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Posts posted by LevelHead

  1. For those of you confused as to why the Baht is so strong and remains strong, let me offer an opinion.

    Normally in Thailand the budget before the last year of power of a government is where rampant and massive corruption occurs.

    Politicians need money to pay for the next election and therefore the final budget before the last year is where they get money spent on projects where their supporters have interests and so the money is fed back to the politicians.

    Its like the retirement fund/new election campaign funds kitty.

    This is why the Reds are doing their demo now, they too know this happens.

    With regards to the baht, others also know this happens and so they pile money into investments into "Democrat / BJT / Coalition parties" companies, knowing that end of this year and early next year these companies will win lots of government tenders and work and have a great year.

    This flow of funds into Thailand investing in these companies and associated investments is what is making the baht strong.

    If the election is Q42 2011 then from June onwards next year the baht will plummet.

    If the present government gets kicked out, the baht will also plummet.

    If the present government remains in power the baht will remain strong, until the budget is over and then the companies associated with friends and family of the government win massive government business and then it will go down as an election nears.

    With regards to the pound, it is "extra weak" presently due to uncertainty over the elections in the UK and the possibility of a hung parliament. Once the election is done then the pound will bounce a bit.

    Of course no figures produced.

    Just speculative drivel apart from drawing upon his hero Thaksin for inspiration re rampant and massive corruption occurs

    Where the purpose, of course, is to offset this.

    Draw attention away from Thaksin.

    That is your job.

    If you do not know about the "last budget before the final year before the elections" in Thailand then you seriously know nothing about how the system works.

    Democrat / BJT and Coalition MP's will now be pushing their "pet" projects to ensure in the budget that lots of money is allocated to projects, which of course their friends and families and supporters businesses will win.

    They are all now trying their best to ensure they have the maximum funds for their election campaign, which will be used to "buy victory".

    Why do you think they are hanging on and not dissolving the house taking in the mess in the country, the deaths and everything else.

    This is most normal for all Thai governments, regardless of color, and its why the Reds now are trying to make it most difficult for the Coalition parties who must hang on regardless to ensure they get to set the budget (and therefore the projects) that will "feed" them in 2011 and their election campaigns.

  2. For those of you confused as to why the Baht is so strong and remains strong, let me offer an opinion.

    Normally in Thailand the budget before the last year of power of a government is where rampant and massive corruption occurs.

    Politicians need money to pay for the next election and therefore the final budget before the last year is where they get money spent on projects where their supporters have interests and so the money is fed back to the politicians.

    Its like the retirement fund/new election campaign funds kitty.

    This is why the Reds are doing their demo now, they too know this happens.

    With regards to the baht, others also know this happens and so they pile money into investments into "Democrat / BJT / Coalition parties" companies, knowing that end of this year and early next year these companies will win lots of government tenders and work and have a great year.

    This flow of funds into Thailand investing in these companies and associated investments is what is making the baht strong.

    If the election is Q42 2011 then from June onwards next year the baht will plummet.

    If the present government gets kicked out, the baht will also plummet.

    If the present government remains in power the baht will remain strong, until the budget is over and then the companies associated with friends and family of the government win massive government business and then it will go down as an election nears.

    With regards to the pound, it is "extra weak" presently due to uncertainty over the elections in the UK and the possibility of a hung parliament. Once the election is done then the pound will bounce a bit.

  3. Soldier shot by another soldier today, what does the government do ? They block access to a local TV station as they reported the story.

    Burmese Junta is the new name for Democrat/Bhumjathai coalition.

    Comments section of http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2...ional-monument/

    Athita // Apr 28, 2010 at 10:44 pm

    My friend was driving at Paholyothin road, near Lam Look Ka intersection when the incident took place. He saw many soldiers and riot police were firing bullets to the air, some to the protesters.

    Spring News TV ( http://www.springnewstv.com ) is now blocked by the ICT for their live report at the scene claiming the shooting came from the standing soldiers and hit a soilder riding on motorcycle. See picture


    BBC also reports the dead soldier was mistakenly shot by another soldier.

