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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. I had 4 years in saudi and you SHOULD be scared. It's a seriously bad system, designed to keep women subjugated to men and allows bad men to become powerful.

    And that is different from a lot of other systems how?

    Most systems don't OFFICIALY say that women are worth less than men.

    To prove rape, a woman needs 4 eye witnesses.

    So, with my limited understanding of Islam, are we saying the system unwittingly condones gang rape? How else would there be 4 witnesses? I think that fact alone is testament to the absolute stupidity and senseless of Sharia law.


  2. Or he is ignoring the fact that things are not as rosy as described. Why are you misleading people mate?

    How am I misleading anyone, by describing things as I see them? If anything accuse me of having a positive outlook on this place. Is there something wrong with that? I have a very good life here. I have an amazing Thai woman, who has qualities I can only dream about having. I realize this forum is a place where we all like to come and vent. And I do my share of venting here. I will be the first to admit that I have my share of complaints, about this place. But, that is not what that post was about. That post was about what I like about the people here. Is that so hard for some of you to absorb? Is it that difficult to admit that the Thai people have some very good qualities? And if you do not think that is the case, why on earth would you want to surround yourself on a daily basis, with people you do not like? I consider life a little too short to do something like that.

    So, am I entitled to my positive opinion of the Thai people, without being accused of misleading people, or working for the tourism authority?

    Hi, I am 100% Thai and be accused as a troll in every single thread and comment I posted here. That is why not so many Thai in TVF.

    I had spent 2years in UP, USA. There are good and not so good people as well. Mirror has two sides. They are good and bad people everywhere.

    It's sad to know that people are not optimistic. I hardly see positive saying about Thais here. I don't take it personal as it depends on each person's experiences.

    You are not misleading anyone. You just share your experiences which you are blessing to have good ones. There are people who are not lucky as you so it's too good to be true.

    I am not trying to offended anyone here. I guess it depends on how you guys experienced your life here in Thailand. It's all good abs bad wherever you are. Just keep your mind open if you could.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Nice post. Thanks for that. It seems there are a lot of Thai haters on this forum. I am surprised at just the level of venom leveled at me today for posting something about my positive experiences on here. My guess is that many of these sour grapes would hate the people no matter where they lived, as they are creating a bit of a living hell in their own minds and hearts. Oh well. Glad you do not take it personally. I have met and know a lot of wonderful Thais. I love how well you guys get along with each other, and the level of camaraderie you share with each other, especially with strangers. I do not find that in the US, where I am from. There is little sense of goodwill toward other Americans.

    Honestly I almost lost it few times. My hand was shaking and I was mad. But I clam myself down. Many people encouraging me here and suggested me to ignore those negative ones.

    "You can't change attitude people have towards you, you only can change your attitude towards them"


    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Like I said earlier, I do have my share of complaints. But that was not what this post was about. And the fact that some cannot even admit that the Thai people have a good number of outstanding qualities says so much about their attitudes, their dispositions, and their general lack of affection for their hosts. You should be encouraged. Many of us feel very positively about your people, your culture, and your beautiful country. Please ignore the sour grapes. They do not count for much.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  3. Or he is ignoring the fact that things are not as rosy as described. Why are you misleading people mate?

    How am I misleading anyone, by describing things as I see them? If anything accuse me of having a positive outlook on this place. Is there something wrong with that? I have a very good life here. I have an amazing Thai woman, who has qualities I can only dream about having. I realize this forum is a place where we all like to come and vent. And I do my share of venting here. I will be the first to admit that I have my share of complaints, about this place. But, that is not what that post was about. That post was about what I like about the people here. Is that so hard for some of you to absorb? Is it that difficult to admit that the Thai people have some very good qualities? And if you do not think that is the case, why on earth would you want to surround yourself on a daily basis, with people you do not like? I consider life a little too short to do something like that.

    So, am I entitled to my positive opinion of the Thai people, without being accused of misleading people, or working for the tourism authority?

    Hi, I am 100% Thai and be accused as a troll in every single thread and comment I posted here. That is why not so many Thai in TVF.

    I had spent 2years in UP, USA. There are good and not so good people as well. Mirror has two sides. They are good and bad people everywhere.

    It's sad to know that people are not optimistic. I hardly see positive saying about Thais here. I don't take it personal as it depends on each person's experiences.

    You are not misleading anyone. You just share your experiences which you are blessing to have good ones. There are people who are not lucky as you so it's too good to be true.

