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Posts posted by humbug

  1. 26 minutes ago, quandow said:

    I've worked at two actual international schools and several that "claimed" to have an international branch. The ones that claimed were as crooked as a dog's hind leg. One of them recently got raided by immigration - someone at the school got tipped off in time and the illegal teachers scattered like cockroaches. Up until now we thought this unimaginable; we were CERTAIN brown envelopes were being passed along somewhere. This Big Joke guy seems to be as real a deal as you can get in LOS!

    i wouldnt know much about this school or private/international/public schools but like you mentioned it seems to be different this time as

    I went past on my way into town this morning around 7am passing through rama3 not far from klong toei and on the left was a thai school called Nonsi and on the right side were 3 tourist police wearing polo shirts with badges and one plain clothes lady pointing in the direction of the school.


    So good luck to all those teachers part of that establishment


  2. 11 hours ago, candide said:

    Despite the serious doubts I may have about a professional army in Thailand, I must admit the beauty of the idea. The beauty of this idea is that the consequence would be an unavoidable reform of the army which will be subject to parliamentary debate, open consultations, inputs from the public, etc... A total nightmare for the current bunch. It's a master strike, in case it has any chance to succeed. Hats down!

    totally agree,this a great upper hand punch by peu thai party knowing that they follow through with their election pledges and planting the seeds and let them grow in the thai population and the thai army. Whatever the army/cpgroup/beaurocrats try next to neutralise peu thai, it wont stop those seeds growing

    • Like 1
  3. Europe/uk has been through workers revolutions to decrease the feudal system where by hundreds of thousands of people died. whereby now Uk/europe has gained far tighter rule of law and rights for people.


    Thailand would be closer to iran/india in its civilization and way of life. Iran has had 2 revolutions in the last 100 years breaking away from feudal/claste system to be under a new religious form of dictatorship. India is still very much in the claste system and has yet to break down the feudal/claste system through revolutions


    i would put Thailand in between  Iran and India in its development for a next stage of gaining more freedoms to people. Thailand has tried over the last hundred years to do this so maybe it can happen again with greater success. 

  4. neo facist chinese to say policies to help the general public should have a profit to be unpopulist.


    just another way to control all elections.


    20 years ago the military and big business indebted this country to the world bank with their handling of state funds. It was the elected government of Taksin that corrected those wrongs and released the country from those debts with forward thinking policies.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  5. he is one of Suthep's men. Quite a few of Suthep's men have found top positions over the last 3 years. This one is in place along with another Suthep man(Bangkok governor)  to water down any protests,against this mob after any elections,when people realise the mob is still in power no matter how the population votes

  6. On 5 เมษายน 2561 at 6:02 PM, Henrik Andersen said:

    As I want castrated all soi dogs I want to do the same to people as him but now just want to do one more step up and dumb him in small black hole for the rest of his life 


    castration should only be done on all the foreign/thai's spreading sexual diseases with 10 dollar hookers in Pattaya/Jomtien. Dont you live there enjoying those women?


    The arrested guy would be just one of thousands of thais/foreigners living near the bar scene pandering after underage companions



    • Like 1
  7. more than 400,000 people in Thailand are HIV+. 70,000 new people have been added to this list. They must be talking about reducing the next 70,000 new ones to 7,000 new ones by 2020. 


    Its just nonsense but just like the rabies scare was nonsense this reduction of HIV+ is nonsense. This tells you that someone important is ordering this to their subordinates. No way that anyone would volunteer to say these kind of things with a straight face without a threatening order

  8. 21 people just died from one road accident. 


    7 people die in 4 months from rabies 


    one thing this lie of a rabies scare shows is how the farming and pesticide community see all other animals as pests,so as to keep their profits rolling in. Killing animals so as to keep more animals safe which are then killed for greed is just a twisted outdated form of living life.



    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  9. because of the defamation laws which is a criminal case in Thailand stops people calling him out to be what he is a liar. It means he can just get away with it even with public pressure with all the departments and agencies in his pocket. Everbody in public has to dance around the word liar until this law is changed. Once the defamation law is not a criminal case in Thailand people would be freer to hit bullseye with their words. He knows this thats why he says all this balony

  10. 7 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    I'd really like someone of the police to explain what they mean when they keep arresting people for "illegal entry"


    I'm presuming, that's not the same as overstay. But who knows?  Does it mean all these folks snuck into the country without valid entry stamps from Immigration, or had fake stamps, or fake passports???


    It almost makes you think that Thailand's borders are like a sieve, leaving tons of folks both inbound and outbound. Say it's not so!!!




    its just a way to charge you and then you have to prove you entered the country legally then the charges will be dropped. They will need your passport and contact immigration to confirm you entered legally. Untill that is proven they can detain you. Just one of the many ways they play the game

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