    I watched live local Thai TPBS, and The Nation, the reporters said the protestors had nothing except rocks, sticks, firecrackers etc.


    3Athita // Apr 28, 2010 at 11:01 pm

    Additional report,

    The dead soldier namedly Private Narongrit Sara was shot to the head. He was riding a motorbike as “rapid unit” toward those standing soldiers. As the situation tensed and it was heavy rain, some said the standing force fired to the poor private.

    Another injured innocent motorist, is reported namely as Mr. Komkrit, (some said he works as vegetable delivery at Si Moom Muang Market) was shot by real bullet while he was in his car and treated at ICU in a hospital.

    The hospitals nearby report total casualties of 18 in total (mostly civilian, and passing by folks).

  4. Comments section of http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2...ional-monument/

    Athita // Apr 28, 2010 at 10:44 pm

    My friend was driving at Paholyothin road, near Lam Look Ka intersection when the incident took place. He saw many soldiers and riot police were firing bullets to the air, some to the protesters.

    Spring News TV ( http://www.springnewstv.com ) is now blocked by the ICT for their live report at the scene claiming the shooting came from the standing soldiers and hit a soilder riding on motorcycle. See picture


    BBC also reports the dead soldier was mistakenly shot by another soldier.

    I watched live local Thai TPBS, and The Nation, the reporters said the protestors had nothing except rocks, sticks, firecrackers etc.


    3Athita // Apr 28, 2010 at 11:01 pm

    Additional report,

    The dead soldier namedly Private Narongrit Sara was shot to the head. He was riding a motorbike as “rapid unit” toward those standing soldiers. As the situation tensed and it was heavy rain, some said the standing force fired to the poor private.

    Another injured innocent motorist, is reported namely as Mr. Komkrit, (some said he works as vegetable delivery at Si Moom Muang Market) was shot by real bullet while he was in his car and treated at ICU in a hospital.

    The hospitals nearby report total casualties of 18 in total (mostly civilian, and passing by folks).

  5. There has been an ongoing investigation to the deaths that have occurred complete with Red shirts on the panel....

    Yes I can state that the terrorists are working for Sae Daeng and that Sae Daeng is a red working for Thaksin.



    I can state some terrorists are Thai's and also some Thai's work for the Yellow/PAD.


    Do you think you fool some people with your spin ? :D

    No spin involved... you have Sae Daeng's Ronin .. you have Sae Daeng's warnings ... you have the photos of the black shirted terrorists mingling openly with the Reds.

    I note you ignore the neutral investigation that includes redshirt participation ... why? because that kills your argument for other investigations. The fact that most of the reds that died were killed by the type of weapons shown to be carried by Sae Daeng's Ronin and they were shot back to front is the telling information so far from the investigation. It is clear that the reds needed Martyrs for the cause and that they provided those martyrs.

    The question now becomes what should the legitimate military of the Kingdom of Thailand do when they see armed Red shirts and their black-shirted ronin military?



    I suggest you go to the link below and read about the Army and who the "third hand" is. You might realize why Abhisit does not want any independent investigations, he has likely been ordered by his masters not to allow it.


  6. There are no red shirts dead or in the hospital?

    And you know who is responsible for all this?

    Yes we know who is responsible for the violence. The red shirts refusing lawful orders to disperse and carrying weapons such as molotav cocktails (petrol bombs) and Sae Daeng's black shirted "Ronin" are responsible for the people that have been hurt and killed, along with the redshirt leaders that have openly called for violence in the streets!

    We will likely never know.

    The Red shirts and PTP have called for a UN Independent Investigation, however the government refuse it.

    Therefore those with common sense and ability to think will suspect where the blame lies, innocent people rarely call for UN Ind. investigations, and also guilty people nearly always try to prevent Independent inquiries.

