of context and using it to perpetuate anti-Thaksin propaganda.

    Expect this to happen a lot for ALL anti-Thaksin, anti-reconciliation news outlets.

    Headline the newspapers with the story - then simply print the denial on the internet or a small mid page article.

    Same again with the next lie.

    Headline the news paper with it, front page. Put the denial on the internet only or in the middle pages next day.

    This is what they did before against TRT and PPP.

    Looks like the anti-reconciliation, love division news outlets are doing it again.

    They are a disgrace.

  6. If any Thai Newspaper or Editor claims to want reconciliation they should now, without fail or delay - NAME THE SOURCE of this lie.

    If they try to hide the source of this lie they are again showing they do not want reconciliation, that they, the newspapers, are happy to be the toy of the propaganda machine of the invisible hand.

    Today is the day we can know if these Thai Newspapers are really for reconciliation - or whether they want the division to continue.

    Time to "out" the liar - are the Thai Newspapers for reconciliation, or against ? We shall know by their next action.

  7. Looks how the rabid anti-Thaksin posters jump on the lies and start to say they are true.

    This is how propaganda works.

    A ploy used by the army very well against the communists.

    If you throw enough lies around eventually people start to believe some lies as truth.

    And those blinded by their emotions believe all lies as its what they want to hear.

    Unbelievable how many "told you so" posters crawl out of the woodwork when the lies again start to be spread by the invisible hands under the guise of "source" in an incorrect newspaper report.



    This just shows how the INVISIBLE HANDS and LIARS are already trying to create division and detail the reconciliation process.

    How can these lies make their way into National Newspapers ?

    Yingluck should go straight on TV now and expose this and ask, on national tv, for the newspapers to reveal their sources to assist with reconciliation and expose who the liars are for the sake of the country. The country cannot move forward if the liars are going to get their stories into the papers when they have not a shred of proof.

    This is the disgrace of a "propaganda" war - the only way to stop it is to shame the newspapers into revealing their liar sources to the Thai people, so the Thai people can know who are the liars trying to create trouble.

  9. Undoubtedly, he did the best he could with a pigs ear of a coalition.

    I reckon there is room for him and Korn to go off and make their own party.

    He is still relatively young so he could do so in the future. It would be good to see him head a party in which there were only highly competent people who were clean of corruption.

    Maybe his name is too tarnished by Rajprasong.

    More accurately, tarnished by UDD's propaganda of the events at Ratchaprasong. He has been called a murderer, so the question is whether the naive simple folk actually truly believe such propaganda.

    Yes they believe it. My wife, MIL, and 2 SIL all listen to the red propaganda and believe it. They come and tell me all of this anti monarchy BS that is so illogical that it baffles the mind. Plus all of the other stuff they believe. I remember at the time they were thinking of voting for TRT they thought thaksin wound not be corrupt because he was so rich already. Now they admit he was corrupt but they don't care. The ONLY reason they could give me for voting PT was thaksin got rid of the drugs in their village. They do not care that 1500+ of the 2500+ that were killed did not have links to the drug trade and have told me so. They do not care about all of thailand. they only care about their little part of it.

    What the anti-Thaksin brigade do not mention is that it is highly likely - and this is backed up by talking with many policeman - that most of the killings were in fact done by the drug lords.

    The drug lords did not want the little people "shopping" them and implicating them, so they set about wiping out the dealers and erasing the links back to them.

    It was thugs killing thugs in most cases.

    And yes, you will find most Thai people were very happy with the war on drugs, and they hope another one comes again soon, and it is one of the reasons they keep voting TRT, PPP, PTP.

  10. The whole AEC and the happenings of the coup need to be investigate.

    Reconciliation means going back to the coup of 2006.

    The coup was an act of treason - but the coup leaders all gave themselves AMNESTY - without consulting the people.

    The coup leaders appointed the AEC to investigate and find Thaksin guilty. They also replaced many of the judiciary with their personal choices . Was this fair ? or was it a set up ?

