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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. He admitted that the RTP had been involved in trying to prevent such tragedies multiple times in the past. Huh. Really? I have never heard of a single instance of the RTP doing anything of a preventive nature. Never. They are like the highway patrol. Reactionary. Always acting after the fact.
  2. Yes. But imagine any official here taking responsibility for problems of their own making? Much less tiny men like Cha Cha and Prawit?
  3. The level of corruption and practice of the "dark arts" of deceit, manipulation, and illl gotten wealth, of this family would astound, if only it was known to the public. They are not a credit to the nation. Something has to change.
  4. I do. Thailand has next to no credibility on the world stage, at this point. The government is not trusted, and law enforcement agencies around the world likely know that the laws here favor the rich, the super rich can buy their way out of anything, and the judicial system is bent, so why would they bother to assist Thailand in a kangaroo scheme to deceive the public into thinking something is actually being done?
  5. The sceptic will argue that anything we do could not possibly influence the climate, or effect the atmosphere. The planet is simply too large, and the population is too small to have any effect. Let the ships dump whatever they want into the ocean. The ocean is simply too large for anything we do to damage it. This frees us to buy as many plastic bottles as we please, drive filthy diesel vehicles, and behave as if nothing effects anything. It's not us. It is just a cycle. We are not responsible. Stop blaming us. We cannot do anything to change things, and our behavior is not important.
  6. Note to the grand saboteur: The closing of tens of thousands of massage shops, bars, restaurants and hotels is your fault. You have caused a stupid degree of destruction to the nation your profess to love and be loyal to. Is it possible, just once, for you to give us a demonstration of that supposed loyalty to anything other than your rich cronies, who are above the law, and the sacred cow of cash money? We know this. Nothing you say will change this. You will be held responsible. You are destroying the progress of your nation. This may be remembered as the Prayuth Decimation. Where is the hope? Where is the promise of a better future? With a country that is being so badly mismanaged, and an economy that is being destroyed and sabotaged before our eyes, one can easily become despondent. How will things change, if the youth is not even allowed to show dissent? How to get rid of the dinosaurs once and for all. And unlike in the past, there is absolutely no moral leadership of any kind here anymore. Very sad. For those of us lucky enough to have a steady income, it is sad, but we live good lives. My heart really goes out to most of the Thai people. Their lives are being crushed. Woe is Thailand. You don't just open up after 28 months, and the world pours in. And the goons still don't realize and haven't acknowledged that Thailand needs tourism 50X more than tourists need Thailand. Is Thailand making any effort, on any level to address the issues that were present, pre-Covid? Traffic and public safety, air quality, road congestion, luxury taxes, wine taxes, jet ski scams? I could go on all day. My guess is nothing is being done to address anything, and every issue they currently face is being blamed on Covid. Now, they have a real scapegoat, and looking within for the source of any of the problems is less likely than ever. I truly believe, that 20 or 30 years from now, in tourism industry, business and sociology classes, at the uni level, there will be tours of these hollowed out shells, of huge hotels that were built, and could neither find guests to stay, nor even a market for condo conversions, and ended up abandoned, after buyers could not be found, or owners refused to accept 30% of the land and construction costs, as a sales price.
  7. I think even if Thailand was serious about having him extradited, Interpol would not take Thailand seriously. However, it is alot easier for Thailand to not pursue him. He is above the law. Any and all laws. Easier to just pretend some effort is being made to find him.
  8. Actually, there is alot of concern about zero, or negative population growth. There are about 25 countries with the highest population growth. If memory serves me correctly, at least 23 of them are Muslim nations. The rest of the world seems to be coming to their senses, and having far fewer babies. Kudos to those who choose not to spawn, at this point in time. Smart move. The last thing in the world this planet needs is another baby.
  9. Until the government can own and control anything related to vaping this will be illegal. Once they can control the racket and profit from it, it will be legalized.
  10. I have had few issues with Lazada over the years. Have gotten refunds a few times. If it is a higher price item: 1. Never order from China. 2. Only order from sellers with good feedback and good ratings. 3. Use a credit card from a foreign bank, where you are able to contest the charge. 4. Buyer beware. If it is too good a deal, it is likely fake. 5. Always insist on inspecting before paying. If the courier won't allow it, refuse the shipment. It is survival of the fittest out there, these days. Alot of fraud, fake stuff and scams. Natural selection rules. Protect thyself.
  11. Good point. The Western nations, and a few others have had better days. Very grateful to be here, despite some issues that seem to be very manageable.
  12. Society requires a certain amount of decorum, decency, and willingness to play by some basic rules. If you want to argue about a seat, do it before you board the plane. Once in a plane, people need to be civil. Maybe a 5 year ban from flying worldwide for numskulls?
