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Posts posted by jayboy

  1. I'm not a great fan of Jake Needham's novels but he had something interesting to say about the Thai political crisis.At least it was pithy and truthful about the death throes of the old order.As every well educated and intelligent person knows Jake was reflecting that what is taking place in Thailand now has taken place in one form or another all around the world.This is what he said:

    "We've seen this movie and we know how it's going to end.Let's hope it will be over quickly though I'm doubtful it will"

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  2. The powers that be have tried everything. Wanted elections, got them, wasn't good enough. Yingluck resigns, got it, wasn't good enough. Tried to shut down Bangkok, but the Bangkok middle and upper class didn't have the heart or conviction to stick it out more than a week.

    It was always going to come to this if the arrogant Bangkok elite didn't get their way.

    They finally got Yingluck on trumped up charges.

    When the red shirts come to town and destroy Bangkok don't blame the red shirts. They have no choice but to go to war.

    i think the red shirt is better stay in isaan!

    dont come to make problem in bangkok.

    this is not red shirt city.

    we dont like this people come here !!

    Perhaps you'd prefer a partitioned country?

    You'll find that there are plenty of government supporters from Isaan working for a living in Bangkok. They are also Thai and have just as much right to express their opinion as you.

    Don't rise to the bait.It's a parody account - actually quite clever, taking the mick out of Suthep's middle class sheeple.

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  3. Jonathan Head is a known 'supporter' of Robert Amsterdam/Thaksin. I have complained to the BBC about his biased reporting. Search him on Google. You may be surprised. But then that's no different to the support for Thaksin that comes from Wall-street backed Washington Post. There are other examples and one wonders if there is a global conspiracy here.

    And the many reports in which he is highly critical of Thaksin are just subterfuge to muddy the waters?

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  4. Yellow criminals showing their true (deadly) color...

    It's time to suppress Suthep and his mad following dogs before more innocent people get hurt mad.gif

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    No I don't like this. I HATE this. My wife's family, poor country farmers, are in Bangkok backing Suthep. Why? Because they are intelligent enough to understand the damage that the fascist autocrat and convicted criminal fugitive Thaksin and his family are doing to this country. They re not elite. They are good people who understand far more than some of the ultra-right wing farangs that post here in support of the reds. Go for it Suthep.

    Ultra right wing farang supporting the reds? Hmm.

  5. The whole world knows the links between the Democrats and Suthep so I am hardly unique.
    Didn't claim that it didn't. Didn't claim that you were.
    I have never denied the links between Thaksin and the groups mentioned - not least because to do so would have been absurd.If you have any evidence show it.Otherwise pipe down.

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    Between Thaksin and those groups, there isn't one single link, but a wide variety of links. I wasn't accusing you of denying them all. I was accusing you of having denied or downplayed certain ones. Anyone who has followed your posts over the years, will be aware of that trait of yours, and will also have seen the irony that I saw, that began all this, of you telling someone else who was playing down the links between the Dems and Suthep that, "it won't wash".[/


    You just repeat yourself and compound your folly.Which links have I denied?

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  6. you dont understand the thai people i think you better not talk !!

    we dont care about the people in the isaan because this people dont care about bangkok too.

    they have not the money. they are poor and sell the vote to thaksin every year.

    this is not fair you dont understand?

    because we have this problem because the people in isaan dont know how vote and then thaksin can win again and again.

    we have to make the reform and then we can have the prime minister who care about thailand and bangkok and not only about isaan.

    this people are not educate enough to vote!!

    Brilliant parody of the so called "educate" people that can't string a coherent sentence together.You had me fooled for a moment.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I must admit, his Tinglish is pretty spot on. We can only ask him to come and post in Thai I guess....

    English that the "educate" people seem to have a patent on.No it must be a parody, and a brilliant one at that.

    Agreed it's spot on.I've also now had a look at the other posts highlighted by tx22cb.The standard of parody remains superb throughout essentially coming out with sentiments that are very common in Bangkok but managing to present them in a splendid package of stupidity and unpleasantness, ie without even a pretence of moral rectitude - all expressed in a horrible mangled version of English so common among the "educate" people.It must be a parody.

