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Posts posted by LevelHead

  1. Perhaps things will change but outside of Bangkok, I do not see any anarchy at all. In fact nothing has changed in the least.. It does seem sometimes that Bangkok is separate from the rest of Thailand. Personally, I hope there is no more violence in Bangkok or anywhere else. But if their is violence in Bangkok, I do not believe this will necessarily lead to a civil war. As long as farmers have crops and vendors can sell their goods I think life will just go on.

    Sadly Abhisit and Suthep and the Yellow side want blood and death, nothing else can explain their actions.

    It will likely start on Friday evening or Saturday morning (perhaps the most likely is Saturday morning as they will attempt during 12 hours of daylight to get the protest site back).

    The ramping up of the Yellow propaganda machine is all about attempting to make things seem so bad they can say they were justified to go on their killing spree of innocent protesters.

    Expect the Yellow propaganda machine to work more and more in the days ahead, and expect many "fake Reds" action designed to upset the people of Bangkok in order to get the acceptance that Reds must die and so use force is ok.

    You can see that the media is already trying to spout the same excuses used some years back for killing all the students.

    Someone appears to want to get the reputation of "Butcher of Bangkok".

    Military Coup, Judicial Coup, Parliamentary Coup and now perhaps a more open "Slaughter" is going to happen.

    Shame on them all if they do.

    Again you are wrong.

    If they wanted a blood bath they would have waited outside them homes a month ago for the Red Leaders to do the statesman like thing and pour it on them.

    As for the any impending crackdown, won't be on a Friday or Saturday as the during the week the numbers are much lower than on weekends.

    Any action when it comes will most likely be targeted at the Red Leadership and Guards after a warning is given out to all to leave. Hopefully the red leaders let the more moderates in their camp do so.

    As far a reputation goes, your Red leaders have plenty of material now to pen a few books in the coming years to satisfy their egos - let's face, they want to go down in history as something important - at least in their own minds.

    Get real.

    April 10th they tried with force and live ammo.

    However the army commanders got killed and the leaderless Army retreated.

    They have tried once with force and live ammo and it killed 25 people.

    These people have no exercised restraint, they have tried and failed. I think you can be sure next time if these blood hungary people call another crackdown, you will see many many more dead as they use excessive force.

    Remember this.


  2. This is what happened last time, after similar tactics by what is now "Team Yellow" allowed for a slaughter to take place.

    It now seems history is repeating itself. The PAD and Team Yellow appear to want to see this happening again.

    This time perhaps the leaders will be Abhisit and Suthep who might earn their reputations in "infamy" very soon. The world is watching.

    Lets hope peace prevails and Abhisit dissolves the House.

  3. Perhaps things will change but outside of Bangkok, I do not see any anarchy at all. In fact nothing has changed in the least.. It does seem sometimes that Bangkok is separate from the rest of Thailand. Personally, I hope there is no more violence in Bangkok or anywhere else. But if their is violence in Bangkok, I do not believe this will necessarily lead to a civil war. As long as farmers have crops and vendors can sell their goods I think life will just go on.

    Sadly Abhisit and Suthep and the Yellow side want blood and death, nothing else can explain their actions.

    It will likely start on Friday evening or Saturday morning (perhaps the most likely is Saturday morning as they will attempt during 12 hours of daylight to get the protest site back).

    The ramping up of the Yellow propaganda machine is all about attempting to make things seem so bad they can say they were justified to go on their killing spree of innocent protesters.

    Expect the Yellow propaganda machine to work more and more in the days ahead, and expect many "fake Reds" action designed to upset the people of Bangkok in order to get the acceptance that Reds must die and so use force is ok.

    You can see that the media is already trying to spout the same excuses used some years back for killing all the students.

    Someone appears to want to get the reputation of "Butcher of Bangkok".

    Military Coup, Judicial Coup, Parliamentary Coup and now perhaps a more open "Slaughter" is going to happen.

    Shame on them all if they do.

  4. .what they want is to see some red-shirts skulls cracked by the army in the name of law and order....

    No such thing aas law and order in this country anymore.