    So everything from 2006 must be reconsidered as part the reconciliation process.

    It is clear the Yellow side want to ignore and forget the treasonous act of a coup, the granting of amnesty to themselves, the scrapping of the peoples constitution BUT that cannot be the case. It is the root of the problem and everything needs to be considered, including events in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.

    Reconciliation cannot be selective.

    So you have to go back and see why the coup happened and why so many were relieved when it did.

    Thaksin's wholesale abuse of the democratic system with his emasculation of all the checks and balances is the reason.

    Funnily enough I do not remember any massive protests. Just a few yellow shirts and rabid yellow media outlets.

    Funnily enough the "people" voted TRT, TRT, TRT, PPP and PTP. The majority of the people therefore never supported the coup at all.

    Corruption was much lower under TRT than under the previous Democrat government.

    The reason for the coup.... a good question. And one that needs to be investigated along with the overseas bank accounts of senior coup leaders to see if anyone or any entity paid for the coup to happen.

    Everything needs to be investigated as part of the reconciliation process.

  11. Watching international TV it is amazing how everyone now is openly saying that the Abhisit regime were puppets of the military and the military cobbled together the coalition to allow the Democrats into power.

    Even an ex Democrat MP on AJ this morning admitting this.

    Now, where were The Nation when Abhisit was put into power ? They were posting pictures of handsome boy wonder, including the famous hug with Newin (a banned politician).

    Not once did they question if he was a puppet or ask him to prove he was not.

    And now its seems many with inside insight are saying he was, now that they are kicked out of power by the people.

    The Nation is again showing how not neutral it is.

  12. The PM designate has nothing to prove to the Nation.She won the election. that is proof enough of the Thai voters' choice.

    It is the Nation that needs to prove that it is capable of unbiased opinion pieces that seek to incite problems and that fan the fires of hatred.

    Her brothers network won her an election,

    lets not pretend she walked in, and 6 weeks later was a world class party leader.

    She was placed into a position to win this, she did not lead this herself.

    But in theory she must now lead the nation. Well the long knives are out

    and she is already saying 'reinvestigate her brothers crimes'.

    This does not constitute leadership from the top.

    So far she appears to be lead by others.

    The whole AEC and the happenings of the coup need to be investigate.

    Reconciliation means going back to the coup of 2006.

    The coup was an act of treason - but the coup leaders all gave themselves AMNESTY - without consulting the people.

    The coup leaders appointed the AEC to investigate and find Thaksin guilty. They also replaced many of the judiciary with their personal choices . Was this fair ? or was it a set up ?

    So everything from 2006 must be reconsidered as part the reconciliation process.

    It is clear the Yellow side want to ignore and forget the treasonous act of a coup, the granting of amnesty to themselves, the scrapping of the peoples constitution BUT that cannot be the case. It is the root of the problem and everything needs to be considered, including events in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.

    Reconciliation cannot be selective.

  13. The PM designate has nothing to prove to the Nation.She won the election. that is proof enough of the Thai voters' choice.

    It is the Nation that needs to prove that it is capable of unbiased opinion pieces that seek to incite problems and that fan the fires of hatred.

    "........... nothing to prove to the Nation" but a hell of a lot to prove to the nation.

    As we all get to see the Nation's articles, perhaps you would like to point out those " that fan the fires of hatred." Then have a look at the red rags which, in Thai, reach many times as many Thai citizens, and make the Nation look like milquetoast. Or perhaps we should compare them to UDD speeches from last year.

    But you are comparing apples with pears.

    If you want to compare extreme red rags etc.. then they were set up is response to ASTV and extreme Yellow rags, and must be compared with them, like for like.

  14. The Nation has been strongly anti Thaksin, anti-TRT, anti-PPP in the past. It has supported the Yellow and Multicolour shirts.

    What the Nation staff or owners think matters not, they just lost the election - and I say that as they were in effect campaigning for the Democrats by their past actions.