  7. i think ms. chitpas will be the next prime minister we have in thailand and the best forever!

    she not corrupt like the thaksin family and come from good family. she care about the people in bangkok.

    is so important!

    "she care about the people in bangkok"

    She might be the next PM, she might be "the best forever", but Bangkok =/= Thailand, so she'd better'd care about all Thais, for your sake.

    you dont understand the thai people i think you better not talk !!

    we dont care about the people in the isaan because this people dont care about bangkok too.

    they have not the money. they are poor and sell the vote to thaksin every year.

    this is not fair you dont understand?

    because we have this problem because the people in isaan dont know how vote and then thaksin can win again and again.

    we have to make the reform and then we can have the prime minister who care about thailand and bangkok and not only about isaan.

    this people are not educate enough to vote!!

    Brilliant parody of the so called "educate" people that can't string a coherent sentence together.You had me fooled for a moment.

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  8. But you didn't make a point or even a coherent statement.Some gibberish about my washing Thaksin.If you have a serious contribution I'd be happy to consider it but in the mean time grow up.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    My point was very clear. No need to get ratty just because you are feigning comprehension difficulties.

    To humour your charade, and to repeat the point already made, it's ironic to hear the same person who has consistently either downplayed or flat out denied blatant links between Thaksin and the red shirts, Thaksin and the UDD, Thaksin and PTP, Thaksin and Yingluck, Thaksin and the riots of 2009 and 2010, with oft repeated mantras such as "this isn't about Thaksin", chastising someone else for failing to acknowledge blatant links between the Dems and Suthep's mob.

    I have never denied links between Thaksin and the redshirt movement/UDD/Yingluck/PTP/street protests.To do so would be absurd.I have pointed out however several times that the Thaksin issue is not the most significant contributory factor in the current political divisions in Thailand.Most serious commentators would agree with me, specifically that Thaksin is an opportunist and a catalyst - taking advantage of a shift in Thailand's social and political tectonic plates.

    If you cannot grasp this I'm not really able to help you further.You may as well blather on like some dim urban housewife that it's all about Thaksin's wickedness.I'm sure you can find plenty of kindred spirits.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    It's really hilarious. You don't need to help anyone. You need to help yourself. Everything started with the amnesty bill which was purely designed to whitewash Thaksin's numerous crimes. It also happens that the convicted criminal and fugitive is running the government via social networks. At least acknowledge irrefutable facts of life. Get a grip, will you?

    Got it now.Thaksin runs the government from abroad though I think I knew that already.But thanks for the insight that "everything started" with the amnesty initiative.And to think that I once thought the crisis had deep social and political causes stretching back for decades.

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  9. You might wish to review your original post before starting to deny your earlier comments.I'm not however interested in this kind of content free spat so in the politest possible way could you vent your spleen with someone else.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I know precisely what I stated and I am not denying any comments I have made. Nor am I "venting my spleen". I simply brought to your attention how remarkably well you are able to discern certain clear and obvious links that exist between the Dems and Suthep, and yet how conveniently clouded your vision has become at times in the past in discerning certain clear and obvious links that have existed between Thaksin and those individuals/groups/incidents mentioned. That's all.

    The whole world knows the links between the Democrats and Suthep so I am hardly unique. I have never denied the links between Thaksin and the groups mentioned - not least because to do so would have been absurd.If you have any evidence show it.Otherwise pipe down.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  10. But you didn't make a point or even a coherent statement.Some gibberish about my washing Thaksin.If you have a serious contribution I'd be happy to consider it but in the mean time grow up.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    My point was very clear. No need to get ratty just because you are feigning comprehension difficulties.

