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Everything posted by marin

  1. Many sellers of the Thai breakfast donut "Patangko" also make Nam Tahu or soy milk, you can have it with the beans or without. Every 7/11 and supermarket also sell it. Seems a strange question if you have lived here for any length of time.
  2. I could never understand the travelers who did this. Go halfway around the world to an island paradise and watch old action movies in a restaurant at night. Silly to me.
  3. I try to think about the future not the past. I believe in the old saying, "dont look back they might be gaining on you".
  4. All changed 3 years ago. Ramping up the change now. https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/economy/central-buys-family-mart-thailand
  5. If your Logic is based on the electric car the OP is speaking about it is flawed. Fatally. The EV he is speaking about is a small SUV. It is among the cheaper of this type in the class. Your whole theory is based on the electric SUV being much more expensive. It is not.
  6. Actually they were first made in the early 1940's for the US military. Was several years after that before they went on sale to the public. Learned that way back in grade school. Some science teacher. ????
  7. So between now and November you cant make a one day trip to Bangkok that you coordinate with the wife to get a new passport? The passport office is right on Changwattana, easy to go to and from DM airport in just a few hours. Then you have peace of mind. She can enter on the Thai passport as she is Thai, but then in 2 months you are still going to have to renew.
  8. Cant even speak about the real reason all of this is coming down.
  9. Not only confused but just plain silly. Take a few minutes to think about it. Also be careful about the friends you keep. ???? We are talking reporting your residence which has nothing to do with your visa expiration date.
  10. Get a tracker wrist band. Fitbit and Mi are the two big brands here. Right now Mi has a sale on and their "watch" is under 1500 baht. Steps, heart rate, sleep and more are displayed. The phone apps are not nearly as accurate.
  11. Well for sure the one where he was taking his tent and going camping in the mountains from 4 days ago was real. He has had no internet and nobody has heard a word from him...????
  12. Back about 345 pm today.
  13. It was up at 530 or 600 am today, read it before my jog.
  14. All at the same time? I have used Stiebel for 20 years a solid product.
  15. Guarantee you he did not buy any books at all. He is simply trolling yet again. The guy has done this from his first thread. "I took a girl to Koh Chang and found out she wanted money". ???? This is what he desires.
  16. Sounds great if you want to spiral down further. How about getting a social life, get out and meet and get to know locals in your neighborhood. Spend more time learning the language, like a language course. He has stated he does not like Thailand or the people. Gonna be hard. Plus he is the uber troll.
  17. Did you get a confirmation that the application was received? Giddyup had the best idea.
  18. Most young Thai's who go into the hotel business have taken a degree in hospitality or hotel management. Good luck for her, very competitive right now.
  19. What kind of schooling does she plan for the boys? Has she checked the state of Thai high schools, or the cost on international schools. After living in America all their lives can they read and write Thai to study in a Thai school. She is looking at a pretty big expense with international schools.
  20. Pass the DL test, get the license, agree to wear helmet is about all you can do other than simply say no.
  21. I have a bridge for you. Guaranteed great investment. ????
  22. Stop dreaming. No passport to immigration no physical stamp in passport.
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