    I am not trying to offended anyone here. I guess it depends on how you guys experienced your life here in Thailand. It's all good abs bad wherever you are. Just keep your mind open if you could.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Nice post. Thanks for that. It seems there are a lot of Thai haters on this forum. I am surprised at just the level of venom leveled at me today for posting something about my positive experiences on here. My guess is that many of these sour grapes would hate the people no matter where they lived, as they are creating a bit of a living hell in their own minds and hearts. Oh well. Glad you do not take it personally. I have met and know a lot of wonderful Thais. I love how well you guys get along with each other, and the level of camaraderie you share with each other, especially with strangers. I do not find that in the US, where I am from. There is little sense of goodwill toward other Americans.

  4. Or he is ignoring the fact that things are not as rosy as described. Why are you misleading people mate?

    How am I misleading anyone, by describing things as I see them? If anything accuse me of having a positive outlook on this place. Is there something wrong with that? I have a very good life here. I have an amazing Thai woman, who has qualities I can only dream about having. I realize this forum is a place where we all like to come and vent. And I do my share of venting here. I will be the first to admit that I have my share of complaints, about this place. But, that is not what that post was about. That post was about what I like about the people here. Is that so hard for some of you to absorb? Is it that difficult to admit that the Thai people have some very good qualities? And if you do not think that is the case, why on earth would you want to surround yourself on a daily basis, with people you do not like? I consider life a little too short to do something like that.

    So, am I entitled to my positive opinion of the Thai people, without being accused of misleading people, or working for the tourism authority?

    You simply ignore many people and their opposing experiences. You state something ridiculous. How many countries have you lived in??

    I have spoken to many Thais who have lives abroad and they all have different opinions to yours. Why is that????

    I have lived abroad in a few different countries, for many years. And yes, you are right. I do ignore many experiences. I CHOOSE to ignore them. I choose to create my own happiness. I choose to dwell on only certain things. I consider it to be a form of self empowerment. I realize not everyone is capable of that. If I chose to live in the sewer by keeping my mind on only bad experiences, I would be unhappy, and I would hate it here too. Life gives us many choices. I have made mine. And my daily fulfillment, that I feel as a result of this, is something tangible, and very enjoyable for me. How is what I am stating in any way ridiculous? Because it differs from your negative view of the Thai people? Is that critical judgment? Is that scientific thinking on any level?

  5. Or he is ignoring the fact that things are not as rosy as described. Why are you misleading people mate?

    How am I misleading anyone, by describing things as I see them? If anything accuse me of having a positive outlook on this place. Is there something wrong with that? I have a very good life here. I have an amazing Thai woman, who has qualities I can only dream about having. I realize this forum is a place where we all like to come and vent. And I do my share of venting here. I will be the first to admit that I have my share of complaints, about this place. But, that is not what that post was about. That post was about what I like about the people here. Is that so hard for some of you to absorb? Is it that difficult to admit that the Thai people have some very good qualities? And if you do not think that is the case, why on earth would you want to surround yourself on a daily basis, with people you do not like? I consider life a little too short to do something like that.

    So, am I entitled to my positive opinion of the Thai people, without being accused of misleading people, or working for the tourism authority?

    • Like 1
  6. Glad to know some Thai people are on this forum. Hopefully they realize a lot of us just need a place to vent, and mean no harm. My guess is that many of us have a great deal of affection, love, and respect for the Thai people. Personally I adore most Thais. I think they have some remarkable qualities. Yes, they are so different from us. Sometimes this place feels like another planet. And sometimes that is a big source of frustration. But that is part of what I love about it. I wake up every day and am really glad to be here. The Thai people are a big part of that, for me.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Would you like to list those qualities ?

    Yes. But my guess is that if you do not know them, you may have picked the wrong country to live in.

    1. Incredible patience. Have you ever watched a waitress at a restaurant wait for you to make up your mind on your food selection? I have been told off by waiters in the US, for taking too long to select.

    2. Positivity. Most Thais wake up in the morning determined to have a great day. I see clerks sitting around shops on a very slow day, laughing, playing cards, and just carrying on. Usually in very good cheer. A delightful thing to witness. The attitude of the average Thai person is one of the reasons I live here. Exceptionally good. Even in Bangkok, people are mostly of good cheer. I certainly do not see that in American or European capitals.

    3. Helpful. I have had many Thai people really go out of their way to help me from time to time.

    4. Kind. I have taken many trips throughout the country, and most people I run into are pleasant, kind, and cheerful. Not like in Vietnam, where most are dour, unpleasant, and pissy. And it is the opposite of Vietnam here. The further you go out into the country, the more pleasant the people get here. I do not get the impression that people have a chip on their shoulders, and they definitely do in places like Vietnam. There, it feels like they are carrying around two centuries of misery everywhere they go, every day of their lives. Not so here.

