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Everything posted by brommers

  1. Even if it was designated restricted access, which is not the case, no motosai rider would take any notice of it. And they will ride in the opposite direction of the traffic flow just like they do everywhere else. Using Street View and then applying any first world traffic restrictions based on the design of the roadway is simply not the case here. The lack of hard shoulders on the section around Khun Tan does not imply anything related to road rules.
  2. Its been on the rise for weeks in Chiang Mai! Just drive 20 minutes outside the city and see all the daytime fires as farmers burn biomass without any regard to pollution. Once again I am using eye drops and air purifiers in every room, but this time starting a month earlier than last year.
  3. According to the Covid Free Setting regulations diners can only remain in the restaurant for one hour! Fat chance of enjoying a decent meal. But you can spend as many hours as you want in fresh markets where there have been hundreds of cases and no entrance checks, social distancing or any other measures. Utter bureaucratic hogwash.
  4. Had my living will & my will drawn up by Sumalee Jennapa who I have used for numerous things legal. She is fully bilingual and very approachable. Her website is www.29tanin.com and her offices easily accessible.
  5. I see nothing wrong in having a relentless focus on minimising virus transmission, so fully support the policies of Central. So many Thai who have had the Chinese [vaccines] are essentially unprotected so regular testing and getting an mRNA shot is essential. I do not need to pay for a meal and take away Covid!
  6. Just another vaguely drafted press release from a mob who have damn all knowledge of running any kind of business let alone a ravaged tourism business. And as for adaptability and the use of technology they have to be dreaming. Thai tourism is built on the entrepreneurial flair of a million highly adaptable but now bankrupted people that some vague mutterings will not help. And quite where technology fits in has not been explained in any way, probably because they have no idea. TAT want to throw millions of baht into hiring an Italian opera singer and they have the temerity to mention retaining Thainess. They are beyond a joke.
  7. There is a single Swift Code for each ban ing company. Google it and you will find the code for Kasikorn Bank. Overseas funds being brought into Thailand first go into a foreign exchange account in the bank in Bangkok. If it is over a certain amount you might be contacted to verify the source and reason for transfer. This is standard international forex anti money laundering practice. From Bkk it will be transferred into the branch account that you have selected. This usually takes no more than a working day
  8. Yet another delaying tactic. Air Visual is already a very comprehensive tool so why develop anything more? The real issue is getting down to the hard work of preventing the creation of pollution by stopping the burning of biomass, the emissions from vehicles and also from enterprises. But hey, navel gazing is a lot easier so lets just do that while the population is poisoned yet again.
  9. So EricTH, the fact that the Boston US immigration is dilatory in checking on the vaccination status of arrivals is no condemnation of the need for careful management of inbound people. If the US is you model for a well managed handling of the pandemic then you are very short sighted. No country should allow unchecked entry because it reduces the chances of further spread of the virus. Thailand maybe be overzealous in your view but this country is run by xenophobes and control freaks so we should not be surprised.
  10. Issuing a PR statement like this is going to do nothing to change the thinking of those who regard alcohol as evil & the source of irresponsible behaviour. The lack of anything that lightens people's lives is contributing to an overwhelmingly negative mindset amongst many ordinary folk which in turn contributes to the upsurge in depression, suicide, and domestic violence. Visitors from overseas are trickling in their dozens into CM and are finding they are in a graveyard rather than a place for a happy holiday. And no one believes that January 16 next year will be freedom day because a new excuse will be found to maintain the alcohol ban. Welcome to Amazing Thailand in the New Normal.
  11. How many more hoops will the government create for the already struggling businesses to jump through! If the SHA system is useless then get rid of it and have just one certification.
  12. Of course there is no plan. Currently only medics who were vaccinated with that useless Sinovac are getting a third, or should I say first real shot. There are of course many with special contacts who are jumping in and diverting supplies still needed for the general population but for expats it is going to be a lottery as to if or when a booster is available, and certainly it will be mid 2022.
  13. No matter what this bureaucrat says CM in total is a danger zone. And they have been using Sinovac which is as good as water. 50% of my Thai friends who have had this vax have subsequently tested positive and been admitted to hospital. The medics are simply unable to cope, the testing programme is behind the wave and totally inadequate, As for the walk in vaccination centres ! What good is having them open for a few hours over a few days. People started queuing at 03:30 at one location that was open ftom 8:30 for 4 hours. That is an indication of how CM will never overcome this virus.