    The Nation should shut up and try reporting on real news like corruption in the army, and keep their noses out of politics.

    What? They aren't allowed an opinion?

    Imagine what would have happened if a bunch of red shirt radio stations or magazines were shut down just because they were stating their opinion. No one would complain about that, would they?

    The difference being, of course, is that this opinion isn't inciting people to violence or telling lies.

    It is well known the CNS and Coup Leaders used their "communist" experience to launch a massive propaganda campaign against Thaksin and TRT after the coup, one that has continued. They know exactly how to use propaganda and the media to turn untruths into semi truths and untruths into popular opinion.

    There is a difference between opinion - and also portraying lies and untruths in a propaganda war to influence the minds of the people.

    To take from the famous saying " A truth is easy to be forgotten, but a lie told well will remain for a very long time"

  15. Well, I wonder what TVF's resident purveyors of doom & gllom and negativity will say to this? Let's see the reasons they come up with to counter OP. I'm sure someone will throw in something that includes one of the following;

    1. The PTP bribed all those wealthy educated voters that picked PTP.

    2. Thaksin cast a magical spell over the Democrats causing them to splinter into factions.

    3. The Thais that voted PTP are uneducated idiots with dirty fingernails that didn't know better (Can't have a response without someone insulting and ridiculing the Thai people can we?);

    4. It was a conspiracy underwritten and orchestrated by international conspirators. i.e. The Bilderberg Group, the "Illuminati", Freemasons, The Pope,etc.

    And sooner or later someone will raise Hitler. Can't have a thread without a reference to the der Fuhrer.

    Now that the Nation is trying to reposition itself as a "neutral" news organization, it is nice that it is finally cluing in to what was observed months ago and that foreign media was reporting on.

    The totally not neutral "The Nation" should go the way of the BJT party.

    Totally embarrassed and hopefully soon to be dissolved and gone forever.

    The Nation, ASTV and all those other Yellow propaganda machines need to be eliminated for the sake of the country.

  16. The Nation has been strongly anti Thaksin, anti-TRT, anti-PPP in the past. It has supported the Yellow and Multicolour shirts.

    What the Nation staff or owners think matters not, they just lost the election - and I say that as they were in effect campaigning for the Democrats by their past actions.

    The Nation should shut up and try reporting on real news like corruption in the army, and keep their noses out of politics.

  17. Why not tell us what happened then? If you agree with LevelHead then you must feel as threatened as he is for some reason. Certainly threatened enough to make threats to other posters.

    1996 election, NAP led the government after getting more seats, but less votes, than the Democrats.

    1997, gross mismanagement by Chavalit and his team, in part contributing to the Asian economic crisis, sees the Democrats take charge under Chuan. The Democrats implement IMF policies, stabilise the economy and repair the damage.

    2001, Thaksin's TRT buys out the NAP, forms a coalition government, takes advantage of the policies put in place by the Democrats and a growing global economy. Thaksin is later found by the courts, and the evidence is freely available, to have stolen billions from the Thai people.

    And what a weak, pathetic statement the one about Thaksin not inventing Thai corruption is. I suppose it's alright for someone to go around murdering for fun, after all, they didn't invent it, and others have killed far more in the past? Until the rich and powerful, and that includes Thaksin and his family, are held responsible for their actions, any talk of equality and progress for the poor is hollow.

    Democrats before 2001.. good guys ??.... LOL

    Transparency International is an independent organisation who do a yearly "Corruptions Perception Index" (CPI).

    The higher the CPI the LESS corrupt a country is meant to be.

    10 is the perfect score and would suggest no corruption whatsoever and the lower the CPI the more corrupt.

    So, let us take a look at what Transparency International's actual figures for their yearly surveys of Thailand say.

    In 2000, when the Democrats were still in power, Thailand's CPI was 3.2.

    By 2003 under TRT, the CPI had gone up to 3.3. (Yes it was rising so less corrupt)

    Then, there is another increase in the CPI in 2004 to 3.6. (Rising again, less corrupt again)

    Then, on 18 October 2005, Transparency International released its survey for 2005 and yes you guessed it, the CPI had then increased to 3.8.