    5. Lack of anger. With a few exceptions, I am always amazed at how cool most Thais are. They just keep their cool. Unruffled most of the time. Not like in the West where the tiniest little thing sets people off.

    6. Honesty. I know a lot are going to take exception to this, but I have found a lot of Thai people who go out of their way to be honest.

    I could go on and on.

    7. Humor. It takes so little to get most Thai people to laugh. They have an amazing sense of humor.

    8. Along those lines, Thais are some of the most lighthearted people I have ever run into. Makes them delightful to be around. Where else do you find this quality? Very few countries on this planet, in my opinion.

    Anyway, as you can see, I was serious about what I said, about really liking and admiring the Thai people. But, I would suggest if you are not aware of the many good qualities the Thai people have, or do not appreciate them, maybe this is not the right country for you? Or maybe you have just been here too long?

    Priceless , truly priceless .

    Let me know once you get in touch with reality

    He must be working for the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

    Maybe he just enjoys his life, and likes it here in the LOS. Have you ever imagined such a thing?


  7. Has anyone ever considered the imposition of a Saudi type system, where the hands are amputated, when convicted of the crime of theft? It might work. It certainly might change the attitude of those who feel they are free to steal money from the state, and individuals. When missing ones hands, it may help to prevent further crimes. Just food for thought. I am not fond of the Saudis, on any level. But, you sort of have to admire the audacity a crazy law like that takes to implement.

  8. so Im down there tonight, looks like all these thai guys are trying to pimp their gfs, and the guy I mentioned jumps up and kicks some thai guy a couple of times in the head, and then punches him a few times for good measure, so the thai guy leaves, and then a thai guy gets up and starts hiting his gf, or lady, I dont know, but I suspect the yaba is running low and anyway I left at that stage, welcomke to Patttaya, very friendly people

    Some of these cowards like hitting their women, as they know they could never win a fight with a man. How often have you ever seen a Thai guy fight someone alone, unless they were in a boxing ring? They usual fight in groups for a reason. I am sure there are some really tough Thai guys out there. But, usually these are not the guys beating up their gals. Nor picking fights over nothing.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I presume you missed the bit where it says he kicked the Thai GUY in the head a couple of times then punched him a few times ? whistling.gif

    Yes, i did miss that. What a rare and exceptional man, who engages in a fight on his own, with another man, here in the LOS. I have seen so little of this kind of courageous and manly behavior.

  9. Mr Chavalit said after the meeting ended that participants approved the master plan, proposed by the Ministry’s Fisheries Department.

    The plan would be forwarded to a policy committee for further consideration.

    The master plan contained guidelines for good labour practices and laid out regulations for Thai fishing trawlers prohibiting violations of fishing laws and human trafficking, he said.

    These two issues were urgent and have to be implemented immediately, he said.

    Other issues include a plan to speed up registering of migrant workers in the fishing industry, providing support for inspection of trawlers and workers, providing training to concerned officials, and to boost confidence for Thai fishing products overseas, said Mr Chavalit.

    Mongkol Sukcharoenkana, vice president of Thai Fisheries Association, said that the approved roadmap was a fine plan and contains proactive measures, as Thailand has been attacked without response in the past.


    -- TNA 2014-07-05

    Did George Carlin make us this skit? They talk about guidelines. Do you think a guy who owns several trawlers, and has been hiring migrant workers, and getting away with treating them as slaves, for many years, is going to just all of a sudden start following these recommended guidelines? Could the response have possibly been any weaker? What about enforcement? Countries that practice accepted forms of civilization typically rely on enforcement, rather than goodwill. If this same owner was locked up in prison for 20 years, for human trafficking crimes, and fined ten million baht, do you think maybe things would start to change?


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I suspect Thailand will be on "Tier 3" for a very long time. Do people who are supposed to be educated really believe the rest of the world believes such tripe?

    No. Absolutely not. It is dispensed for the weak of mind. And a certain percentage of people always believe something they see in print. That is the hope of the children who put out this material. A percentage will buy into it. So, if you are able to get the media to go along with the story, why not put it out there. Those of us who are in possession of our discriminative faculties find it to be akin to comedy hour. Hence the Carlin reference previously. All one can do is hope that there are earnest people out there who really want to see change, and have the power to make it so. May the rest of this drivel fall upon deaf ears. And let us hope the authorities are able to find judges, and prosecutors who have not sold their souls, and are willing to make sure guys that traffic in people spend the rest of their lives behind bars, being someones girlfriend.

