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  1. Sure they are bob. You are getting exceptionally close to an ending like this. Fable upon fable spun by you.............
  2. I did. I told her that her attitude was disgusting. Probably the two posters who are the most "unknowing" of Thailand and its ways having an intense discussion.🤣 For sure she understood your comment and took it to heart. 🤣🤣
  3. No alcohol is sold on the trains in any class. Been banned since 2015.
  4. Did you go have a big breakfast first?
  5. Then something is wrong with them. Even here in Don Muang Bangkok when the air is poor 75+ my two Xiaomi show a reading of about 50 or so inside, which reduces to below 10 in half an hours time.
  6. Every one of bi polar bobs threads are lies. Each and every one. Every poster here knows it.
  7. Kool Aid is not good for you. Glad to hear you weaned yourself off it. Pity you ever indulged though.
  8. Pity you have no knowledge of what happened. An SRT employee who worked on the train did the deed. No tourist involved. The incident had nothing to do with "weed" either. Find another place to push your agenda dude!!!
  9. and how are you doing that?
  10. Even though you made the whole story up this would surely indicate you knew just what was going on bi polar bob.
  11. Bi Polar bob now speaks Russian?🤣
  12. Its legal, at least Bi Polar bob got something right.
  13. Thats odd, as you spend your life trolling
  14. What the heck are you talking about. 1987 landed here the first time and picked up my luggage in Don Muang Airport and the adventure began. Seriously???
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