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Posts posted by humbug

  1. 19 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    They are not really hiding data, it's just that they don't test.


    Those who test, like South Korea or Italy, come up with catastrophic results...the others prefer to stay in the shade.


    The problem is that the economy and the markets don't care, they just go as if everyone was infected...confirmed or not.


    Interestingly, the worst affected market is the Thai SET...do markets know something that the Thai authorities don't, or pretend not to?


    The lies and deception from CCP China created this panic, by not telling the world for 2 months, even arresting whistle blower doctors, they allowed the Wuhan virus to be exported around the world, now countries that are too slow to recognize the effects, and are not taking extreme precautions on the health and economy side are being battered, that’s why for 2 days you had huge losses in the US, after an announcement without strong measures, then late friday, you had the announcements of strong measures and the US market rockets up, the world markets are all inter connected right now on the news, if they think it’s not being treated seriously by governments and may be, it lasts longer, then back down the markets will go, as for the SET, with these uncaring gangsters anything is possible

  2. Does seem strange, arrogant and intrusive, who knows, but lies to protect a foolish decision to think you didn’t have a work permit, for your sign on your house, maybe a good nosey around for errant foreigners, one of the locals decided to give a few hints as to a foreigner living in the neighborhood and has a company, hint hint mr gestspo, maybe it might be an illegal operation, mr gestspo goes to said house, looks a fool, for questioning said Martian alien, when legal docs are produced,then uses an excuse for his low-iq, next time ask them for a warrant, you are legal, put them on the back foot

    • Like 1
  3. On 3/9/2020 at 5:59 PM, Airalee said:

    I was at Central World two weeks ago and I didn’t see what you allude to.  I don’t have a photo of it as I do of Emquartier (which was a veritable ghost town at 4:30 in the afternoon). but I have a hard time believing the wealthy Chinese are saying “Let’s escape to Thailand!”

    So 2 weeks ago is the same as 2 days ago? Are you saying 2 days ago on Sunday in Paragon and central world it was a ghost town? That’s what you are alluding too, 2 days ago on Sunday was very busy at Paragon, especially full of Thais,  especially the  2 bottom floors,


    World Trade Center was more busy than  I expected with more wealthy tourists especially Chinese, but a lot less thais, So shops more empty,  many of the eateries near the cinema section far more empty than paragon’s food section, Thais are a large reason for successful shopping centers not Chinese,  


    and if you are wealthy, just like you saw in Italy, you would rather escape a quarantine for a month, than live through it, I find it easy to see escape routes for people to visit friendly countries, that are not under total lockdowns, not exactly caring for others granted, but selfish people will do anything to escape drastic living conditions for a month, and the Chinese are not exactly barred from many countries, which is shameful because of the Wuhan virus, but that’s the power of blackmail by gangster regimes

    • Thanks 1
  4. 42 minutes ago, Airalee said:

    Last week Emquartier was a ghost town. Usually filled with Chinese.  Didn’t make it over to Emporium so maybe there were throngs of them in the Omega and Rolex shops.



    It wasn’t a ghost town yesterday at central world or paragon, no where near the same as before when high numbers of Chinese, queuing to get into Gucci or LV, but a lot more than I was expecting, especially the more wealthy tourists, that’s not to say numbers are huge, they are way down as the poorer ones stay behind, but really surprising to see more than you think, after all these restrictions, Paragon was far busier but that’s was the added Thai’s, not so many at central world

  5. 33 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    Will never happen.

    I don’t believe a word from these Han Chinese connected gangster regimes, when they say China people not allowed into Thailand, yesterday I saw more wealthy Chinese tourists in Central world than I ever saw before, granted numbers are way down overall , but those high numbers before were mainly poorer Chinese shopping in BigC with their card board boxes with 5baht noodles to take home, this time the designer fashion crowd, it’s like if you have wealth in China, escape the quarantine and holiday in shopping paradise Bangkok, not my idea of a holiday, but considering for months they been allowed to come, they probably don’t care and think they are the master race and every one should be thank full for their $‘s and Wuhan virus

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    The only country where it has had a catastrophic effect is China. How is saying that, as I did, pro-Beijing? The number of people elsewhere that have contracted the virus has numbered in the 10s at most in the vast majority of places, with deaths almost zero.


    Here are the figures outside of China:

    With the virus outside of China: 21,611.

    Deaths outside of China: 427 (many/most of whom were vulnerable/had underlying conditions).

    Population of the world outside of China: 6.3 billion.


    In my opinion, 427 deaths out of 6.3 billion isn't too bad and most certainly not a cause for panic. Of course the numbers will rise, but for them to rise to a level that threatens society and commerce needs an unrealistic increase, maybe 500,000 or a million times increase, and that isn't going to happen. Twenty million died in WW1, 75 million in WW2, by the way. The world survived.

    The financial markets had the biggest drop in over 10 years and, miraculously, had a record rise two days later. Nothing new there. Just market manipulation which causes prices to fall and then the profit makers move in and up go the prices again.

    Bond markets are screaming world recession and that means for tourist/export oriented Thailand depression, you can pump equity markets up all you like, but when people see quarantine’s, business closures, and 1000’s if cases, people will panic even more than you saw last 2 weeks, and this fake idea that other disasters would in the world have killed more people, doesn’t stop the fact this Wuhan virus is a world disaster for 2020, and if you want to believe the numbers out of CCP China and Iran, I know a nice fairy you can contact

  7. 49 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    The normal flus (swine and avian varieties) have killed more people in the last 2 months than Covid19. 

    People suffering from viral pneumonia can die, many times not tested as to how they got it,  just "treated" best they can be as there are no drug treatments.  AFAIK

    Occurs every year during flu season all over the world.