  7. I have been thinking, which is usually dangerous, and have come up with a "conspiracy theory." Quite prepared to admit it is a theory only with little supporting evidence, and retract if any hard fact destroys the chain of logic.

    What got me started was the "allegedly photoshopped" pictures of Thaksin. Some of them are suspect enough to cast some credibility of the allegations, and at least one Nation "expert" agrees. If they are doctored, someone has gone to considerable expense and trouble to create the illusion.

    This raises the question WHY? Is T seriously ill, perhaps even dying. It may be wishful thinking, but I believe the latter to be true. To support this theory, consider this. T is writing a lot of cheques that he would have trouble cashing. Contributors to the UDD fund are being promised B100,000 when he is re-instated, and there are many, many thousands according to the redneck leadership. Reports are also coming in of a wage freeze at the rally site, payment in full on a successful outcome. If he reneges on these payments, his popularity rating would be lower than the Gestapo's in Israel.

    What does a dying man care for popularity? What does he care for Wealth, his family is well provided for? What use is Power to a dead man. What does a dying man want except not to die? Maybe to make atonement for past sins, or to perform good deeds to improve his standing with his god. Does either of those fit with his character?

    Remember, this man is superstitious like the Pope is a catholic. A scant few years ago, he thought he was the best thing since sliced bread. When he was caught out, the court refused to convict him, so his scams became more and more outrageous. He was moving the Thai court system, and the military, under his control. Soon, he would be unstoppable.

    Then came the summons to head office, followed by a resignation, withdrawn after a week. But it was too late, his bad luck run had started, and continues unabated. He loses Face, Power, Wealth, Status and finally his Health. Does he blame himself for his excesses, for going too far? In a pig's eye! The blame goes back to where the bad luck started.

    I believe that the dying man's wish is for Revenge against those who caused his downfall. He wants to destroy the country that he can't return to. He has the money and the Isaan political machine to achieve what he wants, all he needs is the right motivation for the masses to carry out his will.

    Initially, for the herd, it was money, but his leaders have changed that to the current smoke-screen of "democracy, equal opportunity, blah, blah, blah." The leaders have been equally duped. They believe it is a power grab coupled with a big cash sweetener, money and power the ultimate temptation. They egg Abhisit on to attack – "if you can't clear us out you must resign" - hoping for a bloodbath and with enough armed men to assure they get one. From the funeral pyre, the Phoenix is re-born.

    What happens when they realize the real aim, that Thaksin is not coming back to rule because he is dying, and that they are not going to be rich and powerful as promised? The first thing I'd do is seek an amnesty, because without one they are going to end up behind walls for a long time, if not in front of one for the short rest of their lives (I was tempted to say "short time" but refrained). What can they do if an amnesty is refused? Carry on and hope for the best, and/or bolt for the nearest border. We will have to wait and see.

    Why do you continue to lie to yourself that Thaksin is wanting to come back to rule ?

    Perhaps that is why you cannot understand why tens of thousands of reds are demonstrating in Bangkok and country wide millions of people quietly support them. If you must keep deluding yourself its all about Thaksin then you will forever be posting nonsense like the above.

    I have put a bold section in my original post to aid your diminutive reading and comprehension skills. Try starting from the top - it is OPINION and a CONSPIRACY THEORY.

    Yes, but your implication is that Thaksin is coming back and then people will know he is dead/dying/last week/next week/already whatever and this will be some surprise to them that he is not coming back.

    Therefore you base your whole theory on the delusions and lies about Thaksin.

  8. I notice that the loud mouthes of the YELLOW media are now not talking about this attack so much.

    Their claims and flames of directly after the event are now gone. Perhaps they even suspect a "third hand" at play trying to incite a coup/martial law.

    Why the need to such delay to the video and also the "secretive" nature as noted in the link below


    I would suggest this is due to the splits in the Army. If you want to know more about the splits in the Army and why they are there I suggest reading links about the Army on the link below.


    You may get some enlightenment.

    Or not if you are blind.