    The "rule of law" went out the window in 2006 when an illegal coup by the CNS happened.

    And that is the point that the rewind button as to go to to solve this problem.

    If those dumb Yellows had not forced a coup then all these problems would never be happening.

  5. Since Thaksin upset "The Nations" owners and operators back in about 2002 the paper has been rabid in being Anti-Thaksin. Every piece of any rumour or charge against him has been lapped up and printed without care for checking whether it is true or not, "unnamed sources" are often used as an excuse for not actually naming or backing up most of their more rabid articles.

    They have with the same rabid enthusiasm been against PPP and PTPT and Reds.

    These people have something to lose, as do quite a few Phuket/Samui/Bangkok farangs whose "wives" are part of the middle class that lives off of Democrat corruption.

    Some people lost out during the TRT times of Thaksin, in general it was some of the middle class who get their kick backs from Democrats in control. These are the people you see now being rabidly anti-Red.

    The other English language newspaper is a little less rabid in its hate of Thaksin, due to its owners, but only a little less, The Nation leads the way in total propaganda and rabid hate of anything Thaksin.

    All Abhisit had to do to stop all of this weeks ago was say ;

    "The coup in 2006 was wrong, the demonstrations by the PAD which was part paid for by businesses associated with my family and many Democrats was wrong, the parliamentary coup and goings on which put me into power was wrong, and therefore I dissolve the House and put the power back to the people for a vote".

    Thats all he had to do, and 26 people would not have died.

    However it seems so much money has been paid to hold the coup, to dissolve the TRT and the PPP and to convict Thaksin and therefore to grab power, that these people are not going to let go now, they do not care than many have died and maybe more will die, all they want is the power that their money has been spent on getting hold off.

  6. plot to overthrow Monarchy uncovered . It could get very serious in minutes from now on.

    Oh dear, the government told the same lies when they slaughtered all those students years back.

    Its their "easy get out" clause, claim some lies and that justifies the killing.

    Sad Abhisit and his Democrat cronies, sad sad sad people who cling to power using force and killing innocents. Would they like to put this "evidence" into the courts ? or will they just kill everyone and then refuse to discuss "evidence".

    The world is watching.

  7. The so called "terrorists" are demanding for an Independent Investigation into April 10th.

    PTP party have called on the UN for an Independent Investigation.

    The government refuses for an Independent Investigation.

    Why not get the UN in to investigate as happened say in the Bhutto murder in Pakistan ? Why does Abhisit and his cohorts refuse ?

    Well, I think most people around the world can guess.

    One more time.

    Why did the redshirts cover the security camera's?????? They could provide prove that the redshirts are innocent, or are they maybe not????????????

    Let me explain.

    Around the world governments have whole operations set ups to deal with "propaganda" more commonly called "communications" nowadays. These deal with halting news that is not wanted to get out and putting out "stories" that is wanted to be put out.

    Fake photo's, tampered photo's and tampered video is just a small part.

    Thailand's military is very good at this, it was used successfully against the Communists in the past and Sondthi, the CNS leader, is on record as saying that, after the coup, that "Thaksin and his forces" will be dealt with "by mass psychology, just as we did with the Communists".

    So, in 2010 why would Reds cover government run camera's but allow the worlds free media to be present and film ?

    Would it be perhaps that BBC/CNN/AFP/AJ and other media sources will not allow their video to be altered and tampered with, it will go out raw. Perhaps the Reds thought that government owned video, like the BTS at Silom, might not get released for a long time, time during which many of its contents could be changed.

    Ask yourself why, why the Reds and the PTP have called for a UN Independent Investigation into the April 10th incident, AND YET the government and Abhisit in particular REFUSE this.

    Normally its only the guilty who do not want Independent Investigations.

    So ask yourself why Abhisit and his cohorts are refusing...........

  8. The so called "terrorists" are demanding for an Independent Investigation into April 10th.

    PTP party have called on the UN for an Independent Investigation.

    The government refuses for an Independent Investigation.

