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Everything posted by Flummoxed

  1. A couple of years ago I has a nasal polyp removed by Electrocauterization. 18 months later another grew on the outside of my nose, but at the same point as the one on the inside. The latter was removed by laser surgery. I don't know what my risk is regarding cancer as a result, but it's certainly something I'm keeping an eye on. I've no idea if this is related to my wayward youth. I'm in my 50s now.
  2. Since the OP's friend has a daughter this will not be relevant, but if you have a son, you might want to consider school choice on their Cadet programme availability, if you want to avoid the military lottery.
  3. Seems like you might be onto something. One thing I noted after researching Harrow's Don Muang school, was this on their UK website. As someone that genuinely got his education at the school of 'ard knocks, I was viscerally angry at this. . .
  4. Oddly I'm going in the other direction and looking at schools in Bangkok for my 11 year old son. We're primarily sick of the smoke that chokes us 6 month per year and I now struggle to understand why anyone would come to that without damn good reason. My adult daughter has also moved to Bangkok, so we'll reunite the family unit. Nevertheless, I'm interested to read replies. You will also have school trips to finance, stuff like that, unless the child is to be left out of those.
  5. I keep sending support requests to change my username but they go unanswered
  6. No, the OP did not mention non stop. YOU did.
  7. Well in that case the OP's post is pretty pointless, since the only airline flying direct to Perth is TG. So, anyone wishing to fly direct to Perth, the choice is obvious. So, his decision is between classes on TG. Personally, if paying for Business Class, I'd accept the additional hop to Singapore and choose SQ. I just don't like TG, never have.
  8. I've been flying TG for over 20 years. It's a dreadful airline and I'll only use them as a last resort, for the same reasons I'd only use a Thai hotel chain as a last resort i.e. they just don't understand quality, or service. I'd choose SQ or CX over TG whenever possible. Business class on TG is heavily discounted at this time but there are reasons for that.
  9. Pawnography is illegal in all circumstances in Thailand and Seka retired decades ago.
  10. A problem is that the speed limits are often not even properly signposted. Also, lane markings are often not properly painted. I automate the remote backup of my dashcam over cellular data and keep the records for at least a year. I don't see why me or my wife should pay erroneous tickets and in the last year I've successfully had two tickets cancelled on video evidence, one for doing 120 in a 90 zone (there were no signs reducing to 90 and I could prove it) and the other for turning right at a junction in a lane intended for going straight (the lane marking clearly indicated I could do both). I use that same junction daily, and I had a chuckle two weeks later when the entire junction was repainted with the correct lane markings. So complaining DOES work. Rules are fine, I'm all for road rules and enforcement, but they must be clearly defined, rational, fair, and properly enforced. Otherwise, they simply don't work. The authorities are clearly struggling with this and I would encourage people to dispute tickets that are obviously wrong.
  11. I don't think it's a rule more of a procedural issue. If the Brit is in as serious a condition as reported by the British press you can be sure that procedure will start moving along real quick. That vile, fat, moronic thug needs arresting. At the very least it's an attempted murder charge.
  12. He's in a coma... https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28150872/horror-moment-brit-kicked-head-thailand-coma/ That Thai thug is screwed
  13. Flummoxed

    Soi 6 beatdown

    I've not posted on this forum for a long time, and I don't know who you are, but you don't know a damn thing about Thailand if you think the bouncer will walk after that appalling head shot. He'll go down for murder. Whatever happened in the bar doesn't matter, the Brit was on the ground and not a threat, but the bouncer chose to take a running kick to the head, for all to see, on video. . . Murder. If the Brit died, the bouncer is phuked.
  14. Flummoxed

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Now the clearer video is available, and if the Brit died, that bouncer needs to go down for murder, and he will, even in Thailand.
  15. Honestly, why do people look at the price of fuel? What you going to do, baulk at the price and order your car to run on water? Fuel up, or walk. I had a girlfriend many years ago that would drive 10 miles out of her way to buy fuel a penny cheaper than locally, she just couldn't seem to grasp she lost more money by doing so. Last month we drove to Koh Chang for a holiday, my wife commenting on the price of 91. What's the point, you burn a hundred liters over a broadly set distance, no matter what the price, and you will always be a slave to that. It's like the cost of electricity. What are you going to do, switch to coal if cooling the bedroom gets to costly?
  16. Thais don't give a hoot about ICE vs EV. They're more cost driven than any populace I've ever encountered. Give them the right discount and a nice flashy advert they'll buy it, to hell with maintenance issues 5 years down the line, those things don't matter today and you get to pretend you care about the environment. The only people that care about product quality or vehicular brands are wealthy Thais and foreigners.
  17. The cr@ppy engines won't be an issue, since the subs will spend their lives moored up alongside the world's only aircraft carrier with no aircraft or air defense systems.
  18. Flummoxed

    Soi 6 beatdown

    The smartest people in that video are wearing heels. . . Which is fortunate for the Brits since they can surely do more damage with a good shot at an ear canal. Police releasing CCTV footage from inside a GoGo bar... :sniggers: Never going to happen.
  19. Some people are more sensitive to the sedation (if that is the desired effect) provided by Chlorphenamine, which is available everywhere and is so inexpensive it might as well be free.
  20. Maybe. The alternative is that you're not seeing through it.
  21. Assuming your comment is sincere, then you are correct. Genuine depression is a serious, debilitating disorder that requires understanding, not glib mockery. It's a wiring problem caused over years of mental stressors, not because of a 'lousy job'. I'm lucky now, and I have a great life, wife and kids, and I'm generally positive and happy, but I've been through major depressive episodes since aged 7 or 8, and suffered 2 breakdowns. It wasn't until my 40s that I realised why, and I know now that I was psychologically abused by my parents. I also went to a crap school with abusive teachers... I only realised is when I became a parent myself and it dawned on me that no loving parents would do and say the things that mind did. So, I guess I'm wired up wrong. About this YouTuber, I haven't watched it, but it seems people will 'toob' anything AdSense for clicks now. I can tell you for sure, just because some GP prescribed you Sertraline doesn't make you depressed.
  22. This is correct. I've been lucky enough to move through every level of Thai society, EVERY level. It made no difference, excepting that if you're a pretender (like most foreigners here), they'll soon figure you out and exclude you. The only thing I would say is that even as a foreigner, you're a somebody while at the top of your company, but become a nobody once you retire. Any Thai who's anyone in Thailand has a second citizenship somewhere.
  23. The poll is pretty useless for the above reason. Personally I'm declaring as much tax as possible since I'm going through the citizenship process. More declared income = more points... So, why no "I'm paying as much tax as possible" option? Don't the 3 or 4 people like me count?
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