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Posts posted by humbug

  1. Everyone has to start even if they feel its not the normal thing to turn plastic items down. Everyone has to be teflon to what ignorant people who use plastic without any care.


    Sooner more and more people will start to realise the horror of what we are doing to this planet.


    I walk into the stores now and just think how much of this c**p will be in the oceans and land and most people are just zombies walking around thinking their gods consuming.

    Until they die and they are like every other person, just a decomposed non-entity.

  2. a few quotes yesterday from Jeremy Grantham(a famous investor)


    "Capitalism and mainstream economics simply cannot deal with these problems. Mainstream economics largely ignore [them],"


    "We deforest the land, we degrade our soils, we pollute and overuse our water and we treat air like an open sewer, and we do it all off the balance sheet."


    We're racing to protect much more than our portfolios. … We're racing to protect our grandchildren and our species, so get to it."

    • Like 2
  3. all the treasonous members of this cartel should be thrown into jail and all assets taken. 


    But with the slippery democrats around and the senators then this 20 year strategy will be here to stay like  a straightjacket. 


    Until the next world financial crisis and whilst they've all got their greedy snouts in the cookie jar the country will be in deep crisis and that will hasten the Revolution.

  4. coal is not that plentiful in Thailand and its time is up to be used on this planet


    Where coal is plentiful is Indonesia where Banpu(Thai set co) mines and exports its coal. Then China who have huge amounts of coal to export.


    This is about Banpu and the Chinese influencing and paying for policy. There should be no surprise with the Chinese who been heavy players with the junta since the coup and have chinese/thai firms like cpgroup in their pockets.

    • Like 2
  5. the recent visa crackdown is mainly about those with more colour than others ie africans, asians and some schools being checked. I have yet to see the toyota office being raided to see if the japanese management team have their correct paperwork. It just wont happen there are only going after easy targets like those selling drugs or overstay or under UN refugee status etc.


    I can also understand why it would be a pain in the rear end for rescue centres to get work permits as some volunteers work for a very short time, and have little responsibility to stay for the proposed time period.


    On a public forum you always going to get its illegal to work without a work permit in Thailand.

    So you just going to have to decide whether you can   emotiinally help resues out on a tourist visas or just panic and cant handle the pressure of working without a work permit. 



  6. 3 hours ago, ChidlomDweller said:

    exactly bangkok governor aswin is a schill, unelected and should be in prison for leading an elected administration of Bangkok. He is also following other treasonous leaders who want to stop the independence of this arts building. If Aswin and co take it over it will have 24 hr shows on the chuckle 'P' brothers and run at huge losses due to 'mis' management.


    viva the revolution

    • Like 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, bandito said:



    45 minutes ago, jgarbo said:

    You're quoting Reuters? Those stenographers print what they're told, not what's really happening. Who next? BBC, CNN, FoxNews? And don't forget Mickey Mouse, fearless reporter for Disney World.

    This paid mob are financed by the NED (aka CIA) and George Soros's Open Society NGOs regime changers. After the Army kicked out the US puppet Thaksin and his sister Yingluck, Prayut has been draining the swamp, but it's deep.

    For the real story try: https://journal-neo.org/2018/05/11/us-regime-change-targets-thailand/


    you are quoting Russian backed web sites and journos,( aka land destroyer and tony cartulucci) good luck with your click bait propaganda nonsense. Funny how you and a few other trolls have thousands of anti-democracy photos and nonsense links at the ready.


    p.s not meaning to quote you Bandito( mistake on quote button)

    just quoting the troll

    • Like 1
  8. 40 minutes ago, sfokevin said:

    Yup... Sure looks like they were trying to return it to the sea... :coffee1:



    exactly, they only put it back into the sea knowing they were caught. 


    Over fishing and illegal fishing from countries with little or no rule of law is destroying the seas. They use so many destrying nets which scoop everything up and little is done to stop this. Slavery is another issue which is also relevant but destruction of sea stocks is far more important an issue as thete are more and more humans roming this planet and less and less sea animals left.

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  9. On 18 กุมภาพันธ์ 2561 at 8:38 AM, Eric Loh said:

    This looks like the authority is setting up the scene to link her with the current demonstration. Timing of this report is highly suspicious and the new Nation owners may have much influence. Just my 2 cents opinion. 

    exactly chai bunnag who is extremely pro-junta and has large holdings in nation and quite a few more news organisations.


    look up aqua story by new mandela. Stock market listed co and back door investment vehicle to channel money offshore. Many junta people part of this.

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