    Why not get the UN in to investigate as happened say in the Bhutto murder in Pakistan ? Why does Abhisit and his cohorts refuse ?

    Well, I think most people around the world can guess.

  9. That is nonsense.

    They have not showed restraint.

    On April the 10th soldiers with live ammo tried to retake the sites.

    25 people died because of it.

    The mission FAILED.

    Restraint ? Or simply inability to take action ?

    All Abhisit needs to do is to say "The coup of 2006 was incorrect, the following events from 2006 were wrong and the parliamentary coup that put me into power was also wrong and so I dissolve the house and put the power back to the people and lets have elections".

    But he prefers 26 people now dead and possibly more to come as he and his cohorts "cling to power" through force.

  10. Its a funny old world.

    Well the Reds are now called "No colours".

    If you want to see them all then tune in to http://www.uddthailand.com and watch the live broadcast from the stage. All the supporters sat there in multi coloured shirts now :D

    Of course if you are in Thailand you cannot watch as its banned, unless you are able to get around the block, which many have.

    The crowds down there are large presently. You can see why the Yellow TV forum posters wake up angry each day, each day passes and yet no action is taken, have they realised that there are just too many "No colour" shirts down there. They should stop listening to the propaganda from the all the state run media.

    You can see the desperation levels of the Yellows increasing all the time.

    We have had, Thaksin is dead, is dying, will be dead in 2 weeks and that was 4 weeks ago. HOWEVER they also tell us the "no colours" are battling to bring back Thaksin to be some "life President"...... Did they forget their own rumours he is dead ? :)

    Its very easy in Thailand to get a replacement ID card, and unless you are traveling by plane you do not need it to travel. But the Yellow lie machine says the protestors cannot leave as they have had their ID's stolen..... :D

    The lie machine also says the protest will last a day, 3 days, a week, not more than 2 weeks, it will be broken up tonight, in the morning, yesterday, last week, next week....... my word are they desperate :D

    Of course the standard lie that all the protestors are being paid is still being regurgitated as and when needed :D

    The Yellows are desperate to know why Thaksin has not phoned in for weeks, well, if he does you all say he is behind it so I would imagine he is laughing at you all asking where is he :D

    Anyway, the switch to now being the "No Colors" was a good move and will hold off any plans for violence against them, it also makes it much easier for people to come and go, with the multicolor thugs picking on and beating up single reds on the streets, its now wise to just wear "normal clothes". And of course, they all blend in very nicely now !!

    Anyway, I suppose Thaksin is dead and going to die again next week and then he wants to become President for Life (or was that death) and he is paying everyone a billion baht a day and keeps hold of their ID cards and also... well anything these Yellows can think up in their desperate attempts to put down the protests and protestors (the ones who they said many weeks ago would all be gone in a few days).....


    To add to that list of the lies

    Do you notice how all the Yellow's said there was no support for "No Colors (the new name for Reds)".

    Now all we see are stories of support falling, stories of ex-Reds now not supporting etc.. all coming from the people who denied in the first place they had any support..... :D

    All I see is more and more people and it spreading to more and more cities in Thailand.

    Yellows will soon be saying their is no protest in Bangkok, its all an illusion and it never happened. My word, they must wake up angry each day for how many weeks now as their "its all over tomorrow" is wrong for another day.

    Did you see the list of other cities this morning where Reds are now stopping Police from being moved to Bangkok. Its spreading and building it seems.

    Still no "official video evidence" of the Silom attack has been released. Perhaps they are now at the movie production area's making some with wonderful special effects ? That STINKS so much, if the evidence was there it would have been on TV instantly, and yet, it has not.

    Still the government refuses for an Independent Investigation of April 10th.

    WHY ?

    Get the UN in and do a UN Independent Investigation, as was done in Pakistan for the Bhutto killing.

    But why does the government not want a UN Independent Investigation ? The PTP party have requested the UN to do it, the No Colors (Reds) have asked the government to do it.......... and yet the government refuses.

    Tells a big big story that does.