    Nice try Levelhead. I thought you and Mr Orange don't believe the Nation - why would they publish anything damaging to the Government?

    The Nation is not saying anything against the government, they would not as they are YELLOW, but they do of course note the "secrecy".

    Its plain obvious when the mysterious BTS video's claimed as direct evidence where of course never released. The Nation's media crew were frothing at the mouth waiting for them, and waiting and waiting and now I think they realize whats going on so are dumping the story.

    Its very likely it will never be known what happened.

    I mean, the REDS have called for a UN Independent Inquiry into April 10th and April 22nd.

    The government is refusing.

    Can you guess who the so called "terrorists" are working for ?

  9. Big Jiew comes out swinging. But hits nothing...

    But all American's keep getting bashed for some reason.

    Chavalit took the reigns of PTP

    PTP along with Thaksin controls the redshirts

    The redshirts are breaking many laws and confronting citizens in their daily lives,

    Redshirts and PTP MP's all conspire to bring down the government.

    The only PTP legitlative actions in a year have been signally unsucessful attempts

    to bring down the government.

    This is just an extra legal means to try the same thing.

    Chavalit can't sue and can't do more than throw counter accusations,

    because taking this to court would expose him further.

    By exactly the same reason I do not see Abhisit or Suthep taking Chavilit to court for defamation over the "MURDERER" charges.

    By your reasoning does this mean Abhisit and Suthep know they are likely guilty and not want further exposure ?

    Yellow apologists, they do have some funny views :)

  10. I have been thinking, which is usually dangerous, and have come up with a “conspiracy theory.” Quite prepared to admit it is a theory only with little supporting evidence, and retract if any hard fact destroys the chain of logic.

    What got me started was the “allegedly photoshopped” pictures of Thaksin. Some of them are suspect enough to cast some credibility of the allegations, and at least one Nation “expert” agrees. If they are doctored, someone has gone to considerable expense and trouble to create the illusion.

    This raises the question WHY? Is T seriously ill, perhaps even dying. It may be wishful thinking, but I believe the latter to be true. To support this theory, consider this. T is writing a lot of cheques that he would have trouble cashing. Contributors to the UDD fund are being promised B100,000 when he is re-instated, and there are many, many thousands according to the redneck leadership. Reports are also coming in of a wage freeze at the rally site, payment in full on a successful outcome. If he reneges on these payments, his popularity rating would be lower than the Gestapo’s in Israel.

    What does a dying man care for popularity? What does he care for Wealth, his family is well provided for? What use is Power to a dead man. What does a dying man want except not to die? Maybe to make atonement for past sins, or to perform good deeds to improve his standing with his god. Does either of those fit with his character?

    Remember, this man is superstitious like the Pope is a catholic. A scant few years ago, he thought he was the best thing since sliced bread. When he was caught out, the court refused to convict him, so his scams became more and more outrageous. He was moving the Thai court system, and the military, under his control. Soon, he would be unstoppable.

    Then came the summons to head office, followed by a resignation, withdrawn after a week. But it was too late, his bad luck run had started, and continues unabated. He loses Face, Power, Wealth, Status and finally his Health. Does he blame himself for his excesses, for going too far? In a pig’s eye! The blame goes back to where the bad luck started.

    I believe that the dying man’s wish is for Revenge against those who caused his downfall. He wants to destroy the country that he can’t return to. He has the money and the Isaan political machine to achieve what he wants, all he needs is the right motivation for the masses to carry out his will.

    Initially, for the herd, it was money, but his leaders have changed that to the current smoke-screen of “democracy, equal opportunity, blah, blah, blah.” The leaders have been equally duped. They believe it is a power grab coupled with a big cash sweetener, money and power the ultimate temptation. They egg Abhisit on to attack – “if you can’t clear us out you must resign” - hoping for a bloodbath and with enough armed men to assure they get one. From the funeral pyre, the Phoenix is re-born.

