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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. There have been very few mass shootings here, relatively speaking. So, is it a big problem, just yet? I do agree with urgent reform needed for the police force, the lax gun laws, the mental health issues, with some, and a shortage of psychiatrists. Also, a major problem is the lack of willingness to have one's life examined, and a stubborn refusal to look within for the source of the problem. And lastly, the horrific issue of trying to saving face, and the staggering weakness this creates.
  2. Good advice as usual from the Spark!
  3. He is ill informed, as usual. Placing him as health minister has always been a huge mistake. Time reveals that more and more. He would have been more accurate had he said it is a milder and less addictive drug, which results in less psychotic behavior. Let us call this mistake #230 from the empty suit minister.
  4. So, does the term apply to politicians? How about Western women who offer sex to men who pay their rent? Or a dental bill? Or five nice dinners?
  5. Testing negative for drug use and proving you are not involved in the sale of drugs are two completely different things.
  6. Monopolies, or near monopolies are never good for the consumer. Just look at True Visions, and what a disaster that is, in terms of programming and cost. Burkina Faso has better cable options. Stop the merger.
  7. Yes, but then you have to deal with an entire nation that resembles one giant Tijuana! One issue you will find with Hua Hin, is that the younger, hotter gals (if that is a consideration) tend to demand and command more revenue from their men, and due to a relatively affluent expat population, they seem to get it. Also, there is ALOT less nightlife and action in HH, than in Pattaya. And a very minor amount of younger, hot women in the bars. There are a lot of women but most are older, and not very pretty.
  8. This guy is ill equipped to solve a serious problem, of this nature. He was never qualified for the job, he completely blew the initial vaccination effort, he presided over the closing of the nation to tourism, and the overly draconian restrictions later, which severely damaged the tourism industry, and the local economy, and now after a those failures, he says he wants to lead the nation. A true empty suit. A bottom of the barrel minister. Waging a war on drugs is like trying to stop the tides from rising. You either approach the problem from within (police reform, legalization, counseling options for addicts, cracking down on highly suspect border officials, etc.), or you just stop the hyperbole and charade.
  9. I consider it judgmental and disrespectful. Many are good women, who are trying to earn some money for their kids, for their family or for their future. I don't consider it fair to tar them with that brush. Most have little in common with drug addicted street walkers in US.
  10. What kind of statement is being made, when great expense is being carried out building the new rail line, and the nation stoops to using donated, second hand rail cars to improve upon a 70 year old system? How sorry and pathetic is this?
  11. Are there really no alternative opposition candidates out there? Why is this relic even being given a platform? Why do his tweets matter? How long has he been gone? Is anyone listening? Is this a sign of how desperate the people are, or is this symbolic of how weak the opposition is?
  12. Freelancers. Call them what you want. I don't use the word prostitute. Simple respect.
  13. They will be soundly defeated in this fruitless war. Every nation who engages in this loses. You can't fight a war on drugs. You can reform the police. You can attempt to educate people correctly. But you can't fight a war on drugs. Sheer hubris. Or just plain old PR.
  14. Anyone know of other areas with good beer bars and gals to chat up? Sukhumvit area has lost a lot of bars since covid. Excluding Patpong. Yikes. Or good freelance bars besides Thermae and Oscar's?
  15. Is Putin coming? Hmmm. Not confident the reassurances are totally reassuring to world leaders. Though a guy like Putin likely would bring his own enormous team that keeps him alive on a daily basis. He is a man with a lot of enemies.
  16. That is most amusing. It is as if the police are declaring war upon themselves. Who will win the war?
  17. That is not a bad idea. Or maybe just a patch or a necklace saying WG. Or PTF for a part time freelancer. You are very experienced? ATW for around the world. You want to be seen? You want us to know you are available? Show us!
  18. Outstanding. That is really good news. Perhaps people need more encouragement to seek help?
  19. These top medical minds will likely find a body pumped full of lead, or injured by a sharp instrument as the cause of death. Why on earth would they be being doing an autopsy on the victims? Deos this not seem callous and hurtful to the families of the victims? Were they given a choice to refuse this indignity? Talk about a lack of grace. Am I missing something here?
  20. We have invested a significant amount of money into growing mangoes. Have had only one small harvest so far. We have over 4,000 trees. The cost of land, planting, grafting, pruning, fertilizing, spraying, etc, is very high. I can barely envision a scenario where we will make any profit. Now, with the market depressed, due to export markets being affected by covid, and fertilizer costs only going up, one can only hope the market bounces back. And the local market is low. We are now faced with really silly costs, including the exorbitant cost of bagging the mangoes, to preserve the quality of the fruit. Does anyone have any advice? Anyone know about dried or freeze dried mangoes? Seems like that may be worth exploring, as the quality of the skin would not matter, we could spray less, and would not have to bag the mangoes. Any advice on the cost of commercial grade equipment to do such a task? And bagging, vacuum packing, etc?
  21. One has to hope that Thailand is up for the task, in regard to the mental health part of this event. Does not seem as though there is much focus on mental health here, and I am unfamiliar with the level of treatment and psychological therapy available here. Does anyone know? Seems as if introspection, self reflection, sharing one's feelings, looking within, and contemplation are just not part of the culture for most Thais.
  22. The boy was in tears but was soon reunited with his father in what spokesman Pol Maj-Gen Achayon Kraithong described as "praiseworthy and speedy actions" of members of the force in "helping our Thai brothers and sisters in distress" without thinking about personal gain. I thought that was the job description of the police. Guess this guy lost sight of that, and was shocked to see the highway police do some actual policing. After all, where are they when we need them, and why are they so adamant about refusing to patrol the highways and deal with reckless drivers?
  23. I think many ex-pats are quietly hoping tourism does not rebound like before. Cheaper hotels, less crowds, less nonsense. It is mostly upside for us. However, it means continued hardship for millions. And the decimation of the industry was not just due to covid, as the officials keep harping on. Of course, they need a scapegoat and will never take responsibility for anything. Part of it was due to the extreme cowardice showed, the draconian restrictions kept in place for far too long, and the utter refusal to address any of the dozen major problems plaguing the industry long before covid.
  24. Or they don't want to deal with the immigration nonsense and toxic attitudes. I call that smart.
  25. Things seem to be moving rather quickly. How long have you taken to get to know your new woman?
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