  11. The man, Narong Panpetch, was driver of a BTS Skytrain traveling between Sala Daeng and Ratchadamri stations and is said to have told investigators that he saw “flashes come from upper floor windows” of the landmark department store building. A women, whose identity has not been released, is also reported to have told investigators she saw the same thing, just seconds before the grenades struck.


    My betting was that with all the thousands of police and army survailing the rally site (we saw the cameras on BBC report) They must have seen 5 flashes. They have an entire team in there just filming and photographing the Red Rally. What next, from the Government, All 500 cameras in the area (not just the ones the reds pointed at the sky) we not working due to them been procured during the rain of Thaksin the Terrible.

    In which case, they would have been all over TV as proof of who fired them.

    Robinsons eh, Is that in Lumpin Park?

    Well there is the subtle hint of the 5 military historied guys arrested in Landmark.

    Gee, might be some subtle connection there. Huh? Ya think?

    We agree on something, thats most strange.

    Yes, it seems the boys at the front line were not aware they should not have arrested "those" men.

    "Those" men were supposed to quietly make their exit whilst the whole Yellow propaganda machine said it was reds and fired from Lumphini and backed up by the missing video from the BTS.

    However some of the front line boys arrested them and so this was the lead story until it quietly got swept under the carpet and the "men" disappeared after being released.

    Owing the actual men being "wrongly (not the plan)" arrested by some over active boys on the front line (and so some watermelon police/army knowing of what happened), its said the "false flag" event and its video and everything else was decided to be "binned".

    Keep an eye on the Silom event to be conveniently "forgotten" and swept very deeply under the carpet.

  12. Another important thing to remember is this "PROPAGANDA WAR" is that :

    The UDD have requested and demanded "Independent Investigations" into April the 10th and April the 22nd.

    The government have refused the April 10th demand, and will likely also refuse an Independent investigation into the April 22nd Silom happening.

    Now ask yourself, why are so called and labelled "Terrorists" requesting Independent Investigations, and why are the Government refusing them ?

    Intelligent people should ponder and think about that.

    Intelligent people know that an independent investigation is underway AND that Reds stole bodies from hospital morgues to destroy evidence.

    No its not.

    Democrats and Coalition partners REFUSED an Independent Investigation on the April 10th incident.

    They voted it down.

    WHY ?

    Why do the people labelled "terrorists" want an investigation, and yet the government refuses it ?

    Answers on a post card please.

  13. Another important thing to remember is this "PROPAGANDA WAR" is that :

    The UDD have requested and demanded "Independent Investigations" into April the 10th and April the 22nd.

    The government have refused the April 10th demand, and will likely also refuse an Independent investigation into the April 22nd Silom happening.

    Now ask yourself, why are so called and labelled "Terrorists" requesting Independent Investigations, and why are the Government refusing them ?

    Intelligent people should ponder and think about that.

    When governments refuse "Independent Investigations" its because.....................

    Come on, you should know why.

    I love the way that no video evidence of anything has been released and yet Yellow posters claim there is evidence.

    Unless the evidence is released and confirmed 100% accurate by Independent sources, its nothing.

    However, an eye witness report (collaborated) that they saw the flashes come from high floors of a nearby building, well thats real time, and released and on record.

  14. Another important thing to remember is this "PROPAGANDA WAR" is that :

    The UDD have requested and demanded "Independent Investigations" into April the 10th and April the 22nd.

    The government have refused the April 10th demand, and will likely also refuse an Independent investigation into the April 22nd Silom happening.

    Now ask yourself, why are so called and labelled "Terrorists" requesting Independent Investigations, and why are the Government refusing them ?

    Intelligent people should ponder and think about that.

  15. The man, Narong Panpetch, was driver of a BTS Skytrain traveling between Sala Daeng and Ratchadamri stations and is said to have told investigators that he saw “flashes come from upper floor windows” of the landmark department store building. A women, whose identity has not been released, is also reported to have told investigators she saw the same thing, just seconds before the grenades struck.


    My betting was that with all the thousands of police and army survailing the rally site (we saw the cameras on BBC report) They must have seen 5 flashes. They have an entire team in there just filming and photographing the Red Rally. What next, from the Government, All 500 cameras in the area (not just the ones the reds pointed at the sky) we not working due to them been procured during the rain of Thaksin the Terrible.