    What happens when they realize the real aim, that Thaksin is not coming back to rule because he is dying, and that they are not going to be rich and powerful as promised? The first thing I’d do is seek an amnesty, because without one they are going to end up behind walls for a long time, if not in front of one for the short rest of their lives (I was tempted to say “short time” but refrained). What can they do if an amnesty is refused? Carry on and hope for the best, and/or bolt for the nearest border. We will have to wait and see.

    Why do you continue to lie to yourself that Thaksin is wanting to come back to rule ?

    Perhaps that is why you cannot understand why tens of thousands of reds are demonstrating in Bangkok and country wide millions of people quietly support them. If you must keep deluding yourself its all about Thaksin then you will forever be posting nonsense like the above.

  11. I notice that the loud mouthes of the YELLOW media are now not talking about this attack so much.

    Their claims and flames of directly after the event are now gone. Perhaps they even suspect a "third hand" at play trying to incite a coup/martial law.

    Why the need to such delay to the video and also the "secretive" nature as noted in the link below


    I would suggest this is due to the splits in the Army. If you want to know more about the splits in the Army and why they are there I suggest reading links about the Army on the link below.


    You may get some enlightenment.

    Or not if you are blind.

  12. For those who cannot understand whats going on with the Army and Police and for those who want an opinion on the low down of who the black shirts on April 10th were, the following link might help.


    Perhaps reading any article about the Army...... ? Obviously I do not condone what is written on the site in various places, however it is an opinion of some poster, not me, and one based on "speaking with generals" who do not want to be named.

    Might be interesting to some.

    Certainly potentially enlightening.

    :) thats one scary read. wheels within wheels!


    We know the army is divided and not reliable, this piece presents some insider detail. Talk of a coup is always scary so this piece is no more scary than a post to TVF that discusses a coup. The hype of 'scary' to describle the deep source story is unnecessary. The insider report only provides details concerning the fact we already know the army is divided, that Anupong wants to retire in peace (justifiably or not). Calm down.

    The information appears to be very accurate as it matches in many ways what certain people of significance have told me.

  13. For those who want an opinion on the low down of who the black shirts on April 10th were, the following link might help.


    Perhaps reading any article about the Army...... ? Obviously I do not condone what is written in various places on the site, however it is an opinion of some posters, not me, and one based on "speaking with generals" who do not want to be named. Might be interesting to some.


    Thanks for the link - a very interesting article with a loud ring of truth to it. On another note, below is a quote from the comments page on another article there that I'm cutting and pasting. The original poster asks if the quote 'sounds familiar'. Uncannily so to this poster. <snip>

    The article is very interesting and based on its contents appears to be from "insiders" owing to its levels of accuracy.

  14. For those who cannot understand whats going on with the Army and Police and for those who want an opinion on the low down of who the black shirts on April 10th were, the following link might help.


    Perhaps reading any article about the Army...... ? Obviously I do not condone what is written on the site in various places, however it is an opinion of some poster, not me, and one based on "speaking with generals" who do not want to be named.

    Might be interesting to some.

    Certainly potentially enlightening.


  15. For those who want an opinion on the low down of who the black shirts on April 10th were, the following link might help.


    Perhaps reading any article about the Army...... ? Obviously I do not condone what is written in various places on the site, however it is an opinion of some posters, not me, and one based on "speaking with generals" who do not want to be named. Might be interesting to some.


  16. Good to see. No more violence lets hope.


    Amnesty International USA Media Statement

    Tuesday, April 27, 2010

    Amnesty International USA Urges President Obama to Send a Special Envoy to Thailand

    Contact: AIUSA media office, 202-509-8194

    (Washington, DC) - T. Kumar, director for international advocacy for Amnesty International USA, issued the following statement in response to anti-government protests in Thailand:

    "As tens of thousands of "red shirt" protesters of the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) continue their standoff with the Thai military, Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) calls on President Barack Obama to immediately dispatch a U.S. senior envoy to Thailand to help diffuse the conflict."

    "Thailand is one of the United States' strongest allies, and President Obama cannot be a spectator in this volatile situation."