  10. Glad to know some Thai people are on this forum. Hopefully they realize a lot of us just need a place to vent, and mean no harm. My guess is that many of us have a great deal of affection, love, and respect for the Thai people. Personally I adore most Thais. I think they have some remarkable qualities. Yes, they are so different from us. Sometimes this place feels like another planet. And sometimes that is a big source of frustration. But that is part of what I love about it. I wake up every day and am really glad to be here. The Thai people are a big part of that, for me.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Would you like to list those qualities ?

    Yes. But my guess is that if you do not know them, you may have picked the wrong country to live in.

    1. Incredible patience. Have you ever watched a waitress at a restaurant wait for you to make up your mind on your food selection? I have been told off by waiters in the US, for taking too long to select.

    2. Positivity. Most Thais wake up in the morning determined to have a great day. I see clerks sitting around shops on a very slow day, laughing, playing cards, and just carrying on. Usually in very good cheer. A delightful thing to witness. The attitude of the average Thai person is one of the reasons I live here. Exceptionally good. Even in Bangkok, people are mostly of good cheer. I certainly do not see that in American or European capitals.

    3. Helpful. I have had many Thai people really go out of their way to help me from time to time.

    4. Kind. I have taken many trips throughout the country, and most people I run into are pleasant, kind, and cheerful. Not like in Vietnam, where most are dour, unpleasant, and pissy. And it is the opposite of Vietnam here. The further you go out into the country, the more pleasant the people get here. I do not get the impression that people have a chip on their shoulders, and they definitely do in places like Vietnam. There, it feels like they are carrying around two centuries of misery everywhere they go, every day of their lives. Not so here.

    5. Lack of anger. With a few exceptions, I am always amazed at how cool most Thais are. They just keep their cool. Unruffled most of the time. Not like in the West where the tiniest little thing sets people off.

    6. Honesty. I know a lot are going to take exception to this, but I have found a lot of Thai people who go out of their way to be honest.

    I could go on and on.

    7. Humor. It takes so little to get most Thai people to laugh. They have an amazing sense of humor.

    8. Along those lines, Thais are some of the most lighthearted people I have ever run into. Makes them delightful to be around. Where else do you find this quality? Very few countries on this planet, in my opinion.

    Anyway, as you can see, I was serious about what I said, about really liking and admiring the Thai people. But, I would suggest if you are not aware of the many good qualities the Thai people have, or do not appreciate them, maybe this is not the right country for you? Or maybe you have just been here too long?

    • Like 1
  11. You are correct, but I do hope that the interconnecting pipeline to supply Pattaya with water from the other reservoirs is in place already and this problem is recurring every single year, but they still will not get any desalination plants up and running.

    Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos

    The Lord wants to close Pattaya because of Drinking and Sex

    So no water

    Oh yes, a real genuine Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes, the "Lord" is very offended. He thinks sex is bad, as we should not have any real pleasure. And he hates alcohol even more. So, he will cut off the water very soon. The only way he can think of to end this craziness is by using the water supply. Now, that was some good Kool Aid.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. I guess it's almost camp.

    But can you dance to it?

    Stole the word gay and now this!


    This brings me to the symbol of the Rainbow. Even now the rainbow has come to be associated with the homosexual agenda. Not yet exclusively, because there are many besides “gays” who still use the rainbow for other purposes. However the day is fast approaching when only those wanting to promote homosexuality will dare to use it.

    Christians and Jews (and even Moslems) should not let this happen!

    In case you don't know who Scott Lively is, he's bucking for enemy Number One of gay/lesbian people all over the globe. At least Putin sticks to the Russian speaking world for the most part.

    Poor little Scott is missing his rainbow. Who on earth cares what this guy thinks, anyway? Does it mean anything to anybody? That is like being upset over something Miley Cyrus said. There are toads in my pond who have more character, heart, soul, and spine than this fool. So, do we care? The gay community is welcome to as many rainbows as they care to use. Are any of us gong to miss one silly little rainbow, except for that small minded little creton named Scott?


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  13. Mr Chavalit said after the meeting ended that participants approved the master plan, proposed by the Ministry’s Fisheries Department.

    The plan would be forwarded to a policy committee for further consideration.

    The master plan contained guidelines for good labour practices and laid out regulations for Thai fishing trawlers prohibiting violations of fishing laws and human trafficking, he said.