    In which case, they would have been all over TV as proof of who fired them.

    Robinsons eh, Is that in Lumpin Park?

    Its bloody obvious that some, if not all, were fired from "high floors" of a nearby building.

    But hey, governments and Yellow leaders do not admit to "false flag" events.

    They use them to twist public opinion and then use violence against the people they want to hurt.

    I think even the anti-Red Thai's are beginning to question this event and why no "evidence" is there and why many witnesses are saying the grenades come from a nearby building..........

    Perhaps this is why the rush for a violent crackdown, let Silom get forgotten in the "we must move on now and not look to the past" speeches being written now.

  16. The man, Narong Panpetch, was driver of a BTS Skytrain traveling between Sala Daeng and Ratchadamri stations and is said to have told investigators that he saw “flashes come from upper floor windows” of the landmark department store building. A women, whose identity has not been released, is also reported to have told investigators she saw the same thing, just seconds before the grenades struck.


    My betting was that with all the thousands of police and army survailing the rally site (we saw the cameras on BBC report) They must have seen 5 flashes. They have an entire team in there just filming and photographing the Red Rally. What next, from the Government, All 500 cameras in the area (not just the ones the reds pointed at the sky) we not working due to them been procured during the rain of Thaksin the Terrible.

    In which case, they would have been all over TV as proof of who fired them.

    Robinsons eh, Is that in Lumpin Park?

    Its bloody obvious that some, if not all, were fired from "high floors" of a nearby building.

    But hey, governments and Yellow leaders do not admit to "false flag" events.

    They use them to twist public opinion and then use violence against the people they want to hurt.

  17. Don't you think it is very rude not to return a person's ID card if they ask for it back? Not doing so is THUGGISH behavior. Also, if they quit, are they paid for days served? Are they allowed to quite without being verbally abused and called traitor? We already have a credible report of a red wanting to quit having his life threatened by the red management.

    The nonsense spouted on here and in the media which has been total lies, I wonder whether many posters here know what a "credible source" is.

    Its not HP you know.

    Army soldiers have said "off the record" its said that they were given live ammo and told to shoot to injure and cause terror on April 10th..... but you would ignore that wouldn't you. Source is UDD Thailand from the soldiers they captured who made confessions.

    Source or SAUCE ?


  18. You wanna know what gets my GOAT?

    The GF just said to me

    ' oh the reds are going to stop wearing red shirts now because the yellows keep attacking them and they feel scared'

    And this is someone i just wasted 6 years trying to educate - Thais were born Ignorant... Lets just face it.... They have FACE because they are so ignorant...

    And thats why no one will ever win.... and this place will always be a NEVERLAND!!!

    Its true and its in my post before yours.

    The multicolor (Yellow) thugs were beating up single reds who were traveling to or from the protest site.

    Best to be "normal clothes" now and avoid the violence of the Yellow thugs.

  19. Its a funny old world.

    Well the Reds are now called "No colours".

    If you want to see them all then tune in to http://www.uddthailand.com and watch the live broadcast from the stage. All the supporters sat there in multi coloured shirts now :D

    Of course if you are in Thailand you cannot watch as its banned, unless you are able to get around the block, which many have.

    The crowds down there are large presently. You can see why the Yellow TV forum posters wake up angry each day, each day passes and yet no action is taken, have they realised that there are just too many "No colour" shirts down there. They should stop listening to the propaganda from the all the state run media.

    You can see the desperation levels of the Yellows increasing all the time.

