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Posts posted by humbug

  1. All of this uptick in crisis management, self-quarantine, fake screening at airports is all a sham to look like they are trying so they keep comply to their 2-3 billion dollars in aid from the IMF 50 billion dollar aid package to countries fighting the virus especially emerging market countries,


    Singapore tried early on to contain it, virus leveling off, Hong Kong people trying to contain it with large self-awareness virus maybe leveling of, here fat chance, people still sharing food, hygiene is an alien word, shops less busy but still large pockets of dense population, people still working closely in offices and factories, they are not even caring about testing, everything is a lie, really feel

    sorry for those who are trying to be self aware, it’s an world economic and health disaster

    • Like 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, CGW said:

    It's 12c there at this time! that's not warm to me! & certainly not hot enough to destroy CV19 if what they say about heat destroying it is true.

    Weather in March

    It is wet with a fair amount of rain, a touch of humidity and the sunshine peeking through the clouds intermittently — the average temperatures in the state range from a low of 45°F (7.2°C) to 50°F (10°C) to a high of 65°F (18.3°C) to 70°F (21.1°C).

    Who in the year 2020 AD lives 24 hrs a day in isolation outside in the searing heat? do you know anyone like that, you need to test 10,000’s a day and try to keep it contained early on, when it first arrives, now it’s just a big cover up, hoping no one notices a few hundred or thousand  people dying, heat is just an excuse not to prepare ,and hope everyone will go back to normal by Saturday, this is really an unhygienic land, dense population, dry and humid conditions, a virus wont hate this land

    • Haha 1
  3. 46 minutes ago, Liss Camber said:

    I suppose that most of you don't know that the virus, once outside of the body, does not survive long if temperatures are above 25/26°C. That is actually the case in Thailand! Just for your information. 

    already there are two mutations, one stronger than the other, hot countries, Kuwait, India, uae, Saudi, Malaysia, Bahrain all reporting spikes in cases, it’s how you test, if you test 30,000 people a day, you can find maybe 25% of cases, not many people will be isolated outside in the searing heat 24hrs a day, it’s not how the world lives, this is 2020 not 220 AD

  4. Three areas of the economy which will be decimated in the short term:



    Sex industry

    Retail industry


    all other micro industries will be also affected, another month of this with the virus not peaking and this would be a depression, how long it takes to recover, whether it’s a v-shape recovery or an l-shapes recovery, many people will be affected, all thanks to the lying control freaks of the CCP



  5. Well done to Soi Dog for being honest unlike CCP China, Iran and these other gangster regimes who don’t want to test large amounts of the population for free or just panicking that if they tell the truth on how bad things are, they might lose their grip on power, which is all they care about, any body using an excuse to harm animals during this pandemic should be treated like a murderer

    • Like 1
  6. no one will believe these gangster regimes in health care, maybe the odd free test, but just like in CCP China, Iran all the other costs will

    be incurred by the patient, which is why many of the poorer sections of society just can’t afford treatment,


    then you have misdiagnosis to fudge numbers on top of fewer people paying large amounts to be treated, and just lying about numbers,


    these gangster regimes are only good at taking money and controlling the narrative through control and force, human rights is something they laugh at the free societies for doing, it’s why they waited for IMF money before they enacted their relief packages and crisis management centers

  7. IMF last night put out a 50 billion dollar relief package for countries fighting the virus including EM countries like Thailand, wow, what a surprise and coincidence these gangsters come up with a relief package, at the very same time WOW,

    they just waited until they had confirmation to use IMF money before gloating that there’re helping, hows that for thinking free societies are entitled, should be the gangster regimes are entitled, and owe huge debts to the west 

    • Thanks 1
  8. the deputy health minister of Iran was on their news programme admitting their are 12,000 infected patients in hospitals, which is 20%, and the other 80% infected patients with mild symptoms or showing less urgency are at home, that’s a total of 60,000 infected patients from mild to serious, that’s what they admitted too and those numbers are what they know, many more would be uncounted, even hot countries are having large increases of infections, Malaysia today, India, nobody can wait for this lot to keep lying like the Chinese, better be prepared, even if it’s mild

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. these gangsters were only in this power grab for greed and China’s greed and control freak attitude, human rights and helping people wasn’t in their minds or never will be, now they have a pandemic which needs good honest leadership, a pandemic brought to the world by CCP China who lied and covered up the true state from early December letting the virus infect in China and now the whole world, already US and other countries are creating temporary buildings to be used for an outbreak and quarantine, it’s not hard to do if you cared for your population, but nah not with these gangsters, just make sure the US dollar bills are cleaned to hoard around the world

  10. Some one just spat out the dummy on protecting CCP China, they brought to the world a 3.4 death rate virus, which for most will be mild but for some will be be serious and for many have effects in their income or businesses already dampened by these gangster regimes, but you keep trolling my posts with commie remarks and let’s hope you don’t visit Wuhan, because the WHO (pr dept. of China) are not even allowed in

  11. 40 minutes ago, Leef said:

    Macao has had zero new cases for a substantial period of time. Taiwan has less cases than Thailand. Hong Kong’s cases seem under control. I guess the Thai government is lumping them in with the mainland in order to toady up to their masters in Beijing. Maybe Prayut and co will get new Rolexes from Beijing.