    To humour your charade, and to repeat the point already made, it's ironic to hear the same person who has consistently either downplayed or flat out denied blatant links between Thaksin and the red shirts, Thaksin and the UDD, Thaksin and PTP, Thaksin and Yingluck, Thaksin and the riots of 2009 and 2010, with oft repeated mantras such as "this isn't about Thaksin", chastising someone else for failing to acknowledge blatant links between the Dems and Suthep's mob.

    I have never denied links between Thaksin and the redshirt movement/UDD/Yingluck/PTP/street protests.To do so would be absurd.I have pointed out however several times that the Thaksin issue is not the most significant contributory factor in the current political divisions in Thailand.Most serious commentators would agree with me, specifically that Thaksin is an opportunist and a catalyst - taking advantage of a shift in Thailand's social and political tectonic plates.

    If you cannot grasp this I'm not really able to help you further.You may as well blather on like some dim urban housewife that it's all about Thaksin's wickedness.I'm sure you can find plenty of kindred spirits.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Now you have switched to making straw man arguments. I didn't accuse you of denying all links. You don't. You deny certain ones, and downplay others. And I have made no comment on what the "single most significant contributory factor is, *bla bla bla*", nor whether "Thaksin is an opportunist or a catalyst.. *condescending drivel drivel drivel*".

    You might wish to review your original post before starting to deny your earlier comments.I'm not however interested in this kind of content free spat so in the politest possible way could you vent your spleen with someone else.

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  11. But you didn't make a point or even a coherent statement.Some gibberish about my washing Thaksin.If you have a serious contribution I'd be happy to consider it but in the mean time grow up.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    My point was very clear. No need to get ratty just because you are feigning comprehension difficulties.

    To humour your charade, and to repeat the point already made, it's ironic to hear the same person who has consistently either downplayed or flat out denied blatant links between Thaksin and the red shirts, Thaksin and the UDD, Thaksin and PTP, Thaksin and Yingluck, Thaksin and the riots of 2009 and 2010, with oft repeated mantras such as "this isn't about Thaksin", chastising someone else for failing to acknowledge blatant links between the Dems and Suthep's mob.

    I have never denied links between Thaksin and the redshirt movement/UDD/Yingluck/PTP/street protests.To do so would be absurd.I have pointed out however several times that the Thaksin issue is not the most significant contributory factor in the current political divisions in Thailand.Most serious commentators would agree with me, specifically that Thaksin is an opportunist and a catalyst - taking advantage of a shift in Thailand's social and political tectonic plates.

    If you cannot grasp this I'm not really able to help you further.You may as well blather on like some dim urban housewife that it's all about Thaksin's wickedness.I'm sure you can find plenty of kindred spirits.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. No that won't wash.Abhisit may have pretended to distance himself with the aim of having his cake and eating it.But the reality is that the Democrat leadership is inextricably linked to Suthep 's mob and thus morally compromised.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    With all the attempted washing you yourself have done over the years with regards Thaksin and the red shirts, and their sordid, inextricable links, guessing you must be all out of washing powder anyway.
    So, out of any credible arguments or indeed any interesting points at all you resort to puerile vapourings.Please don't confuse vulgar abuse with witty invective.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    My point was clear and all that your crabby response to it has done is expose the nerve that it struck.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ XA using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    But you didn't make a point or even a coherent statement.Some gibberish about my washing Thaksin.If you have a serious contribution I'd be happy to consider it but in the mean time grow up.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  13. No that won't wash.Abhisit may have pretended to distance himself with the aim of having his cake and eating it.But the reality is that the Democrat leadership is inextricably linked to Suthep 's mob and thus morally compromised.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    With all the attempted washing you yourself have done over the years with regards Thaksin and the red shirts, and their sordid, inextricable links, guessing you must be all out of washing powder anyway.

    So, out of any credible arguments or indeed any interesting points at all you resort to puerile vapourings.Please don't confuse vulgar abuse with witty invective.

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  14. These Thai are proposing to "appoint" a new PM rather than have an election.