    We have had, Thaksin is dead, is dying, will be dead in 2 weeks and that was 4 weeks ago. HOWEVER they also tell us the "no colours" are battling to bring back Thaksin to be some "life President"...... Did they forget their own rumours he is dead ? :)

    Its very easy in Thailand to get a replacement ID card, and unless you are traveling by plane you do not need it to travel. But the Yellow lie machine says the protestors cannot leave as they have had their ID's stolen..... :D

    The lie machine also says the protest will last a day, 3 days, a week, not more than 2 weeks, it will be broken up tonight, in the morning, yesterday, last week, next week....... my word are they desperate :D

    Of course the standard lie that all the protestors are being paid is still being regurgitated as and when needed :D

    The Yellows are desperate to know why Thaksin has not phoned in for weeks, well, if he does you all say he is behind it so I would imagine he is laughing at you all asking where is he :D

    Anyway, the switch to now being the "No Colors" was a good move and will hold off any plans for violence against them, it also makes it much easier for people to come and go, with the multicolor thugs picking on and beating up single reds on the streets, its now wise to just wear "normal clothes". And of course, they all blend in very nicely now !!

    Anyway, I suppose Thaksin is dead and going to die again next week and then he wants to become President for Life (or was that death) and he is paying everyone a billion baht a day and keeps hold of their ID cards and also... well anything these Yellows can think up in their desperate attempts to put down the protests and protestors (the ones who they said many weeks ago would all be gone in a few days).....


  20. Given the article in the post you can see why the Reds are now changing to multicolor shirts.

    With the militant forces and Abhisit ready to spray them with machine gun fire so it is said, it makes sense to now wear mutlicolors as it helps Anupong again delay military action, he will say things have changed and too many innocents could get killed.

    It allows anti-propaganda when the dead bodies on the streets are all in different color shirts and so shows the reds are more intelligent than Abhisit and co, will the potential "Butcher of Bangkok" be prepared for the world to see multicolor shirted dead bodies all over Bangkok whilst claiming strongly they are all reds in disguise ?

    Team Yellow will now have to go back to wearing Yellow and not multicolor perhaps ?

  21. thaipoliticalprisoners.wordpress.com - 24 APRIL 2010 -

    High Tension In Bangkok - 3 up-dates -

    Vejjajiva government has decided to crush the red shirts. Tension is very high and the red shirt leadership is urging supporters to be prepared.

    Abhisit has personally rejected negotiations: “Thai TV says Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has rejected protesters’ demand he dissolve Parliament in 30 days to end a political crisis that has paralyzed the country.”

    Update: “Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Saturday rejected scaled-back demands that he dissolve Parliament in 30 days, prompting anti-government protesters to pull out of negotiations to end the political crisis gripping the country. The breakdown dashed hopes for an imminent peaceful resolution to the deadlock, which has been punctuated by increasing hostility and bloody street violence.”

    Al Jazeera reports: “Abhisit Vejjajiva, the Thai prime minister, has rejected an offer of compromise with so-called red shirt protesters who have rallied for the dissolution of government for the past six weeks.” It is added that: “Abhisit said that he could not accept the offer because the red shirts ‘use violence and intimidation’. He said: “The 30-day ultimatum is not an issue. The dissolution [of parliament] must be done for the benefit of the entire country, not just for the red shirts, and it must be done at the right time…”.

    It looks like the hardliners have had a victory within the government and that the ever stubborn Abhisit has had his way.

    Update 1: The Bangkok Post has Abhisit saying this of the red shirts’ proffered compromise: “No, I reject it.”

    In The Nation, Thammasat University historian Thanet Aphornsuvan said that “the principles of non-violence may not be enough to prevent them from ‘being crushed by the Army’,” and added that “this was because the same method – an appeal for non-violence – had never worked in the past in Thailand.”

    Reflecting his pessimism on negotiations, Gothom Arya of Mahidol University said in the same article of Prime Minister Abhisit: “Peace is in his hands. It’s up to him to make it, alive or dead…”. He seemed pessimistic however.

    Update 2: The Bangkok Post reports on an important piece being put in place prior to a crackdown on the red shirts. Recall that army chief Anupong Paojinda has long said that he would reject an unlawful order to crackdown on the red shirts and that earlier in the week the Civil Court issued a ruling on the legality of a crackdown that was interpreted in different ways. Now the Post reports that to “erase public doubt, Thailand’s Civil Court on Saturday said the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) can indeed disperse anti-government protesters now occupying Bangkok’s prime business district ‘if necessary’, but emphasised that it must be ‘carried out in line with international standards’.”

