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Posts posted by ryladie99

  1. WHY? Is it for the American tourists who come here? Make them feel at home and get a good home cooked meal. This American food is killing people the world over so why do they want to turn Thais into over bloated and obese people like themselves. American food should be completely banned in Thailand it is not healthy and has already poluted every other country in the world. :bah:

    Love your post and you are so Right about this...Remember it is business as usual, nothing personal. I urge you not to buy as a Conscious consumer. You have Money and you can do what you want....Do not buy or I urge you can eat but, do not swallow then you will not gain any weight...

    My take and opinion.

  2. People that choose to overstay their visa's should face the consequences of their actions, and flagrant disregard of another countrys law. So an overstay of 42 days, which is more than most people's trips might lead to detention, deportation, black-listing does not sound unreasonable.

    Good point In America we have 13 millions undocumented and the Americans encounter many problems as such health care, taxes, unemployment, immigration, crime as well as economy.. part of problem comes from the impact of overstaying....my state, California is suffering from Emergency care from Over abused by uninsured as well as illegal overstayed quests of 6 million ( 25 billion the State of California paid for emergency Health care and no one wanted to talk about ) ...by the way, two years ago one town in Mexico received 250 millions earning income without taxes. ( statistic from Western Union ) Think about the Rest of money that never pays into the system...Now I can understand Why people in Arizona are furious about the impact of Overstay?? However, the impact of two Wars contribute to the Economy problem as well as Overstay quests from around the world....

    Opp Farangs in Thailand are seldom abused the Free heath care because, they pay for their own...Plus Farangs Pay fine every time they extend their Visas...( America, she never receives any money except she gives, gives and gives without any return...Humanitarian sense and the profits belong to Repug businessmen who hire farm workers and avoid paying taxes as much as they can ) I am standing tall about the truth and my personal opinion...

  3. So, basically you will be charged 10 - 20 baht for almost any kind or ATM transaction. I guess they want to go back to a cash-based economy.:blink:

    Luckily for your guys, Thailand Banks charges less fee than US. I have been told in our future I have to pay fee for talking to the teller while going for banking business...wow?? knock my sock off

    By the way, Bank of America starts charging fee of $35 for check bounce and the lists go on an on...I urge everyone stops subsidizing the Banks. Carry cash and use cash. It is time to strike back.

    My take and opinion.

  4. So sad. Unfortunately all too common here. It does seem to be true what the Thai's say: The higher the driver sits, the more self-important and aggressive the driver.

    You are so Right....I am so scare whenever I have to share roads with the Rigs. I make sure I change my lane and fly off as fast as I can...I do not know Why our Government do not have laws that allow the Rigs to travel at night while the cars travel at the day time...

    It is Public safety and Common Sense...my heart and soul go with the families...a person who committed a crime will not get away because, the law of Universe will never let go. My point and personal opinion.

  5. I suspect women only parking is to avoid weirdos, assaults and the like.

    As for Central World re-opening, good. I will visit next time I am in Bangkok. I just hope that everyone who lost their job when it was torched has found a new one, or has been offered their old one back.

    Count me in I know how to park like this picture.....you all know why???

    My heart and Soul go for the people who lost jobs around the world and also Bangkok.

    A person who lost his or her job.....

    He or she will encounter several problems as well....as such...home, marriage, education, hope and....it is going to take longer to find another job at this moment. But, I wish everyone found one....

    Me too, I will visit Thailand again...she is always in my Heart....

    Thanks for posting....

  6. In a Western country - or in China - it would never have been permitted to happen in the first place.

    I am assuming you are either a westerner or a chinese. Either way, would be good if you left this attitude back home (wherever that is) before you come to Thailand. The west and china have their traditions just as all countries have theirs. In some countries public anger is not managed well, for various reasons that a visiting tourist carrying a baggage of blinkers may never perceive, let alone understand. In China, public anger is not allowed. You have your Tiananmen. Try to boast about that. Or, try to boast about the cops that kicked a frustrated black in Los Angeles. Talk of anger management. Maybe the mismanagement of Katrina Hurricane victims' funds might help you think about those that are victimised. In short, it's better not to gloat about your own elitism in comparison with others. Underneath our clothes we all have our warts.