    "AIUSA urges President Obama to ensure that Thai forces do not use U.S. weapons and ammunition against peaceful protesters and to call on opposition leaders to ask their supporters to refrain from violence."

  17. http://www.amnestyusa.org/document.php?id=...7001〈=e

    Amnesty International USA Media Statement

    Tuesday, April 27, 2010

    Amnesty International USA Urges President Obama to Send a Special Envoy to Thailand

    Contact: AIUSA media office, 202-509-8194

    (Washington, DC) - T. Kumar, director for international advocacy for Amnesty International USA, issued the following statement in response to anti-government protests in Thailand:

    "As tens of thousands of "red shirt" protesters of the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) continue their standoff with the Thai military, Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) calls on President Barack Obama to immediately dispatch a U.S. senior envoy to Thailand to help diffuse the conflict."

    "Thailand is one of the United States' strongest allies, and President Obama cannot be a spectator in this volatile situation."

    "AIUSA urges President Obama to ensure that Thai forces do not use U.S. weapons and ammunition against peaceful protesters and to call on opposition leaders to ask their supporters to refrain from violence."

  18. Can anybody take a minute to share the online links (or names) of online news sources for BKK or National Thailand news?

    Nation - www.nationmultimedia.com/home/breakingnews/

    Bangkok Post - www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews

    TNN Thailand ( in Thai ) - www.tnnthailand.com/

    Channel 7 ( in Thai, government ) - www.ch7.com

    Channel 9 - www.mcot.net/cfcustom/cache_page/englishnews.cfm

    And every one of them is YELLOW.

    You will not get "fair" and balanced reporting from any of them, they are slaves to the YELLOW side and put out in general rabid yellow propaganda.

  19. Here's a third way. Elections in 6 months, not 30 days, not 1.5 years. Middle ground

    Can never happen as long as the reds refuse to negotiate unless their demands are met first. Kind of odd too given the PM agreed to sit down and talk to them directly (live on TV at their request) but they ran away from those talks. The reds have also made clear that no policies to help the poor of the country by the current gov't will stop them from demanding the current government be dissolved. People need to wake up and see what this is really about and why the reds refuse to wait for elections and why they want to derails economic prosperity in Thailand and why the cannot allow the current PM to continue to good for Thailand which includes the poor of Thailand. They need a dissolution of the gov't asap before things get too good for folks and they see that his is good for the country.

    Elections in 3 months has been offered by the Reds but was rejected by Abhisit.

    It seems Team Yellow think its ok to have a coup just before an election (as happened in 2006).

    Democrats feel fine about paying small parties to not run in the election (2005) to void it.

    Team Yellow think its fine to have double standards to get your "team" into power.

    They are not going to negotiate, the Democrats have been put into power at great expense, lots and lots of money has been paid to facilitate it.

    They cannot give it up, this is why they allow people to get killed, money over democracy, that is the Democrats/Team Yellow it seems.

  20. If the gov't and/or military goal was only to clear out the red mob, it is VERY foolish to believe they are incapable of doing this in a matter of hours. However, they are doing their best to avoid casualties of those ignorant poor folk whose minds have been brainwashed by the constant fuel of hatred and lies coming from their red leaders.

    Kind of ironic they have convinced them to risk their lives largely for a man (once the richest in all Thailand) who doesn't have guts to even face the Thai criminal justice system over a 2-year sentence that would have surely been suspended if he had not fled and agreed to obey the law in the future. In fact, before the court verdict regarding his money the PM said he would forgive him if he expressed remorse.

    And this is where it all goes wrong.

    The Reds are not ignorant.

    The Yellows are ignorant when they try to call the Reds "uneducated and ignorant".

    The Reds are not "brainwashed", it has been since 2006 non stop brainwashing anti-Thaksin propaganda that has suckered Yellow people in. Anyone who believes the nonsense from the Yellow media and obvious biased Yellow posters on here are the ones who are getting "brainwashed".

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