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  1. Got up early and had a run, so nice and cool. Was famished so cooked up a quick breakfast. Left over baked potato changed into home fries with some onion. Found a small pork chop in the freezer and bingo 40 minutes later eating.
  2. Seems strange , usually the people ( leftists) who despise racists are ok with people who are Anti American? I guess you are calling the pot kettle black though and are transphobic and homophobic ? Two or our "sharper" members using all their intellect to get their points across. 5555
  3. You are being aggressively disingenuous right now, fact! To have even brought this up shows something. We are discussing a Serbian immigrant to Canada and his trolling and you come up with "disingenuous." Who has an agenda? Only you....
  4. There it is the catch phrase, lost all credibility big time.
  5. BS again. No vaping is allowed, what part do you not understand?
  6. When there were less than a million international arrivals a year. A lot easier to deal with immigration back then. Building up to 50,000,000 visitors again.
  7. No mention of Koh Tao in the report. Why are saying this?
  8. BS and you know it. Not on a plane. Besides that simply be polite and use your brain.
  9. With the attitude you are carrying it sounds like you might be off for there quite soon. Her job is to admit you not kiss your you know what.
  10. Baby potatoes are unpeeled and the pearl onions were left whole.
  11. Here it is and for George, do you know Dee means Good?.
  12. My wife takes cooked food along with dried spices and other condiments to our kids in California every time we go. With the amount you have and it being vacuum sealed I can say with confidence you wont have a problem.
  13. Took my time yesterday in the nice cool weather to cook up a pot of rustic pork stew. Managed to turn the first photo into the second over the course of a cool afternoon. A loaf of crusty sourdough and the meal was complete.
  14. None of which has anything to do with the dental surgery the poor woman died from.

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