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Posts posted by humbug

  1. 3 hours ago, androokery said:

    Highly unlikely. You're giving these clowns way too much credit. When it comes to opening up for tourism they don't have an overarching goal or a secret agenda or some nefarious scheme together with Chinese Yellow Peril overlords. Thailand's leaders are simply driven by fear.

    no one is saying you have to be smart to have bags of gold thrown your way, and sign secretive agreements for 20-25 years for cough cough wink wink, national strategies and eec, eez projects, and huge infrastructure projects by chinese in every belt and road country, 17 so far, the arrogant fake master race han chinese call it barbarian management

    • Like 1
  2. 22 hours ago, donnacha said:

    There was some discussion of this news when I posted it yesterday in a related thread. I was not able to create a new thread here in the News section, seems to be restricted.

    My own take is that this move actually indicates a direction that would be a lot smarter for Thailand than it at first appears.


    In short, some bright spark has figured that taxes in most of the world are going to rocket post-Covid and that, along with the swing towards remote working, there will be a big increase in the number of individuals and families attracted by the loophole of Thailand not taxing income generated abroad.

    Thailand's tax system is designed to benefit rich Thais but, at this crunch-time for the Thai economy, they can leverage that to attract a significant number of well-heeled expats. Not quite the actual super wealthy who can afford the Bahamas, but a wider target that, in particular, takes in the European middle classes, the same audience that Mohammad Bin Salman is targeting with Neom.

    They will just keep referring to the "super wealthy" it order to make it easier for the ultra-nationalists to swallow these concessions.



    the nationalists and the chinese nationalists with thai id's are the issue here, its not something you can trust, your posted article and this threads article are quite different, which happens a lot on the elite info, this threads mentions more about the application process changing which means more structural changes that might eliminate some future applicants, your posted article, which i think is closer, mentions added on features, for those that want the extra feature,  but its not structural changes.


    we had the nationalists all over this 18 years ago over the one rai land, then ten years ago over this programme, it feels more about the future agreements to allow chinese to live here, like in many of the other belt and road secret agreements, and any other foreingners who stay, won't get as easy time as the chinese, but as the wealthy are fewer, their greed makes exceptions, it feels we are going down this path

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, jackdd said:

    There is no limit of 1200 people, this was just mistranslated in one news article. Actually they said that the Thai government estimates that 1200 people per month will arrive using this visa.

    yes but some people are living in an alternate universe if they think this new tr visa can be compared to the elite, one its 9 months, then what, some of you think it will be extended? what if its not, then its back to 70k save the turtle voluntary visa, or 70k live in a cave monk visa for 12 months, thats the state of play right now, thats how low its got, and after they destroy the volunteer visa, and honest and caring conservation takes a huge hit, then what, hoping for another new tourist visa, right

  4. there seems to be a hidden agenda behind this thread, its like the visa is being pushed like a seed being planted, anyone who has ever tried to transfer 500k, 1 million or 1.5 million baht out of the country will know that for many its far harder getting the money out than in, thats one major obstacle, the other is losing investment or gains on 1.5 million to 3 million over 5 year then 10 years, its not a simple visa to like

  5. 1 hour ago, EVILC said:

    i first heard of this canal mentioned at least 30 years ago well before china would have been involved fake news i am afraid..

    you think communist china hasn't been colluding behind the scenes with the men in green for decades? just look at how quickly every piece fell into line over the last 5 years:


    20 year national strategy, just ask all the other nations under the chinese belt and road about their secretive 20 year and 25 year strategies


    eec, chinese economic corridor, where chinese factories,  chinese surveilence systems under fake smart city titles appear, just like all the other eec areas in belt and road countries


    infrastructure projects, mostly won by chinese companies and local companies heading by chinese families


    chinese language forced into all local education


    millitary stations and bases planned, equipment and arms made and sold by china


    telecommunications and internet infratsructure hardware from chinese companies who just stole the technology mostly from the us


    using bot as a us dollar transaction hub outside of hong kong to gain access to international transfers on the swift and international money markets in us dollars in se asia


    water control from the tibetan mountainous region into the mekong region 


    look out for a book published in 1999, by communist china colonels, unrestricted warfare, china cant even defeat India in a battle, it uses every other method but actual battles, the most effective is barbarian management, use money to corrupt and win influence

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    • Haha 1
  6. smart cities or smart districts is a term used by communist china to implement their biometric surveillence systems and control under their secretive 20 or 25 agreements that they have, with all the belt and road countries, eec and now parts of bangkok, they even use the national charter, which is this countries 20 year strategy, which intergrates into Beijing's rules and regulations and ultimate control, next you will see chinese millitary stations in all these countries under belt and road

  7. On 6/29/2020 at 7:05 PM, Blumpie said:

    Stop reading the conspiracy threads here for starters and you will find out why.  

    communist china lies, so does this land, under the creepy belt and road initiative, countries sign secret agreements to align themselves to Beijing, think of the when those agreements began, and the chinese, whoops thai 20 year national strategy, bank of thailand after Singapore, in Asia, are Hong kong replacements for laundering currency transactions and holding assets away, from the toilet paper chinese yuan currency, as china is not on the international

    swift code, for the communists, it also is the same time period of recent baht strength and economy weakness