    These two issues were urgent and have to be implemented immediately, he said.

    Other issues include a plan to speed up registering of migrant workers in the fishing industry, providing support for inspection of trawlers and workers, providing training to concerned officials, and to boost confidence for Thai fishing products overseas, said Mr Chavalit.

    Mongkol Sukcharoenkana, vice president of Thai Fisheries Association, said that the approved roadmap was a fine plan and contains proactive measures, as Thailand has been attacked without response in the past.


    -- TNA 2014-07-05

    Did George Carlin make us this skit? They talk about guidelines. Do you think a guy who owns several trawlers, and has been hiring migrant workers, and getting away with treating them as slaves, for many years, is going to just all of a sudden start following these recommended guidelines? Could the response have possibly been any weaker? What about enforcement? Countries that practice accepted forms of civilization typically rely on enforcement, rather than goodwill. If this same owner was locked up in prison for 20 years, for human trafficking crimes, and fined ten million baht, do you think maybe things would start to change?


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  14. The problems in the south have never been taken seriously. The five provinces down there used to be part of the Sultanate of Malay. They are native Malaysians. Maybe giving back those five provinces would be a start? Or offering some sort of autonomy? Or beginning to treat them as if they were not bastard cousins? I do not think they feel they are treated well, or taken seriously. I am not saying this condones the extreme behavior that some of the weak minded freaks have wreaked upon the locals or the police. All I am saying is that maybe the degree of hubris that the officials concerned have demonstrated toward the south, is simply not working. When a current policy is not working what do creative people do? Find a new policy perhaps? Imagine such a thing?


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  15. He broke the very first rule of thumb. He let the girl choose him. If a guy does not have a set large enough to say no, and move on to the girl he actually likes, then is there any real hope for him? Perhaps he starts anew, from scratch, and grows a fresh set?


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  16. You will grow very old and pass away many years from now and nothing permanent related to Climate Change will have happened ... Naive alarmist like you should be ticketed and fined for falsely spreading rumors and attempting to instill panic among the populist ...

    If by your first word, 'you' ...you mean one person, then yes, one person will not have much effect, unless it's someone like Saddam Hussein who ordered the torching of all Kuwaiti Oil rigs.

    CO2 may or may not be as much a factor as Al Gore put forth in his late 20th Century documentary, but consider this: An average of 1 ton is emitted by each man, woman, katoy, and child -annually - and that amount is rising.

    I am always amazed the the folks who mock the idea of a big green conspiracy are the first to claim a conspiracy of big oil or MNC's.

    Of the three choices, only big green gets free money from national governments (1 billion $ a day) to run it's mouth. The other two have to do it out of pocket.

    Are you kidding? Big Oil and MNC's get a whole lot of hand-out money, on average, each year. Federal, state, tax-breaks, tax shelters, bail-outs, ....the list is long.

    I never heard of 'Big Green' but let's use your word. Big Green gets pennies compared to big corps which get dollars. Just one of thousands of examples: Jimmy Carter, while prez, gave hand out federal 'grants' to Big oil to develop tar sands (for oil), and did the same for the Big Three automakers to develop better batteries for autos. What came out of those tens of billions of $$'s of hand-outs? Nothing, except grinning corp execs bought bigger pleasure boats. And Carter was more conscientious (and a better manager) than most presidents which followed him.

    Carter was a giant of a man, far too noble and righteous for that office of president, which is currently occupied by a nincompoop, and was last occupied by a murderous, super corrupt thug. The legacy Carter has created is amazing. I do not believe we will ever see another noble American leader. The system is simply broken. Can it be fixed? Maybe. But it would require some real guts, and a leader willing to say to the lobbyists, get the <deleted>** out my office, and never come back. I am not looking to get reelected, so I care not one iota what you guys do, or do not do. You guys are all whores, and are not welcome in this office.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  17. so Im down there tonight, looks like all these thai guys are trying to pimp their gfs, and the guy I mentioned jumps up and kicks some thai guy a couple of times in the head, and then punches him a few times for good measure, so the thai guy leaves, and then a thai guy gets up and starts hiting his gf, or lady, I dont know, but I suspect the yaba is running low and anyway I left at that stage, welcomke to Patttaya, very friendly people

    Some of these cowards like hitting their women, as they know they could never win a fight with a man. How often have you ever seen a Thai guy fight someone alone, unless they were in a boxing ring? They usual fight in groups for a reason. I am sure there are some really tough Thai guys out there. But, usually these are not the guys beating up their gals. Nor picking fights over nothing.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  18. Agreed. Very few disagree on climate change. It is happening. Nearly all scientists agree. The debate is whether or not it is being caused by man. Not over whether or not it is happening. Within the boundaries of climate change, there are incremental ups and downs in temperature. An unusually cold winter is normal for climate change. Fluctuations are part of the science. Like anything in nature, there is no set pattern. So, one has to look at very long climate models to access correctly. Not one season.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Spidermike, ...fair statement. I highlighted the one segment I wish to respond to.