    Its a shame that many Thailand Visa members have forgotten the greatest start of Democracy in modern Times

    It is a sad day when Thais understand True Democracy better than Farlang

    Thailand is no longer a democracy but a group of corrupt men looking after them selves and not the country

    How many times must I read farlang going on about forming an unelected group to run the country, and turning away from the American Revolution when the founding fathers were also unelected yet they managed to establish one of the greatest governing democracies in modern history

    Taskin himself now understands Yinglucks days are over, she will bear the blunt of his greedy wants and will pay the price, in Taskin's democracy family members must be sacrificed for his self game

    That has caused even more problems as he has already made it clear that he wants Suwat Liptapanlop to be the next PM as his sister goes down in flames, and Charlerm Yubamrung is not happy as he wants the job. so has gone Power mad with the police to prove to Taskin he deserves the position

    With a drunk in charge, well I guess we can do no worse

    As well what does it help if some very bad leader is democratic elected....Hitler was democratic elected. Democracy is a system to get the best, the best accepted leader. If that doesn't work, and there is no hope that it will work in future because the laws are already changed to guarantee that the same family will win again (vote buying, fraud, no separation of power, no free media), than the complete talk of democracy is nonsense.

    The Shinwatras clearly try to develop a Democracy "North Korean style" (yes North Korea is a Democracy, so was East Germany, just you couldn't change something with your vote).

    There is a legitimate argument that Thailand needs independent checks and balances that work well.

    But democracy is not a system to get the best.It's a system that gives power to the people, albeit hedged by checks and balances (see above).A system to get the best is an aristocracy though the meaning has been debased in modern times to mean a hereditary class.The exam based system of Imperial China is perhaps the best example of theoretical government by the best - although in practise it wasn't

    Elections are only part of democracy - but an essential beginning because free and fair elections must take place for the possibility of full democracy to exist at all.

    The myth that Hitler was elected is repeated again notwithstanding it has been disproved time and time again.The purveyers of this myth never apparently read histories of the time, relying on internet cliches.The background is a little complicated but the Nazis never had a majority in the Reichstag, and Hitler's ascension to power was a backstairs deal (like that of Abhisit - just kidding).I could go into more detail but for those who believe the myth truth is not that interesting, not least because it exposes their ignorance and lies.

    All credible sources verify Thai elections while not free of abuse have been free and fair.Abhisit has made this point very recently in explaining why he left office and gave the new government a chance.

    He laughably calls elections in North Korea and Eastern Germany democratic.That's a measure of his integrity.

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  15. The first stage of the war on the shutdown of Bangkok has begun.

    Yes, you reds do like your violence, don't you?

    Seems a rather odd statement to make given the different approaches for clearing the city centre in 2010 and now.The former if you recall involved the army shooting innocent victims.The latter involves internationally praised patience and restraint.

    If I may strain your recollection, this is exactly how the Abhsit government started clearing protest sites, with riot gear *only*. Protesters retaliated with grenades, forcing the authorities to arm the troops.

    You forgot, or you have a case of selective recall?

    I relied on the independent accounts particularly that of HRW which while exculpating no party made it clear the military murdered many innocent civilians.

  16. The first stage of the war on the shutdown of Bangkok has begun.

    Yes, you reds do like your violence, don't you?

    Seems a rather odd statement to make given the different approaches for clearing the city centre in 2010 and now.The former if you recall involved the army shooting innocent victims.The latter involves internationally praised patience and restraint.

    The former involved armed authorities being used against armed protesters. If armed protesters turn up here, armed authorities will also come out, and unarmed protesters will probably be the victims.

    Sent from my phone ...

    Armed protesters have already showed up.As to 2010 I prefer to rely on neutral bodies like HRW.Most protesters then were unarmed but certainly there was violence on both sides-though there has never been a satisfactory account of the MIB.But it is beyond doubt that the majority of victims were innocent victims shot by the army - under the direction of Abhisit and Suthep That's why they face murder charges in contrast to the international praise for Yingluck's forebearance.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  17. You mean Thaksin's police are coming into a protest site that is trying to topple Thaksin. I won't be surprised if they find Weapons of Mass Destruction.