  13. This is just Prawit being Prawit. He could not be less sincere if he tried. He is the very definition of an empty suit. Sorry to inform you, Prawit, but when you run a nation built upon a foundation that only protects the elite, the super wealthy, those that are well connected, those in power, and a spectacularly corrupt army and police, nobody is going to listen to you when you utter this kind of insincerity. Nobody is listening to you these days. You are NOT a serious man. 90% of Thailand knows this, and most of the world does too. 8 years has proven that time and time again. The real problem is, they will not go after these guys. Not the top bankers, not the high ranking guys, not the provincial authorities, and certainly not the army, or the police. They are all corrupt beyond imagination. And the level of corruption simply escalates, the further up the food chain you go. They police and army are not expected to be honest, and they are not expected to engage in law enforcement, traffic or public safety, on any level. It is an irrevocably broken and dysfunctional system. Any hyperbole to the contrary, is just a smoke screen, intended to deceive the most naive amongst us. The Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand (ACT) is one of the most feeble and ineffective of all the tools Prayuth has used to deceive the people into believing that he is fighting corruption. Who was the last high level authority, in the police, immigration, the army, or the active administration they arrested, charged, tried convicted, and sent to prison? A pinhead, maybe, but in reality nobody. Zero. Nunca. Nada. Why? Because Prayuth has had a mandate from the beginning to do the very opposite. To protect the elite, the super wealthy who are guilty, those that are connected, and those who are in power. Just think Dark Tao. Just think Red Bull. The list goes on, and on, and on. Only the most naive amongst us believe he or ACT secretary-general Mana Nimitmongkol are sincere about this.
  14. Truly tiny men cannot let go. Their self esteem is so low, they cannot handle the blow to their egos. Real men just move on. Those who are well developed emotionally are able to just get on with their lives and wish their ex a good life. This guy is 13 years old, in terms of emotional development. He looks like a man and smells like a man, but is not a man. He is a mere boy. He is not a tribute to our gender.
  15. This is especially prevalent here. The prisons are chock full of people who could not afford a good lawyer. Not to mention the opportunity to buy off a policeman and never be charged with the crime, to begin with. No question the system is biased. But, it is much the same in the US, only the bar is higher. If you have millions to throw at a good legal team, you can pull an OJ Simpson.
  16. Not in my case. I write so many anti American posts, I have to mention that I am American, so I don't get accused of being a hater of some sort. Just someone very disappointed in the direction their birth nation is moving. An empire and culture in a steep decline is not a pretty thing to witness.
  17. If I were a parent and this happened to my son, I would not turn the other cheek. I would likely go Charles Bronson on this teacher. She needs to learn. Something. Anything. She is a thug.
  18. Rule number 1. When tourism is down, and millions are out of work, you make the system more complicated to stimulate the industry. Makes perfect sense, right?
  19. He will not fall ill. The way the universe seems to work is that truly evil, malicious, dishonest and malignant man and women do not seem to encounter bad fortune, get sick or die. It seems to be part of the universal game, to keep them alive and secure. A sad reality indeed.
  20. I am not normally a supporter of homicide, nor a defender of a murderer. But, there are never any circumstances short of protecting one's life, that justify a man assaulting a woman. Sometimes, people go too far and pay a price for it.
  21. They are all corrupt beyond imagination. And the level of corruption simply escalates, the further up the food chain you go. They police and army are not expected to be honest, and they are not expected to engage in law enforcement, traffic or public safety, on any level. It is an irrevocably broken and dysfunctional system. Any hyperbole to the contrary, is just a smoke screen, intended to deceive the most naive amongst us. The Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand (ACT) is one of the most feeble and ineffective of all the tools Prayuth has used to deceive the people into believing that he is fighting corruption. Who was the last high level authority, in the police, immigration, the army, or the active administration they arrested, charged, tried convicted, and sent to prison? Nobody. Zero. Nunca. Nada. Why? Because Prayuth has had a mandate from the beginning to do the very opposite. To protect the elite, the super wealthy who are guilty, those that are connected, and those who are in power. Just think Dark Tao. Just think Red Bull. The list goes on, and on, and on.
  22. No. It is a very difficult language, the Thai people are not linguists, and have very little ability to understand someone who is not speaking Thai very well. I speak other languages, but find Thai to be very challenging. The tones are hard for alot of people to figure out. I can travel anywhere in Latin America and be understood. Why? Because the people try to understand me, and are linguistically creative. Not here. I can count to one million in Thai. And speak some phrases, ask some questions, order food, negotiate, etc. That is about it. I have minimal interest in learning the language.
  23. What is next, Giraffe flu? Garbanzo flu? Pomelo flu? Please. Does it seem as of the world has become obsessed with the flu?
  24. That would be a deterrent. That would require care, concern and foresight. That would require good governance and participation of an extraordinarily apathetic police force. I don't see that happening. Those of us with driving skill, and a strong desire for not only survival, but the avoidance of terrible injury, are constantly scanning the road, in front of us, beside us, and behind us. There are an exceptionally high number of reckless fools on these roads, and it is the only way to preserve our lives, and those of our families, and friends, who may be driving with us, and depending on us. When I was growing up, we took drivers education courses. They showed us horrendous films, of semi trucks plowing into cars, and literally obliterating everything in their path. They also showed us graphic images of head on collisions. 120mph impacts. Even as a young kid, it made quite an impression. It was horrific, and it was hard to get those images out of your head afterwards. But, it left a lasting impression, and when I started driving, I understood it was serious business, and that it was a very dangerous thing to do. Also, I had the benefit of my lovely Mom, as my instructor. She spent countless hours in the car with me giving me tips, advice, and teaching me driving etiquette, courtesy and respect toward other drivers. That was priceless, and I doubt many Thai kids benefit from that kind of guidance.
  25. Riding a motorbike of any sort is extremely dangerous here. Great care should always be taken. I see way too many people who are far too casual about it. Talking on the phone, holding an umbrella, not wearing a good helmet, letting kids ride a bike, not wearing any eye protection in the rain, and on and on. There is no deterrent. The police do not seem to care one iota. And the parents do not take this seriously. Sure, the parents are distraught after the child is dead. But, where was the concern before?
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