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Posts posted by humbug

  1. way too many humans on this planet who just take,consume and waste.

    Utter disgrace that today humans still go for the low-hanging fruit ie fish in the sea, wood from the forests.


    At this rate we be all living in a blade runner movie growing worms for protein.


    All species have just as much right to live on this planet. But as ususl there are a few control freaks who want to exterminate everything in sight of their pot bellies

  2. 7 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    After WW2, London's dog population was out of control. It was not unusual to see packs of dogs 20 strong chasing across the rubble.


    Right now, in my village; I look out of the window and all is quiet. Dogs are sleeping on the road and generally behaving themselves. BUT, at dusk they get together and terrorise anything and anybody that moves. It is truly horrific to see a pack of dogs roaming the sois looking for a victim to rip apart for their evening meal.


    Now, people say goats can take care of themselves, but they have disappeared from the scene. And the turkeys also.




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  3. 38 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Do you really think that the Thai economy would collapse if the thousands of you left Thailand ?

        Some bars would close and the girls would have to get proper jobs, but, thats about the only effect it would have 

    you could also say who is really is thai?, thailand is a combination of many cultures so everyone could be classed as a foreigner but legally those with thai passports are called thai even though many are indian,persian, chinese,mon origin. 

  4. 2 hours ago, JAG said:

    Well I've been following these stories, and whilst there have been plenty of posts from teachers complaining about their schools help (or lack of) in the visa/work permit process, I only recall one (a one-liner which seemed to me rather tongue in cheek) reference to immigration coming to "his school" to look for him.

    i dont know if it is the same poster but on the other 'latest' thread on 60+ being arrested a poster very eloquently in a longer post replied much more detail that it happened over the summer holiday and it was tourist police not immigration. 


    By the way last friday morning 7.30 i drove along rama3 and saw 3 tourist police pointing at a school called nonsi- which from the outside looks a large thai school with sports grounds


    On 2 links on twitter i have seem someone show a richard barrow link on 3 of his friends at different schools being visited. I am not a barrow fan but interesting


    and the other day a link on twitter from a lady saying she had a visit at her international school and they were going through everyones paperwork in her words 'super carefully'



  5. 18 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    You'd be surprised how many of those Indian tailors and nut crunchers have been here for generations. Even old Lek Nana, a highly respected Thai Muslim politician of Gujarati ancestry,  who owned much of the Sukumvit area around Soi 3/4 was one of them.

    it was tongue in cherk but alot of the staff might not be family members, like the nepalese on the pavement stores on sukhumvit. 

    By the way i agree with you about past generations being ftom india ad thonburi then bangkok were first created as capitals by families of indian,persian and mon origin

  6. 27 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:

    They came to my school during summer with a big list of names of teachers from the past 3 years or more. Most teachers on the list no longer teach at our school anymore. I was one of few. Their list wasn't up to date. They didn't have any new teachers names (who joined us within the last year).


    The thing that surprised me was that it was the tourist police, not immigration.


    They wanted visa copy and work permit.

    yes it was the tourist police i saw standing outside school on rama3 they had a lady in plain clothes pointing at different points of the school. They were on the other side of the road to the school. I looked at that situation and thought they are trying to find info. But what you said they have records of staff. They must be looking at their records of past work permits to do that with education establishments on their databases and making visits.

    I mean i just walked to starbucks on soi chan and walked past around 12 language places from music to language to reading, and 4 schools just one street. The manpower they would need would be incredible.


    if its only the tourist police doing the checking at schools then maybe they have been told to that for manpower and the immigration in the evenings going after other people they see on the streets.


    Thank you for being the first one to reply on this

  7. 5 hours ago, FruitPudding said:

    That explains why the tourist police were at my school looking for me.

    you are the first person to mention this. Do you think they had knowledge of you at your school as you say you werent there. All the media coverage is at night time. All the threads on this subject and all the teachers who must be thai visa members you are the first one.


    By the way i mention this as last Friday at 7.30am driving along rama 3 they were 3 tourist police looking at a large school called nonsi(not sure full name)But no teachers responded or knew. Your teaching community seems very blaise about this

  8. 44 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    My son is fluent in English with no accent of thai at all. 

    I would rather he learned with a Thai English teacher than a philipinoe. He went to international school speaking perfectly and came home with philish. After I put him in a Thai school, his English went back to normal. 

    The philipinoes are good for math, art, music, sport, physics and chemi. 

    Even with all the trouble the nes get a better result. 

    Sad to see them all go. 

    thats good for your kid. Seems he was able to lose the other accent from joining a different school with different staff and methods. 

    So the Nes is the foreign section of a school. Maybe thats the ones they are searching.

    Last week on my way into town i went past a large school called nonsi or nonsi withayu. It was 7,30 am and opposite the school were 3 tourist police and one woman in non unform pointing at the school. 

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, mommysboy said:

    Yes, but he is speaking English.  It could be that the accent suits Thais in the early stages. What they also get from a Filipino is a teacher who tends to hang around, and many are career teachers. One thing is for sure, not many Thais can handle any NES accent.  Perhaps later on when they have a grasp of English, then correction can take place, and that's when tuition from a native English speaker becomes useful.



    that sounds promising for him that he could grow out of it speech-wise. They enrolled him at harrow boarding and an academy at weekends. The kid doesnt have too much negative reviews on the phillipino staff. He speaks fondly of his time at ekkamai int school but boy his accent, he has all the nueances and twangs. Its could be an accent that when you are young and around many staff with the same speech just easy to immitate

  10. 4 hours ago, smotherb said:

    Ah, but he learned English. Can you imagine the embarrassment learning English with a Brummie, Scouse, or Mancurian accent? 

    its not from one staff member that the kid was picking up the phillipino accent over the years it was many staff, i speak to this kid, let me tell you he has the phillipino twang he must give the kid an inferiority complex. They lets see if Harrow boarding can take away the twang

  11. On 30 เมษายน 2561 at 12:21 PM, smotherb said:

    My neighbor is a school administrator and insists he is employing as many Filipino teachers as possible. He says three reasons are well known--they work for less, they complain less, and most are degreed, many as teachers; which better satisfies the powers that be on expenses, retention, and qualification.  The more prevalent reason is because they are Asians too. He says he works with his parents association and has convinced them that having Asians teach English to their children will help assure the students that they too can learn. To improve the English programs he is using English-language entertainment venues--music, movies, TV, even sports in English--to supplement the traditional grammar and conversation aspects of the curriculum.

    the thai couple on the same floor had their son go ekkamai international school from an early age. What they didnt expect was that their son over the years would pick up the phillipino accent which has become such a strain that they enrolled him at Harrow and are paying for extra lessons at an academy so he will lose the accent.

    Its become a stigma for the kid the first time i met him i couldnt believe he was thai i thought he was phillipino.

    I havent got any kids if i did i would make sure there wasnt one phillipino anywhere near the school after what its done to the neighbours kid

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