    Taiwan, I can imagine tried to contain the spread early on, but the others are controlled by CCP China and recently the editor of apple daily was arrested in HK,as he was going to publish the details of 20,000 infected patients in HK from mild to critical, and as we keep being lied to by 


    China would like the world to know there are only a few hundred infections in HK, these gangster regimes just lie, normally we can laugh at them with zero unemployment figures, huge uptick in export figures due to an amazing trillion dollar gold export, gdp figures through the roof, this time they allowed a 3.4 death rate virus to come in for months without any major effort of containment, let’s hope the future has repercussions for all these gangsters

    • Like 2
  12. Well if some of you still want to defend the actions of CCP China over this virus, let’s look at their actions;


    early December knew about the virus, arrested doctors for spreading info and censored internet on all related info;


    Mid Jan came clean about the pandemic but already missed the early containment


    issued warnings and threats to all nations not to close borders to Chinese persons


    kept using 1% growth rates in perfect order to lie about real numbers of infections


    not allowing WHO into Wuhan, same WHO that are now public relations for CCP China

    now worldwide pandemic with a virus with 3.4 mortality rate 


    CCP are gangsters and bare faced liars just like the other gangster regimes around these parts

  13. Wonderful from gangster regimes, CCP China covered up this virus in early December, made sure that their belt and road buddies kept the borders open to the master race, and now the world can live in a state of paranoia, while the sheepish WHO the Public relations dept. of CCP China, who are not allowed in Wuhan, admitted yesterday that the virus has a worldwide death rate of 3.4


    Lets just remind ourselves about where we are, a land with 42 cases and freezing cold NSW Australia, where penguins go to mate reported 9 new cases yesterday

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Tchooptip said:

    So far, Thailand have 42 infected cases with one death. 

     My wife went to Isaan because her daughter has just given birth to a little girl. I did not go with her because we have 3 cats, and the Thai person who could take care of them, unfortunately, is not here for the moment, no problem said I you can go alone your daughter will be happy. My wife called me, she doesn't feel well she coughs a lot, so she consulted a doctor in the hospital where her daughter was, they found her a fever of 39 degrees which she never had. No verification of any kind four tablets of Sara (paracetamol) and go home and have a rest! I am not saying that she has Coronavirus, but what use is it to take the temperatures of tens of thousands of people, if when someone has a fever of 39 degrees a hospital does not take any account of it? 
    So, as far as I'm concerned the 42 cases (only) declared in Thailand I do not believe it one second!

    very few people around the world believe the numbers from these gangster regimes, the CCP China numbers are just a sick joke, every time I read 2k dead and 80k infected in total from China, I just times it by 50 or even 100 times, they don’t care for human rights, just greed and control, scam all the numbers in their favor, hope no one notices until the problem goes away,


    it’s because CCP China lied to the world and covered up in November/December that the world is in this mess, now we get the same lies on this land, it’s dangerous for people to think heat makes this go away, humid, dry and dense populated areas is what this virus thrives, S.Korea has tested 100,000 people, this land, no one knows, just hide behind every other countries panic, and hope there are no riots and can stay in control for more greed, that’s the message these gangster regimes say loud and clear

    • Like 1
  15. you need a lot of resources and good public health care system to test and try and keep some sort of control of infected people knowing that maybe 25% are tested and 75% have got away, if it’s a lesser public health system and little resources then maybe 5% are tested and 95% got away, if it doubles every 6 days, that’s a lot of infected people, granted mostly mild,


    the Korean CDC, cdc.go.kor  as of today, they have tested 44,000 and have 16,000 undergoing tests today, that just shows how S. korea is able to try to find infected patients and has over 1,000 confirmed infected people, lands controlled by gangsters just play the game a whole different way when it comes to human rights

  16. 2 hours ago, CGW said:

    Like China, Singapore has lots of people crammed into small areas breathing the same recirculated air, fact is the virus cannot survive in hot temperatures, it can survive and thrive in AC areas.

    India has 305 cases under observation, Egypt has started too,Kuwait started to observe, this land had 30+ that just vanished into thin air, these are hot countries, it’s flu and cold season for many s.e Asian countries, many will not even know they have the virus, you will need social distancing through fear, then there are even less new hosts to find and the virus cannot multiply in the same way, most of the cases will be mild, so let’s see about hot weather destroying this virus, you get the feeling CCP China is depending on this outcome in late April, early May when the weather becomes warmer

  17. 2 hours ago, Traubert said:

    It was John Hopkins who said his research into SARS revealed that corona viruses dont survive in humid temperatures of around 30C. There's a conundrum for you.


    Its been over 30C in big parts of Thailand since I got here two weeks ago.

    Kerala in India, now at 305 under observation cases, is it hot in India? Do you think it’s hot in kerala? How about that for your conundrum and Singapore is hot too but Singapore updates all cases everyday with past history on moh.gov.sig


    where is this lands information?

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