  8. these chinese communist style reports through the media are just full of fake information, just to intimidate the foreign readers, and promote creepy nationalism


    one excuse to hold people, is to say entering the country illegally, in other words you have to prove you entered the country legally, by passport verification, along with immigration confirming the legal entry, charging someone, then 24hrs later found they had entered legally, will never make the news, but its an easy arrest and media story

  9. On 5/30/2020 at 12:39 PM, Mango Bob said:

    Will these tourist need a letter that they are fit to travel and have 14 days quarantine when they arrive also with $100,000 worth of insurance including Covid-19 covers.  They can get the virus here and bring it here just lie anyone else.  If those coming on work permit need it then everyone need it.  You open the gate to the Chinese and the situation will be worse then before. 

    strange isnt it, no mention of 14 day quarantine, just letting them in, you would think the communist party of china are writing these articles now in the thai mdia

    • Like 1
  10. no human rights on this land so not going down the route of parroting anything from the chinese thai communist media, but the  bangkok i saw this weekend apart from the empty malls around emquartier and emporium, were bustling with activity, especially around hua mak, bang kapi, almost all the street shops open, pavement shops open, roads packed, only difference were people wearing masks, if people think this will be major news in six months, then it looks like people are just not going to care about it, 14 days quarantine, lets see how long they keep copying other ideas from countries, before they shelve it all, and go all in trying to regain a broken economy they are to blame for

    • Like 1
  11. men in greens media put out creepy stories of rumblings in pt camp, then pay off using huge sums for pt guys to switch, then blame it on the men in green stories about pt camp being true, what did people say to switch to the men in green 50 million baht, or has it gone up since the last time they did this, thailand is  becoming communist china land, where freedom is replaced through dictatorships and corruption

  12. 16 hours ago, toenail said:

    Certainly more “pro-active” than most places in the USA ( it makes a difference when your leaders are concerned about their citizens rather than the stock market).

    what! the US tested millions of people, nobody really knows how many were tested here as it went from 10k to 70k tested in days and nobody could ever give a valid reason or proof


    and now we have pictures and cute videos for millions on social media about the caring thailand shopping experience, to pass on to the world, some inter news organizations, i am sure also did some reporting on bangkok, using the same quirky pictures and videos, in reality, last week i could go into a mall with just a temp gun to my forehead, now same mall makes me fill out forms, all for the show, this is not an advanced society, and has little to no human rights

  13. On 4/27/2020 at 10:31 AM, LomSak27 said:

    More than 95 per cent of the cases of wuhan virus originated directly or one step from china. However Minister ANutin had his say, then they had a Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong, claim in the Thai media that the National Stadium Boxing incident that resulted in so many cluster, was the "Italian Strain" from a thai back from Italy, totally made up, nice sound bite. 


    Yes I am getting more cranky, but when all this pandemic is through I am going to give a serious look at the retirement folder other country options. Nothing to do with costs. 






    Yes, thats very true, when they blamed the thong lo party virus infection on a Hong kong person, party attendees on facebook, sweared blind that it was nonsense, and no foreigners were ever present, publicly known patient zero in Italy, was a chinese tourist from Wuhan, China, publicly known patient zero here was a tourist from Wuhan, China, the han chinese nationalists, in cahorts with the men in green here, i am never fooled by their thai citizenship/ids, are really pushing the same racism that is happening in china towards all foreigners, just like they use the water flowing from tibet to the mekong as taps, to control, they will do the same with foreign residents in se asia, many in Singapore have complained how easy it is for new chinese to emigrate there, and how difficult it is for many other nationalities to now do the same, it really is a co-ordinated push

  14. 2 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

    I wonder why Faipivarar is not being mentioned at all in Europe or the US.  Does Thailand know something they don't?   Perhaps farangs are only interested in drugs produced by farang companies. The talk there has only been about Hydroxychloroquine until that one was debunked and now about Remdesivir following the deliberate lead about a preliminary trial by a stock ramper.

    Remdesivir was re-patented by communist china into various new drugs to fight wuhan virus, Faipivarar, sounds like one of those, Remdesivir was sent to China by the US under ownership of Gilead, to help with treating people, just communist china as the low life scam artists they are, took that as a way to make money,  we will never know where Faipivarar was taken from, but as intelectual property rights go, china doesnt give a damn

  15. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    That is the reason you had to leave the country. Immigration can only change entries to the country. They cannot cancel a valid extension of stay to change your permit to stay to one year.

    What they have normally told people to do is fly out and back to get the sticker done on entry at Suvarnabhumi airport.

    i haven't done the airport fixing stamp process, the process seems much simpler at the airport, than CW, its something that in the past i wasn't aware of, and this time i am, the CW process can be held up, as that section near to the 90 day reporting, to fix the stamps can be really slow, or in that day's case, the whole team had to leave the section for a meeting, which made everyone wait an extra 2 hours

  16. 15 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    They must of been a reason they could not of changed your permit to stay stamp to one year. Were you on a extension of stay or a visa entry.

    Many others have got the one year stamp as soon as they did the sticker.

    it must have changed over the time, the extension was on the previous year visa stamp, which was expiring, and the last extension was a week from expiring, as the new visa stamp was placed in the same passport at CW, i had to activate the new visa, by leaving, then coming back in, with the new extension activated from the new visa stamp

  17. 11 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    I wrote this.

    Note I wrote both permanent residency and a work permit. Those with permanent residency and no work permit were not allowed to enter the country.

    I didnt see that in my original reply, that just shows how this kind of regime can restrict many, long term visa types with this corona virus

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