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Posts posted by humbug

  1. 20 minutes ago, Canceraid said:

    An actress....gosh what movies has she acted in since? And with those looks? Still an actress. Thank God more and more educated thais and also Asians are getting bored with these luk-kreungs. Only the upcpountry bumpkins still adore these luk-kreungs. The parentage of most of these luk-kreungs are really laughable in most cases.

    that has to be a racist statement in any language.I suppose next you be saying that chinese-thai's are more superior and the people living outside of Bangkok dont deserve to vote.

  2. 4 hours ago, oldcarguy said:

    Chinatown is great BECAUSE its hectic , crazy, loud and crowded ,


    and most of the food stalls are in the evening ,


    I think health and safety requirements  are needed but not to get rid of them....


    and another few thousand people without work.....


    I bet 7-11 is happy , 


    Ohhh but the new MRT stop is coming soon , so we must sanitize the area,,,,,,,yeah no thanks !



    Its not sanitizing Chinatown when the whole left side of the main street has a rope using up one lane of the road to protect pedestrians trying to walk around the street stalls and not being run over during the evenings.


    It really got out of hand in many areas and seeing the improvement in the flower market street where the shop houses are still selling flowers and those street stalls are now selling their flowers in a large spacial market 30 meters from the street shows that it can be done in a successful way.

  3. to euthanase a dog because it barks is just plain weird and shows a total lack of respect to all things living on this planet.


    i wish condos and housing villages had more dogs ot would drown out the tv's on full volume or revved up motorbikes racing around and music being played from the local street stall.


    why dont you guys just love the dog and treat it like family then maybe it might be a different personality.


    Like someone else in this thread stated i never heard so many dogs bark in the west maybe they were just more happier dogs 



  4. agree rabbit without noise will be no issue renting any nice appartment under 12k. Even using a bag to take the rabbit to pet hospitals will be no problem as some pet carry bags look like real carry bags and cono office or security wont notice or care to notice.

    under 12k should have big place to rent for your rabbit to rome around as prakhanong can be be a very good value area

  5. campassion for animals is much better than reading harbingers of doom about no thais visiting you. Many vets and organisations like Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand can always help

    There still is a large amount of caring thais not all are animal abusers

  6. this story is a way to help their animal hating friend in the news before. I have walked past thousands of soi dogs and never once been bitten. This story stinks of a thai hating animals and kicking it while moving things around.

    Soi dogs are abused day and night bu barbarian thai residents and still i have never been bitten by soi dogs. The dog would have to be extremely scared/stressed with this thai man to react with a small bite.

    Karma for the animal abusers out there

  7. barton's global market trends is on facebook and mainly specializes on charts on the set and thai baht.

    theres also settrade which every day had market research on chart patterns and stocks by different brokers in mainly thai sometimes english

    theres not too much out there except learning the price movements of stocks by yourself.

    one good thing theres alot of good dividend stocks

    on the downside like most markets there is a large correlation to movements in worldmarkets especially s.e asia markets

  8. i went to the immigration last week to do my extension on the 90 day. The best way if you want to go by yourself is when at the ticket collection counter ask for N2 for elite as this is the correct desk. Sometimes they dont know and give N1 which is fine but takes alot longer

    N2 isnt quick either anymore as its also used for bulk diplomat prcessing but the officialls are all extremely helpful and once you at the desk 10mins later you are finished at another desk where your passport is signed and completed

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