    Now even when the state kills people it claims to have done so “in line with international standards.” Perhaps this provides Anupong with the legal basis for action against the red shirts.

    Another part of the government’s actions against the red shirts and preparing for a crackdown likely involves unstated “evidence” against red shirts in alleged violent acts. This is a common action in previous military actions that have led to bloodshed. A member of the opponents’ camp is pushed forward, in custody, and is said to have spilled the beans. This time, it involves an actor and the Department of Special Investigation. PPT has pointed out previously that DSI has been highly politicized. Now DSI has taken to parading alleged criminals and holding news conferences and television spectacles making grand and unsupported accusations. The Nation has an account of the arrest and interrogation of Methi Amornwuthikul, who is claimed to be a “prominent red shirt.” Methi is a red shirt, but an odd character and was previously in the media for his semi-nud_e modeling and more recently for swinging punches at a Puea Thai Party campaign worker (see the video of the latter incident here).

    With yellow shirts, now in multi-colors rallying each day in numbers as high as 10,000 to 15,000, most of the elements for a crackdown that can be “justified” are in place. The threat to crush the red shirts appears ever more likely to be put in train. PPT assumes that the okay from the palace is already in place.

    Update 2: The Nation leads with the Methi story and red shirt denials. The critical point for PPT is, however, the use of the alleged confession, with Democrat Party spokesman Buranaj Smutharaks claiming that “Methee’s confession confirmed a belief that acts of sabotage on April 10 were committed by the red shirts, not a ‘third party’.” The government’s role in killings and injuries is now totally whitewashed for the Democrat Party and the public is expected to believe – and many yellow shirts will – that the red shirts killed their own.

    Update 3: Like many others, PPT is hearing many rumors of what caused the proposed negotiations/compromise to fall apart. On story has to do with Sukhumbhand Paribatra talking and reaching something of an agreement with red shirts and, it is said, Thaksin Shinawatra in Brunei. That fell apart because of hardline resistance from the yellow-shirt wing of the Democrat Party including Korn Chatikavanij, some close to the palace – guess who – and some in the military who want to crush the red shirts. They see this as the final battle. Part of the agreement was said to involve a “national government” that was to quickly amend the constitution. Abhisit would not have been interim prime minister, and he is said to have opposed that.

    Abhisit remains ensconced with the more militant of the commanders of the armed forces, while Anupong remains against the use of force, fearing a large body count and seeing Bangkok’s major shopping and hotel area burned to the ground. It is said that it is unlikely that he can hold out much longer against the hardliners.

    Nice to see an article that gets real on the present situation.

    As I said earlier, many people see Abhisit as just a hot headed arrogant man, one with blood on his hands and who wants more. The same people see Anupong as the only saving grace at the moment, he is keeping the militant forces at bay and keeping peace with the option of negotiation.

    Well, at least the rest of the world knows what is going on, the "Butcher of Bangkok", I can see that name sticking, hope he is financially rewarded enough by team Yellow that he can disappear before too long, perhaps living in exile next door to Thaksin in Fiji.

    Lets hope the potential "Butcher of Bangkok" sees sense and comes back to the negotiation table and talks with the Reds.

  22. IF, and it is a big IF, but IF the Reds do resort to guerilla warfare after a crackdown, are you all going to be happy seeing bombs go off in Siam Paragon, in Panthip Plaza, in Emporium, full of shoppers all cut to pieces by bombs.

    It's not really a "big IF" is it, if it's clearly being considered...?

    It's an "if", and the full sentence most likely goes "if you don't agree with our demands"

    I don't need to tell you right now how I feel about you.

    Always amazing when the reds try and make the violence the fault of anyone other than the reds ....

    The cycle of violence started in 2006 when people with big guns and tanks took over the country.

    They might not have used them, but the threat of using them, and by showing them in public was an act of terror, a coup.

    Who started the cycle, one which now comes full circle in 2010, four years later, but this time the other way around, its the people who are wanting their democracy back.

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