    While I understand what you are saying, what the other poster wrote is not about elitism. I was living in Bangkok during the red shirt demonstrations, and in America no protest groups would have been allowed to virtually shut down the main shopping district for two months, nor burn down 31 buildings with immunity. The government could not act sooner because the army wasn't agreeing to do their job. Meanwhile, the Thai police were, essentially, on the "other side". In other words, it wasn't just that a riot broke out and 31 building were set afire...because yes, riots can happen anywhere...it was that nobody was really in control for days and weeks at a time. That's anarchy. I can see little in place that would prevent it all from happening again.

    I agree with your Both opinions...100%

    Now, Can you both see the Result after the Riot in Thailand and around the World at this moment ? ( France ) The image from news, internet and newspapers are all over the Globe...day in and day out....

    It is very Negative no matter where???

    Who is going to visit...?

    Where are the Investors?

    Can the citizens heal by themselves?

    Who are paying for the damage??? ( insurances will collect from Us...we do not participate but...we insure...our premium go up every year....our pockets will.....

    Well do not get Mad at me for not taking side....I do mean well. I love the people around the World and I want peace on Earth...

    My personal opinion and I am taking a stand.....

  7. Just amazing they've got so much rebuilt/reopen already. In a western country the company would still be trying to get a construction/rebuild permit, tied up in court over claims/insurance, etc.

    Love this comment very much....I remembered the old store very well...enjoy a new one...life goes on...my opinion...

  8. What a backwards country we are living in. By the time they sort this out, Laos and Cambodia will be on 4G. Absolutely zero interest in the wellbeing of the public.

    Welcome to Amazing Thailand!

    Bureaucracy, greed, corruption and fear always stops progress.

    I think we need a foreigner prime minister with full arm body guard to take Thailand out of the stone age.

    Wrong, wrong and, again, wrong! Thailand is not a backwards country! It is just looking the other way...

    Nobody can stop progress. It is just being channeled through the right pockets, oops!, channels.

    This country never had a more charming man for a Prime minister. And a farang educated man...

    Thais don't need 3G. The less communication, the better. TOT knows...

    The rest is true,- Welcome to Amazing Thailand!!!:D

    I like your feedback Backsoon...it is Awesome...I have the newly one I phone and it works okay. I wish everyone in Bangkok owns one with a Special Price..( write Steve Jobs a letter...just goolgle for the address..)

    I still have problem and it is not only from Apple but, my City also has to be blamed for not doing a good job connecting all the wires....I am sure Thailand will do better soon....write your PR from UK.. for a suggestion...he might turn thing around...Time to lobby my friends???

    My opinion and I am standing tall.

  9. I think this is an intelligent article and pin points the two most difficult issue to Thailand assessment of their position. Now if only the Former Foreign Minister could work with Khun Abhisit and formulate and intelligent approach to move on, things could get interesting.

    Awesome comment and I read it from Huffington post Blog. I do not think it is an easy answer. Well, we have to hope for a better solution for the Thais....my take.

  10. Seems to me the way is paved for Central Group. :redcard1:

    1 step further to monopolize the retail business in the Kingdom.

    Not good for us consumers IMO.

    Better Central than BJC or Big C....

    At least there is a better shot of maintaining some quality standards and assortment of imported merchandise.

    Personally I'd rather see Wal-Mart take it over.. but they probably are staying as far away from Thailand and its protectionist/isolationist business laws as possible.

    Just wait and see what Ikea will do to Index and other stores in the home-furnishings market. I'm predicting a blood-bath, and the setting of new standards in Customers Service, Product Selection and Inventory Control procedures.

    Ikea may revolutionize retailing here in Thailand.

    Big C or BJC taking over Carrefour would be a definate step backwards... I'm real glad Tesco is no longer in the running.. Their stores in Thailand have never been up to the Carrefour standard.


    Big C is a Central Group subsidiary. Chairman is Suthichart Chirathivat.

    So whether Central Group or Big C will be the successful bidder, it stays in the family. :D

    I see little chances for BJC.

    You hit the target and I agree with you 110%. I wish Wal_Mart or Ikea move in. The Thai can have more choices for shopping??? I am standing tall....

  11. Oh hel_l no.

    Drop the attempts at political correctness Thailand. It doesn't suit you.

    I'll respect this smoking ban about as much as I respect any smoking ban.

    Oh Hel_l yes.....

    I am so happy that I can go to the market when I am in Bangkok. It feels so good when I am able to walk every inch without fearing of the smokers. It is a sign of time and Thailand....she did the Right thing......

