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  1. No, not at all. All foreign teachers pay into social security at any level of schooling at either private or public schools and universities. I know I am collecting Thai social security after working for 30 years. Paid into it and millions in taxes over the time, so its only fair.
  2. Luckily most elderly Thai's dont worry about this as their kids will take care of them. Common practice through all levels of Thai society. Very much unlike the west.
  3. What a bunch of BS. Don Muang district is long known for corruption in the police department. That station derives so much income from that den it is unbelievable, So much so its worth the risk of getting busted and demoted. Every single person who lives here knows this is a fact. But police corruption is so endemic nothing will be done. Even if you are transferred to an inactive post you collect your bribe money. Neighbors are all laughing tonight as its the big gossip. What can you do?
  4. Nice surprise this afternoon. Received my new US passport and cancelled old one back via EMS. It was sent to the US embassy on Feb1, and in only 19 days is completed and back. Damn good job USA, thanks.
  5. I did yesterday. Had a complete cardio pulmonary stress test done at BKK hospital. Not only did I do 11 minutes on the treadmill with an increasing incline and speed every 2 minutes my oxygen production was perfect. Lung scan showed totally clear. I was surprised and happy, I live in BKK but have been in Laksi and Don Muang the last 34 years. The last 10 I have run daily basically 7 days a week, They said this really helped my health. They wanted the machine to take me to 120 beat per minute, but topped at at 107 which again was very good.
  6. Stop being an idiot and think about what you type. Not only is it grammatically poor it is silly. Thousand of retirees and married people living their lives here. Why shouldn't we have bank accounts and Drivers licenses. You neglect to think of those who are working or have worked here. I have paid over 2 million baht in taxes just from my salary and now collect Thai social security. Get you head on straight mate.
  7. Could well be, Poole UK, Din Daeng Bangkok. Regardless this could well be him.
  8. How stupid do you think AN posters are? Last week you were Elvis from Tupelo, a month ago you were Colin from Dorsett, and two months ago you were bob smith the disgruntled and drunken Thai tourist. Bobby nobody believes a freaking word you say. Everybody agrees you are one sick puppy though,
  9. Could not be more true. For staying long term a triple entry non O from Penang was easy. 3 trips to Pedang Basar or Sadao, the 4th back to Penang to renew the visa. Always a nice gang of people on the train. The dining car served nice hot freshly prepared food and all the beer or Thai whiskey you could want.
  10. Good for you bob. BS are your initials eh? Perfect.
  11. No bob, colin, susan, elvis and Robert. The only correlation to you and reality is BS.
  12. Lonely loser with no life has returned. Sits in his 28 sq meter non air squat most likely in Din Daeng. Pounding the keyboard with bull poop. Simply a miserable situation to be in. Thank God he has AN to try to live out his fantasies.
  13. No tributes for bob are necessary. He just wants to rest in peace.
  14. So no hand drawn map to house, or google map to house?
  15. In your case bob the statement is completely true. You believe the characters you create are real in order to fulfill your fantasy of "being cool". When in reality the odds are that you are just a loser who has to live out his life in the fantasyland known as the internet. Hell bobby you have even been a woman named Susan Lea for a while, so for sure its all a state of mind. 😂

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