    Now I am no megalomaniac like Thaksin, BUT if a groups of people wanted to remove my sister from power for abusing that power and my people went into their house I would tell them to plant weapons as well cause they want my sister out.

    An element of the PDRC are no angels. Far from it yet with all these weapons found not one seems to be used against the police coming in. Strange isn't it? Why have all these weapons, but don't use them against the police unless it was for self defense against the red shirts.

    So in light of the police being offered NO resistance by the protestors one could assume the weapons were;

    • Self defense against red shirts
    • Planted by Thaksins men (police)
    Now if the police wanted to quell rumor and innuendo they would allow the army to come in with them as observers to keep the police "honest"

    I won't even mention 2010. The comparison has been done to death.

    As for Richard Barrows. The most politically polarized unbalanced blogger in Bangkok.

    Are you implying Barrow is biased AGAINST Suthep's fascist mob?! He makes them sound like angels! I regularly criticize him on Twitter for pandering to those thugs and minimized their violent nature!

    Actually Richard Barrow is a genuine non political and thus a valuable commentator given his neutrality.

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  18. The first stage of the war on the shutdown of Bangkok has begun.

    Yes, you reds do like your violence, don't you?

    Seems a rather odd statement to make given the different approaches for clearing the city centre in 2010 and now.The former if you recall involved the army shooting innocent victims.The latter involves internationally praised patience and restraint.

    In 2010 before a single bullet was fired the peaceful protestors threatened to blow up LPG truck, grenade attacked at Thai banks, attacked Thai charity with grenades, stormed parliament, attacked NPP and TPI buildings with M16 and grenades, stormed police hospital, stormed TV station, bomb attacks on electricity pylons, 2 police taken hostage, destroy CCTV cameras, dumped tyres on sky train tracks and beating soldiers to within an inch of their lives. Abhisit should have got a Nobel Peace Prize for showing restraint. After all this he gave the protesters 48 hours to clear or the soldiers would come in. 48 hours latter the soldiers came in. No back tracking. No changing his mind. A resolute leader were the people knew where they stood.

    The latter is Chalerm stating every few days for weeks now we will come in and break the protests up yet he never does. Telling them he will come in in disguise and arrest Suthep. Never did. Have an emergency decree that states no more than 5 people can gather yet they have and continue to. More buildings have been taken over during the decree than before it. The CMPO (centre for maintaining peace and order) telling the EC they are responsible for maintaining peace and order. The latter reminds me of how the PTP managed the floods in 2011. With absolute incompetence. Reminds me of how they ran the rice scheme. With absolute incompetence.

    Going by the PTP track record I will let you behead me if the streets of Bangkok are empty of protestors tomorrow night. That is how incompetent I think the PTP are at leading. Inappropriate to say I would let you behead me? Apparently it is OK because the PTP Deputy PM, Labour Minister, Head of CMPO said it too.

    Your all garbage if you disagree. Is that appropriate? Apparently it is because another Deputy PM said it. So don't tell me I am talking inappropriately because if you do then you would not support a party that thinks those comments are acceptable.

    So you believe Abhisit deseves the Nobel Peace Prize notwithstanding he faces charges for murder.I suspect the authorities in Stockholm may take a different view.It certainly defines your fruitcake status.

    I don't think anyone suggests this is the end of protests simply the clearance of detritus and the re taking of government buildings.Indeed as Suthep and his backers grow increasingly desperate I would expecr their intimidation and violence to increase.They have already lost the international case.

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  19. So Abhisit has taken his bat and ball, and says I am not going to play cricket until you change the rules. But won't say or elaborate on what the new rules are?

    Don't you think it would be wrong for Abhisit to dictate rules ? wouldn't it be better to have a peoples forum with input from the people to set up new rules ?

    That's an interesting and innovative thought.You mean that the people should choose representatives for an assembly and then after due course confirm them or otherwise according to how well they perform.It's rather like a democratic system where the people choose members for parliament.Oops I forgot..you don't like rhat idea.

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