  14. Lmao. More fool you for coming to a country which is ruled by coup leaders who could not organise a chimpanzee's tea party. This country is in the hands of the most incompetent people who are making it up as they go along. Get back on the next plane out to a country that is worth visiting & treats people as adults not children.
  15. The situation in CM is out of control because of lax behaviour by the general population and a glacial speed of response by authorities. Hospitals are simply unable to cope and people are not bothering to get tested despite having all the symptoms. Right now there is no end in sight to this outbreak so anyone thinking of visiting must seriouly be out of their mind. Living here is a nightmare.
  16. Once again a whole lot of rubbish emanating from government sources. There will be no yourist visiting here now the dolts have announced that bars, alcohol in restaurants, nightclibs etc will remain closed until mid January at the EARLIEST! This country is a total shambles, international tourism operators are beyond frustrated, and individual tourists are simply not going to waste their time jumping through numerous hurdles only to find a graveyard when they arrive here.
  17. The red zones are in the heart of the city and it is impossible to close them off. Vast numbers of migrants live and work in these areas and every time the authorities conduct a testing prigramme they go into hiding, only to reappear a short time later. The authorities have absolutely no ability to get on top of the situation and locals continually ignore the regulations so daily cases increase continually. Hospitals are overrun and try to delay taking in those who are positive, medics are being brought in from other provinces because local staff are overwhelmed, and still CM pretends it is open for tourists. The folly of this is blindingly obvious.
  18. So fitting that the dolt who referred to Dirty Farangs is now classed as Dirty Thai. I am literally p*ssing myself laughing at this artogant kittle bricklayer being shown the door by the Swiss.
  19. Generics are generally well formulated when made by reputable organisations. However even known manufacturers can sometimes produce faulty tablets. When I was working for a global drug manufacturer we tested generics of our brands & on occasion found the tablets had been stamped at too high a pressure. This meant that while they were chemically sound they would pass through the gut without being fully absorbed. So it is worth knowing the manufacturer & avoiding any that you cannot trace as well as trusting the regulatory environment of the country of manufacture.
  20. Nothing but government inspired puffery. Chiang Mai remains a Covid hotspot that is now unable to manage the outbreak. An American visitor who ate in my partner's restaurant & who booked a month here after a similar time in Phuket said that everywhere he goes is closed and he feels like he has been fed fake news and does not know how he can justify staying in CM more than a few days at most. This is going to be the pattern for any overseas visitor.
  21. Another delusional utterance from Bob the Builder. The situation in CM is out of control and the medics simply are not keeping up with the situation. It took a friend 3 separate visits to a hospital over 48 hours to get a test when all that time she was clearly Covid positive. Her live in partner has not been advised to get tested, or self isolate despite the fact she is now in hospital, has lost her voice, has breathing difficulty, no sense of taste & has a fever. Why is her partner not being tested or advised to isolate? Why is her place of work not being advised to close & sanitise when it is within 400 metres of Warorot market. There simply is no plan and no resources to even test sufficient exposed persons. And as for vaccine supply Anutin is directly responsible for the lack of delivery because he diverted the CM doses to other places. So he had better accept responsibility for the never ending increase in infections.
  22. These "stringent measures" are merely a smokescreen to convince residents that the dirty farangs are being controlled. Meanwhile all the tens of thousands of infectious Thai, Burmese and others living here are moving around unfettered. The 400+ new cases per day are only the tip of the iceberg of what is in fact rampant Covid in Chiang Mai. And the hospitals are not able to cope.
  23. The alcohol ban has little to do with the danger of transmission and a lot to do with the strong anti alcohol lobby amongst the hyper conservative cabinet and advisors. Covid has given them a huge excuse to try to wipe out as many bars as possible by starving them of revenue. There is no logic in being able to crowd into supermarkets, fresh markets and other high traffic venues and not being able to socially distance in a responsibly run bar. We are in the hands of dictators.
  24. CM authorities are unbelievably slow in their testing of people at high risk sites which has enabled the virus to spread across the city, suburbs and neighbouring villages. This has meant we have been living in an increasing disaster for weeks. Add to this the experience of a friend who works close to 3 identified hotspots. She has had her first Sinovac & is 6 days away from her AZ shot but on Monday started to feel unwell. Over the next 36 hours she was denied testing twice until a 3rd attempt succeeded. She is now awaiting results. So it is 5 days since she felt ill & still has no idea if it is Covid or some other pulmonary infection. Its no wonder CM is not ready to receive visitors.
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