    Wow,wow and wow???

    My opinion....

  12. The things that qualify as news?? The realm has long been know for it's thriving sex industry (almost 3 million on the game in country)

    Add in that there is not a country on the planet where Thais are not engaged as working girls,

    And as for who is responsible, let us start with the parents who financially benefit (no questions asked) the traffickers starting with the procurers in Thailand.

    It is one very sick society that sells it's women in the prime of their lives. "nuff said"

    Thanks for posting??? I agree with you and I like to add my 2 cents as well...

    Being poor and no education do have impact on these Thai women...not all parents sell their daughters...Remember there are so many Thais and International pimps and the third party who make these headline happen around the world.

    Money talks and people will do anything for themselves. Some women thought they find nice men to take care while others want to get better and willing to do what it takes.

    Thailand is modernize everyday and The Thais still want to live Rich on a small budget... Now you all know why so many Thai women engaged as working girls?....my take and opinion.

  13. Assuming it would ever even get completed....

    They can't build roads correctly, build an airport without cutting corners and stealing money, or even earth electric in a house. Who led them to believe they could build a Nuclear power plant?

    Lord, save us all.

    Wow?? you are so strong about this opinion. let's watch and see who are building them? I have no clue. ( Thai,Farang, or others Asian engineers ) At this point we have to give the Thai her chance. I am worry about the nuclear waste that the American has. I have been told the Government keeps it in the mountain.. My comment about the Thai New Airport from my 2008 trip that everyone was smoking in front of the sign " No Smoking " even though the Thai Authority went to warn the smokers. The smokers stopped for a second then resumed their activity again...They did not stay inside the room but, they all smoke outside the walkway...Amazing??? My take and opinion.

  14. the whole world will be expecting voilence of some sort because of what happened last time.

    for me it really worries me because I have a business in the area thats going to get screwed again if it turns nasty. to be honest business was not good when these guys were just marching through but when they started throwing grenades we lost a lot of earnings and we have only just started to bounce back.

    also, because of them coming back to try again possibly with a vengeance I cant take my little boy to work with me as I normaly would do on a Sunday! so again we both miss out which is ashame.

    some of you may think I am being selfish but we went through the ringer last time and its a pain in the arse. I am not looking forward to it and I hope if there is voilence the armed forces come in fast and put a stop to it.

    I feel for you and thanks for sharing your pain. I hope thing gets better with your business. But, why Chiang Mai? There were so many tourists in this town as I recalled when I was hanging out with CMU friends. I do not want to see Chiang mai looses the tourist business, and etc....

    The world is watching this activists every minute and I can predict the outcome. Remember it is a third party ( unknown and who knows ) ...I feel it far away and there is nothing I can do....... Many of my Thai friends will cry on TV and be worry. Some can't even go to work.

    Is help for negotiation on the way for this event???.... my take.

    • Like 1
  15. Older news with same guy:

    Tourist police, armed with a criminal court warrant, arrested a Dutch national, Mr. Robert Dahan, son of the world's eleventh richest man. He and his lady lawyer are accused of forging divorce documents from his Thai wife in order to defraud her out of millions of baht. The billionaire's son refused to admit culpability. However, police brought him to the criminal office to process the case. According to the police, Mr. Dahan was attracted to a katoey (lady of the second category) and hired a lawyer to forge divorce documents from his Thai wife in order to get his share of their property. Another Thai man who was involved in forging the documents escaped.
    Police declared that Mr. Dahan, the son of the world's eleventh richest man, was attracted to a katoey and therefore, wanted a divorce from his current wife, Mrs. Nongluck Jeruwnauk (31). The couple had two children. Mr. Dahan wanted all the marital property, including the house, which was worth 130 million baht. He hired Mrs. Prom, a lawyer, and Mr. Preeda to fake divorce documents. Eventually, Mr. Dahan managed to acquire sixty million baht from his alleged wrong doing.


    Wow?? thanks for posting I have learned so much from your post...I am sure our members will enjoy reading this Headline...

    I feel like reading a Novel not a real life story??? Amazing Thailand....

    My opinion...I am standing tall.