    Getting even less corrupt.

    And this is not far away from when the Military held a coup due to "corruption".

    Maybe its frankly that certain people were getting starved of their corruption money and drug money and decided it was time to get rid of Thaksin and TRT so high levels of corruption and drugs could return as the normal to Thai life.

    Strange that nobody replies to this post, which categorically proves that TRT were less corrupt than the Democrats back in the period where the propaganda has been so rife since that period that some people wrongly think corruption was worse under Thaksin and TRT - WHEN IN FACT IT WAS MUCH LESS !!

    The leftovers of that propaganda machine can still be seen on the internet today with people vociferously anti-Thaksin based on the lies spouted by the machinery of the coup.


  18. ... Some of these people never lived under the prior 2001 Democrat rampant corruption did they ? Before TRT came to power the Democrats put the country massively into debt and their government fell over rampant corruption the likes of which were never seen again until 2009 and 2010.....

    It's quite amusing that the red supporters still feel threatened enough to have to continue posting their outrageous rubbish to try and justify their position.

    Ballpoint, if you don't know what your talking about its most wise to be silent and to educate yourself first. If you are among those silly foreigners that actually believe Thaksin invented Thai corruption and some vote buying its best to leave this country with your tail between your legs.

    So tired of those 'i know Thailand because I visited Pattaya' foreigners, yawn.

    Why not tell us what happened then? If you agree with LevelHead then you must feel as threatened as he is for some reason. Certainly threatened enough to make threats to other posters.

    1996 election, NAP led the government after getting more seats, but less votes, than the Democrats.

    1997, gross mismanagement by Chavalit and his team, in part contributing to the Asian economic crisis, sees the Democrats take charge under Chuan. The Democrats implement IMF policies, stabilise the economy and repair the damage.

    2001, Thaksin's TRT buys out the NAP, forms a coalition government, takes advantage of the policies put in place by the Democrats and a growing global economy. Thaksin is later found by the courts, and the evidence is freely available, to have stolen billions from the Thai people.

    And what a weak, pathetic statement the one about Thaksin not inventing Thai corruption is. I suppose it's alright for someone to go around murdering for fun, after all, they didn't invent it, and others have killed far more in the past? Until the rich and powerful, and that includes Thaksin and his family, are held responsible for their actions, any talk of equality and progress for the poor is hollow.

    Democrats before 2001.. good guys ??.... LOL

    Transparency International is an independent organisation who do a yearly “Corruptions Perception Index” (CPI).

    The higher the CPI the LESS corrupt a country is meant to be.

    10 is the perfect score and would suggest no corruption whatsoever and the lower the CPI the more corrupt.

    So, let us take a look at what Transparency International’s actual figures for their yearly surveys of Thailand say.

    In 2000, when the Democrats were still in power, Thailand’s CPI was 3.2.

    By 2003 under TRT, the CPI had gone up to 3.3. (Yes it was rising so less corrupt)

    Then, there is another increase in the CPI in 2004 to 3.6. (Rising again, less corrupt again)

    Then, on 18 October 2005, Transparency International released its survey for 2005 and yes you guessed it, the CPI had then increased to 3.8.

    Getting even less corrupt.

    And this is not far away from when the Military held a coup due to "corruption".

    Maybe its frankly that certain people were getting starved of their corruption money and drug money and decided it was time to get rid of Thaksin and TRT so high levels of corruption and drugs could return as the normal to Thai life.

  19. With all the anti-Thaksin farang cannons blasting away at Thaksin and Puea Thai over the past years, weeks and days, he still won the election. Don't you guys realize that your opinion doesn't count anything? Quit fighting please and accept the choice that Thais have made.


    Accepted but not celebrating. OK with you? How does it work that a criminal fugitive wins an election? That's off the map of political normality.

    A criminal, convicted by who? His opponents?