    So exactly how is this new virus any different?

    ah that’s why the bond markets are going nuts, it’s just a normal Wuhan flu, that’s why in Iran today, the Tehran health official expects 30-40% of the Tehran 12 million population, to have the normal

    flu, and that’s why they have queues in their 1000’s in line at hospitals, just a normal flu mix of sars and aids, better take that lemsip, and thank CCP China for this wonderful normal flu 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Isaan sailor said:

    If it’s fair to assume Wuhan Lab virus (aka COVID-19) has governments worldwide underreporting mild cases, then one can also surmise the WHO’s stated mortality rate of 3.4% is also inaccurate.   And China controls all of their virus data.  So we can only guess at these numbers.

    Yes that is a good point and why we all should detest CCP China because if they told the truth mildly, we would probably find out, 3-4 million people were infected with mild cases, 300-400k with severe cases needing hospital care and maybe 100-200k deaths, maybe then the worldwide death rate would be closer to 1%, it’s 3.4% only because WHO China’s PR company are using the fake China and Iran numbers

  9. 2 hours ago, christophe75 said:

    2 more cases... snap.... 2 Thai coming back from... Italy.


    Too bad.


    Total (do not laugh) : 50 (even Malaysia, a very cold country, tops us with 83 cases)


    Thailand su su !

    just putting on hold my ski gear ready for those freezing cold countries when the Wuhan virus abates, UAE, Malaysia and Singapore all reporting spikes in cases over the last 24hrs, Singapore really surprised because if Singapore can’t really contain it, which country can!

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Don't you think that if the situation was bad there would be plenty of people writing about it on social media, decrying the government as liars? These days there are no secrets. Medical staff in particular would quickly expose any lies as they are in the front line and would be most at risk from any cover-up.


    It really is quite extraordinary how this has been blown up out of all proportion. One dead in Thailand out of nearly 69 million, and he was sick anyway. One dead in the UK, an elderly lady who was sick anyway, out of a population similar to Thailand. And so on. The only place it has caught on to a serious extent is China. In most other countries the effect has been minimal, and people get sick anyway with 'flu-like symptoms'.

    please, can we reduce the pro-Beijing trolls or anti-free society trolls, I mean even CCP doctors said it was originated in Wuhan, WHO(public relations for China) are now letting info out on the Wuhan virus being a cocktail of sars and aids, if you want a country to replicate of what NOT to do, then look at the gangster regime of Iran, lies about numbers, covered up news, arrested people on social media, and bingo it explodes, also starting to increase again in Singapore, and that country is top of trying to contain this Wuhan virus, you just kid yourself it’s the flu, the bond market is screaming something different, it’s a worldwide crisis, and thanks to CCP China cover up in December, 10’s of millions of life forms will suffer an horrendous 2020

  11. 4 hours ago, zydeco said:

    And this way farang pay twice. Once, with money in their home country, funded by their taxes, going to WHO and IMF and twice when they pay the higher farang rate at Thai hospitals.

    That’s a great point, and something those Han-Chinese anti-westerners in SE Asia should take note, when they say westerners are entitled, they vilify us, then like scam artists, they take the money from the free societies, because we try to care, unlike these gangster regimes controlled by the largest scam CCP china


  12. 1 hour ago, JAG said:

    If, as I take it, they have been given a cash grant to help with fighting the virus, then that could explain a certain lack of transparency...

    they will just comply to keep the money by setting up crisis management centers, hospital care, free masks, say they will test at borders or incoming people all for show, but in reality doing very little, and IMF and WHO keep releasing funds, they clearly think they can fudge the population with small handouts and keep the rest

  13. All of this uptick in crisis management, self-quarantine, fake screening at airports is all a sham to look like they are trying so they keep comply to their 2-3 billion dollars in aid from the IMF 50 billion dollar aid package to countries fighting the virus especially emerging market countries,


    Singapore tried early on to contain it, virus leveling off, Hong Kong people trying to contain it with large self-awareness virus maybe leveling of, here fat chance, people still sharing food, hygiene is an alien word, shops less busy but still large pockets of dense population, people still working closely in offices and factories, they are not even caring about testing, everything is a lie, really feel

    sorry for those who are trying to be self aware, it’s an world economic and health disaster

    • Like 2
  14. 13 minutes ago, CGW said:

    It's 12c there at this time! that's not warm to me! & certainly not hot enough to destroy CV19 if what they say about heat destroying it is true.

    Weather in March

    It is wet with a fair amount of rain, a touch of humidity and the sunshine peeking through the clouds intermittently — the average temperatures in the state range from a low of 45°F (7.2°C) to 50°F (10°C) to a high of 65°F (18.3°C) to 70°F (21.1°C).

    Who in the year 2020 AD lives 24 hrs a day in isolation outside in the searing heat? do you know anyone like that, you need to test 10,000’s a day and try to keep it contained early on, when it first arrives, now it’s just a big cover up, hoping no one notices a few hundred or thousand  people dying, heat is just an excuse not to prepare ,and hope everyone will go back to normal by Saturday, this is really an unhygienic land, dense population, dry and humid conditions, a virus wont hate this land

    • Haha 1
  15. 46 minutes ago, Liss Camber said:

    I suppose that most of you don't know that the virus, once outside of the body, does not survive long if temperatures are above 25/26°C. That is actually the case in Thailand! Just for your information. 

    already there are two mutations, one stronger than the other, hot countries, Kuwait, India, uae, Saudi, Malaysia, Bahrain all reporting spikes in cases, it’s how you test, if you test 30,000 people a day, you can find maybe 25% of cases, not many people will be isolated outside in the searing heat 24hrs a day, it’s not how the world lives, this is 2020 not 220 AD

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