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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. A friend of mine who is a paramedic in Bangkok, told us she is astonished at the number of homes they show up to, where multiple family members have taken themselves and left a note that they just could not find a way to make ends meet anymore. They are doing their best to hide this, and the media rarely reports on it. The police warned her if she shared any of the photos, she would be arrested.
  2. As long as you are paying for the vehicle in full, never been asked for a Thai DL, though I have one for the bike and the car. Financing it, maybe. But, hopefully you don't have to take out a loan on a scooter. If you do, you can't afford it!
  3. The police wanted to visit the casino, to discover why they are not getting a piece of the action. The nerve of those Chinese operators!
  4. Darwin was right. Some of us are better equipped than others, to survive in this life. This fool should be dead. He simply outwitted the grim reaper this time. I have been driving at times when I have been very tired. What does one do? Turn up the music, or stop for some coffee, or best yet, stop and take a nap. Do something. Do not ever, ever drive into a train. It is not recommended on any level.
  5. One can only go by experience. Believe me, you cannot will your vision to get better. When something is this tangible, it is working. Doubt all you want. Frankly, your doubts mean less than zero to me. I am just putting it out there in the hopes that others can find improvement too.
  6. Does flying in by helicopter reflect this man's sense of self aggradizement? No time for the highways he refuses to do anything about? Does he realize nobody takes him seriously? Banished once, only to be installed in his much beloved limelight once again.
  7. Though I believe in science, alot of these studies are biased and alot are sponsored by industry. What I do believe in is my eyesight. The difference in the clarity of my vision with or without these three supplements is profound. Two of three days without them, and my eyesight starts getting fuzzy again, the strain comes back, it is downhill from there. So, I believe my body over studies anytime, when the results are this tangible.
  8. Alot. Virtually none. Especially compared to big pharma junk which kills the liver. Very supportive of the system. I can feel the difference.
  9. If Move forward were to win the PM seat and lead the nation, could they dissolve the highly suspect New constitution, and oust the foul, corrupt, horrendous proxy senators? Now, that would be a step forward for the nation. Out with the toxic army. In with the youth. They are Thailand's only hope for a bright future. Otherwise, backwards is the only direction the army knows.
  10. Has any one ever investigated the sources of the funds that support the ruling party? Has anyone ever investigated the army budget? Or would that somehow be illegal to engage in investigative journalism against them? Any else suspect why these stories are always surfacing about only the opposition parties?
  11. Say it ain't so! Chinese mobsters? Drug users? No. Not possible. Xi is promoting morality. Not working?
  12. Diamond may be one of the only brands left that makes high quality wooden matches. I like them too. I buy them in the US and carry them back. Especially great for the bathroom!
  13. What is really staggering is how some fool decided to let him back into a position of authority, and give him the limelight he so desperately craves, despite being previously banished for his many offenses. This is no crime fighter. This is a publicity hound.
  14. They simply need start a nationwide culling program. Most soi dogs are a nuisance. Most are mangy, some are disease ridden, many are hungry, tired, and lead terrible lives of desperation. Some attack people, some terrorize neighborhoods. Many harass the domestic dogs, and cause them to bark all night long, like in my neighborhood. Nobody wants to do anything about it. Culling is the answer. If they found a budget for it, they could do it Western style. Round up the dogs, clean them up, vaccinate them, and put them up for adoption. The ones who are not adopted after 60 days are simply put down. Nothing cruel about it. Not doing something like this, is both cruel to the dogs and to the neighborhoods they infest. The average dog bite cost alot money. A series of rabies shots, etc. And that is assuming someone was not hurt badly, like a small child. So, we should prioritize the health of mangy, miserable soi dogs over the well being of the human population?
  15. Perhaps they would be less resistant to craft beer, if there was high quality beer already available here. Since the major brewers make garbage, they have alot to be weary of, and have to continue their corrupt ways.
  16. The reputation issues the RTP faces were decades in the making. This is not just about a bad month. More like a bad century. If they wanted to improve their reputation they could start with practicing that strange and exotic thing called law enforcement. Next, they could move on to traffic safety. In other words, start doing all the things they don't do, on a daily basis. Though pleasant to look at, nobody is going to be fooled by a pretty spokeswoman. As usual with the RTP, it is all about empty gestures.
  17. Note to Prayuth and his goombahs. This is what courage and morality looks like! Such an extreme opposite from the vacuous level of ethics you guys demonstrate.
  18. I will lend you a million dollars. But conditions apply. The goon squad should get real. Let any foreigner on a retirement, or marriage visa, or work permit buy up to two rai of land, and own the house he builds on it. Those should be the only conditions. This is not going to have an effect on land or house prices. The Thais are already doing a good job of pushing up land prices on their own. It is time you guys showed us some decency and respect. Many of us spend alot of money propping up the economy you guys sabotaged.
  19. But will they be able to get the police to actually pull over, fine and confiscate cars and trucks belching huge black clouds of smoke, due to heinous diesel engines that are not properly maintained? That could help alot. Get the cops to do some actual law enforcement work!
  20. Does anyone consider 3.2% growth from 2021 progress? Where do these guys come from? The TAT has demonstrated time and again how out of touch they are, how incapable they are, and how they just pull numbers out of a hat. Their predictions mean as little as the latest utterance of an ignoramus like Kanye West.
  21. Agreed. Anything other than I had a fit and sliced my finger off. Or, my man was making me crazy, so I though mangling my hand was the right thing to do.
  22. Sounds like a nation on the brink of collapse. Much like in the US. What an absolutely horrific job to have.
  23. As stated previously, a private hospital would have been a better choice. I avoid public hospitals most of the time, as they tend to devour many hours of my day. Not worth it. Also, you always have the option of turning down any prescription drug. Especially useless and over priced ones. I do not see this as racism, as much as ignorance, and very dumb policy. Covid is not a huge problem anymore, and unless the medicine is in short supply, why inconvenience a foreigner, who shows up for treatment, and is willing to pay?
  24. For the rest of her life she will have to live with the regret of one moment of sheer stupidity, every time she glances at her missing finger, every time someone asks her about her "accident". She essentially marked herself for life, as deficient and deeply disturbed. So, why doesn't Thai society discourage stupidity?
  25. Firing 10 shots and killing a man, over getting pushed is heinous, sickening, not the way real men behave and intolerable. Unfortunately, this world has way too many law enforcement officers who are drunk with their power, and abuse it. This is not just about Thailand. This is about toxic and dangerous law enforcement. Never liked them. Never will.
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