    Thaksin was charged and prosecuted by the AEC (Assets Examination Committee), which was appointed by the military junta that lead the coup against Thaksin. There were 12 members on the AEC. Have you looked up who they were? They are all long-time critics of Thaksin and several of them are PAD members, most of them are members of the Democrat party. One of them (Banjerd Singkaneti) even publicly compared Thaksin to Hitler in 2006.

    These are the people who charged Thaksin. Now, I ask you again, how legitimate was Thaksin's conviction.

    Well said !!

    The truth is out there if you really want to see it.

  20. You are so naive. These days voters who have taken money must photograph their ballot with their mobile phone and show it to the thugs waiting outside. People have been killed for failing to produce the proper photo.

    First of all, don't call people that. Secondly, produce some credible evidence for your claims.

    Well said !!

    2006 was the year the "mobile phone pic" fad came in. And nobody got killed for it.

    It was a new way of doing things.

    No money before hand.

    Money afterwards if you proved by a mobile phone pic that you voted for them.

    And all parties did it - not just one - ALL OF THEM.

    Some of these people never lived under the prior 2001 Democrat rampant corruption did they ? Before TRT came to power the Democrats put the country massively into debt and their government fell over rampant corruption the likes of which were never seen again until 2009 and 2010.....

  21. Yingluck ran a tight campaign, Abhisit a lack luster one, he seemed to anticipate defeat, I think he was getting the message from both the army and higher up that he was on his own. He may even have been told to throw the fight, I think deals have been made which only indirectly involve politics.

    No, the Thai people have voted TRT to power, TRT to power, TRT to power, PPP to power, PTP to power.

    Its got nothing to do with being told to lose - they always lose now as everyone hates their corrupt puppet masters.

    Every excuse under the sun will come out for the apologists to the invisible hand BUT the Thai people choose Thaksin and his party - that is democracy and until the invisible hand starts meddling again that is way it will be.

  22. The Democrats went running to Japan and borrowed loads and loads of cash and started spend spend spend.

    As they always do.

    Last time they got the country in such a bad way TRT and Thaksin had to come to power and bail the country out with good fiscal management, to eliminate the debts.


    Nothing different this time, borrow and spend, borrow and spend is all they have done.

    They were lucky as Asia has boomed while Europe and the USA suffer and capital has been flowing into Asian countries looking for more returns and less risk, so the damage they have done is largely hidden under a general Asia boom.

  23. Thaksin does not represent division. The Thai people keep voting for him and his party. They are not divided.

    It is the minority who abuse their guns and tanks and influence who see Thaksin as a severe threat to their continued existence as "privileged".

    Thailand was not divided by Thaksin, it is the freedom and liberty that was in the process of giving to Thai's that represented a threat the minority could not take anymore.

    The minority have tried to divide the country since 2006 - but the single biggest thing that unites the normal Thai people is Thaksin - which is why they keep winning elections.

    Can you not grasp that principle of election and democracy ????

    Not divided you say? 38 percent of votes voted PTP. Not divided you say?
    Another factor completely ignored by the media is the actual mandate Thaksin's party, who claims the majority of Thais stand behind, has to run the country. Out of Thailand's eligible voters, only 74% actually came out to vote. Of that 74%, Thaksin's party secured only 263 of 500 seats in the parliament, a mere 52% of the parliament with many of these seats won by very slim margins. 52% of the 74% that bothered to even vote gives Thaksin's Peua Thai Party (PTP) a mere 38% mandate, a far flung, embarrassingly low number for a party that claims support from the majority of the nation.

    Yes not divided.

    Because look at the voter turnout in Isaan and PTP strong holds.

    Very very low voter turnout because they do not need to vote as PTP will win and they are not getting paid to vote.

    If the perhaps 65% of Isaan that did not vote were to vote then the amount of voting percentage to PTP would have been far far greater.

    Look at where voter turnout is most high, this is where vote buying is rife, and its not Isaan..... !

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