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Everything posted by marin

  1. So you are saying you made up your whole OP about Jomtien and it is BS?
  2. Again, you are not going to prison over a little weed no matter what. Why the doom and dread in your posts? "I personally would not do it or suggest it" Now that would make sense.
  3. Thank you. Posts like this anger me. You were much more polite than I.
  4. Jai yen yen, hope Coconuts is allowed as a link. Until the marijuana laws are amended this is the case. https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/you-can-carry-weed-on-domestic-flights-airports-of-thailand/ The skies above Thailand got friendlier today with confirmation that travelers of legal age can carry cannabis on domestic flights. While more than 10 calls to various departments at Airports of Thailand, or AOT, and the Civil Aviation Authority were met with “I don’t knows” and occasional laughter, Airports of Thailand’s Security Department today told Coconuts that their rules only prevented passengers under 20 from flying with cannabis.
  5. Well good for you. I am sure the staff at DMK are in tears now. ????
  6. You are well wrong. Please dont spread false information. You may be a dual citizen here with no problems at all.
  7. You will need a residence certificate to get a new license for sure. I had to get one 2 months ago and have had the yellow book 15 years. Bangkok anyway.
  8. Sleeping, it was not 9 years 50+ is better. Now they will not go back to sleep or even take a nap.
  9. For the nick you dont have much a feel for what is going on. 14 million people just voted for MF, 32 of 33 constituencies in Bangkok were taken by them. That is apathy? Give me a break. The people especially the young and educated woke up and voted for a big change.
  10. A bit of research might have helped. Was on KP and both beaches 30 years ago. People knew then before the internet.
  11. Lou I have seen a few other posters having a go at you. I now see why. Please dont try to read my mind or my motivation in posting. Deal with your own posts. Thanks. I also dont need your guesses. I prefer being on the mark rather than off.
  12. You have anger issues. You have lashed out at several posters on here for simply questioning or offering advice you dont like. Its also quite clear you have some disdain for the Thai's, their language and culture. Your son sees this for sure. Remember he is half Thai. As for your not learning Thai that you would have to admit is your problem. Your wife and kids are bilingual and you are not. Think about this. We all have frustrating times here. Please remember you live in Thailand their mothers home, not back in your home country. You cant force love from a child. I hope you realize this.
  13. Remember this is an Op Ed obviously written by a die hard Pheu Thai supporter. It should not be presented as "News".
  14. Thanks for the detailed answer. In all honesty I would not look at your project due to the excessive and often inaccurate hyperbole. But thats just me.
  15. Are you always this frazzled? What is a short temple school? And what are you on about kindergarten? This is age 3-5 or 6 in Thailand. Then there are 6 levels of Pratom or Primary, that she should finish at 12 or 13. Then she begins Mattayom or Secondary school until 18 or so. You dont even seem to know how schools here work. Not much more to say other than I am glad I am not in your shoes. Try to respect your wife a bit, you once did as you chose to marry her, always remember she is the mother of your kids and they need her love as well.
  16. BS. The last 15 years I have had my hair cut by a great female cutter. After covid the prices went up to 120 for a shave and a cut. She is quite happy when I give her 150. Plenty of these all over Thailand. You just need to know where to look. I dont know of any long term residents who pay the price you quote. Most often the higher price is because they are in a mall or a pricy area. Lots of great barbers and stylists for the locals bro.
  17. " Find out and discover a world of opportunity with Thailand Success Solutions! Founded by visionary entrepreneurs," Who are some of the visionary entrepreneurs who founded your organization, and what have they contributed to society at large? Thanks.
  18. Seems you run with a pretty low rent crowd there Con.
  19. This is the problem. This kind of BS Math Program should never be allowed to start at primary school. Sorry but the problem is fully your wife. At your daughters age she should not have to go through this type of thing. My kids went to a great private primary school where they were taught to be good kids as much as learning. I would not want to be you in dealing with this problem. Best of luck but you have to stop it or you will see negative consequences in both physical and mental development.
  20. They are saying 2028 but with double tracks and many tunnels it wont be. 2032 has a nice ring to it. Cant link the article I found but its the Post from two and a half years ago. Very little progress since then, which is a pity as it is a great idea.
  21. Garlic bread??? ???? what a recommendation..
  22. Ouch this is going to anger the husband of the woman in the car. Only going to make his mood worse.
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