    We are now 5 pages into the discussion and the CO2 contribution to triggering the warming is being more acknowledged than initially. I go back to my initial post (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/738919-climate-change-will-show-no-mercy-to-dithering-thailand/#entry8043622) and say the human activity is demonstrably the cause of the inflection point.

    When I made that post, two of the video links showed as images...but the 3rd never got much attention.

    It is under 3 min. and shows that it is CO2 from burning fossil fuels and not volcanoes.

    It's title is "It's Us" and it defines how the debate must settle out. This time I succeeded in getting the image to appear.

    Thanks. And for so much these days I rely more and more on common sense. When you look at the level of degradation we are currently engaged in, it just makes sense that it is going to have a huge impact on this exceptional planet we have been blessed with. Talk about playing with fire. Seems like too big a chance to take. Easy to use reason to bury ones head in the sand but the cost is high.


    • Like 2
  19. Just man up, and get your life back, sounds like you have allowed your life to get away from you. You allow an insane youngster (the maturity of a 12 year old) to assume control of your life. Presumably you do not like anything about her, except the sex. All bar girls expect something. Nearly any woman expects something in return. All are looking for either front end deals, or back end deals. With the front end deals you know what to expect. A price has been specified. With the back end deals (she is not asking me to pay her for sex) you do not know what to expect. A car, a house, something is expected. Get some courage. Do the right thing. Free yourself of an insane, immature, petulant, spoiled, freak of a partner. Wake up. Decide to make your fellow men proud of you, rather than ashamed.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  20. Considering the fraud science that is perpetrated by the likes of Hanson and Mann et.al. The IPCC report which keeps being quoted as the bible is a regurgitation of false information.

    All the computer models say we should be another degree warmer, but temperatures have either not changed or have gone down in the last 15 years. The amount of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic has grown. The US Great Lakes broke new records of ice, but one year is not climate.

    How can the US historical temperature go down in the early 20th century and be higher than measured in the late 20th century? First, historical data doesn't change, unless modified by an agency with a flawed computer models and a agenda.

    Statistical studies show fewer storms and less energy than historical norms have happened over the last years. One reason these storms seem so bad, there are more people and development in harms way.

    The lesser countries are looking to cash in on a global tax bonanza, and they are just lining up for the payoff.

    The 97% of scientists agreeing is another bogus lie, but the propaganda masters know if you tell it long enough and often enough it will be believed.

    You are cherry picking your science, a symptom of American Republicans. Are you one of those George Murderous Bush touting, Rush WIndbag worshipping idiots?

    The rapidity of the Greenland ice shelf melting is so rapid that the land mass is rising an inch a year -- ask a geologist, and they will tell that is an insane development. Ask the people whose islands are being swallowed by the rising seas -- just pick one out of literally thousands -- and your arguments do not hold water. Ask people in central Virginia, where they will tell you that it snowed every year while they were growing up and now it is once every few years, because they live where snow is neither absent nor constant and can tell you their margin has shifted..

    First, industrialists claimed there was no change. Then they claimed there might be change. Then they admitted there was change going on, even rapid change, but it was not from human action. Now the new call to inaction is that 'there is rapid change, but we cannot do anything about it."

    I am one of the 97% of the scientists who agree, and I am no bogus lie. At conferences all over the world, in poll after poll after poll, more than 96.2% of all relevant scientists agree on climate change and furiously argue about what should and can be done (some polls only ask physicians, who are neither meteorologists nor climatologists, and are funded by Republican group-think tanks).

    You are cherry picking scientific information to fulfill a political agenda.

    That is laughable.

    Agreed. Very few disagree on climate change. It is happening. Nearly all scientists agree. The debate is whether or not it is being caused by man. Not over whether or not it is happening. Within the boundaries of climate change, there are incremental ups and downs in temperature. An unusually cold winter is normal for climate change. Fluctuations are part of the science. Like anything in nature, there is no set pattern. So, one has to look at very long climate models to access correctly. Not one season.


    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

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