  16. This kind of reporting is childish. Of course the Dutch property developer is accused. This would have happened by anyone in Pattaya who was making money and became to influential. This is Thailand a country where the rich can invest anywhere in the world and can own as much property as they want but as soon as a foreigner comes in he is not even allowed to buy a house. He could steal the land and bring Pattaya to the Netherlands or the USA. Any big businessman in Thailand is dirty, it is far more conceivable that it is a set up. After all greed is embedded in the countries education. Instead of asking if everything is fine, they would ask in Thailand how much money you make. Problem for the crooked developer is that he has no Thai passport and thus can not become Prime Minister. That is want normally happens in Thailand.

    Thanks for posting and information.. I am sure the truth will come out and we all see what really goes on with this accusation.....my take.

  17. "The ceremony was witnessed by celebrities, singers, movie stars and owners of the violated brands."

    Wow great. Was Bill Gates there?

    Bill Gate and Malinda Gate are traveling to Africa and around US. They both have a Gate foundation helping the poor in the developing countries. Right now they are putting their 30 billion dollars to improve education in America...it would be fun to see him and his wife. They would enjoy being in Thailand and eating Thai food...

  18. That's good news! Yet another one off the streets! :thumbsup:

    yes, I agree with you. Remember Ya Ba is the worst drug that anyone can encounter. I wish something can be done more at the Mexican and US border....30 billion dollars paid by the Americans each year for buying drugs from Mexican drug smugglers..

    The main thing is legalize drugs and when there is no value, then no one wants it... no more drugs and there will be Peace and happiness. Luckily, none of my families involve with any drug. ( sell of buy )

    We did educate and educate our family members over and over again about the danger of taking drug even the prescription pill. Do not touch it...then we never have to deal with it. My heart and soul go for the family who is suffering and it is very painful to get addict to drugs...

  19. I guarantee that if this had been a "Khon Thai" man it would be accepted. How many times do we see in the news this type of report only involving Farangs, and don't tell me the Thai's don't do this kind of thing!!!

    Love your post and opinion....now you know why I marry Farang instead of Khon Thai man...because Khon Thai man has so many little wives and no one seem to care as long as he can feed them...my take and I am standing tall.

  20. Did anyone noticed the eyes of this guy? :blink:

    He seems to be very upset about the situation!!! Good to see that Thailand is doing something against these criminals.

    Wow, I am happy that Thai police is doing something about human trafficking...we just had an Indian well known restaurant and market owner who got caught in the human trafficking near my town...the word got out so fast and his business went down the drain...

    He had to set a million dollars bail. I was soo soo happy when I went passing through his restaurant and market.......karma.....he paid his price for abusing young ladies...bringing them from Ovesea and sell them like slaves...no one came to eat even though he has the Best Indian food in town.

    Well, one down and 100,000 net links for Pornography to go. These practices never out of fashion...anyone wants to sell then someone wants to buy??? However, many men got caught into Child molester cases because, these men thought they were talking to the teenagers instead of the policemen....time for jail term and no more freedom. My take and opinion.

  21. Why do we constantly read about Thai wives killing farang husbands?

    I do not recall ever reading about farang husbands killing their Thai wives.

    Soon we will read about how HE made HER do it and that her Thai lover was not involved!

    Pathetic how violent these sawadees really are!!!

    Hello my friends

    You hit the spot and I agree with you 100%. These women are very few that commit crimes...in US only 3% women in jail while 97% of men serving their time at this point.

    My Farang husband is very very nice and I can assure you that I will not acting like these women.. ungrateful plus infidelity . Sad and Sad. Too sad to express....

    My heart goes with him and his relative oversea....sorry and thanks for posting a good point...

  22. And what is going to happen is they don't go home? The government is playing with fire, I can't help but feel if it blows up in their face, I will have too much sympathy for them.

    The SOE is in. Enforce it. If you aren't going to enforce it, then lift it. Right now is the worst of both worlds politically for Abhisit.

    Thanks for posting..unfortunately I am too far from Bangkok... can not travel at this point...only send my heart and Soul....

    It is very hard for people around to know the whole story until the end... it will be too late.....and everyone will pay the price....

    I am worry about the third hand that has nothing to do with the Thai Gov or the Red shirt....but, he or she wants to destroy Thailand and her people......terrorist group....who has his or her agenda.......

    I urge everyone to encourage friends talking to each others and remember Communication, communication and communication will make a difference....

    My take and opinion.....

    P.S. life is getting tough especially the World is turning to 21 TH century....everyone is for his or herself and Money talks....it seems like it can buy anything under the sky.....amazing....

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