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Everything posted by marin

  1. This is Thailand the label says 7up. This does not say USA it says Breeze. ????
  2. Also looks like more than 60 days to me. June 21-September 5?
  3. Have a great time. Just be sure out of here on Thai Passport, enter the US on US Passport, exit US on US Passport and enter Thailand on Thai. You can go with her to the Thai desks at BKK immigration. I took my twins alone at 9 and it was a gas. Just be prepared for washing and combing her hair among other things. 555
  4. She needs no visa at all, as a citizen she walks right in. But she does need a Thai passport to come back home on. Thai passports are easy if you and the mom can go with her. Here in BKK it takes just an hour or so to file all the papers. Then it is sent by EMS to your chosen address. Took 4 days for my daughters latest one. The beauty of being a dual citizen and carrying two passports is there is no need for a visa in either country.
  5. Get the letter to be sure. She will exit on her Thai passport and then enter the US on her US passport. My kids did it alone at 12 years old. I have never heard of signing the passport.
  6. Its about as easy as you could want. I am older and IT challenged but this one is a snap. Here you go. https://www.netflix.com/th-en/
  7. Guess you are a noob. As Louis Armstrong said, "If ya gotta ask you will never know". Thai hospitality.
  8. You are out of your mind. Why are people still arrested and doing time if this is the case?
  9. Really sounds like you have hidden or are trying to hide something.
  10. Oh, the old splitting hairs technique. Well I dont go with that as there are thousands of shops selling the stuff at much higher levels than that. Read again what I wrote. Not going to get into it with you, but......
  11. Say what? No that has not happened. 85% of prisoners in Thailand are in for drugs, the majority simple possession.
  12. In June of last year marijuana was legalized. That is all that really happened. Now that is in flux, but I personally believe it will remain legal but more highly licensed. Other than that I have no idea what you are talking about. If you have been busted for coke, that remains just the same on your record here. Police checks for employment are conducted for the most part.
  13. So you have been there and realize you dont like it or the people who live there? From what you have written why would you even consider the job? May I ask if the job is in a small village what you would be doing other than teaching?
  14. Reg, do you realize your first paragraph is not only wrong but contradicts itself. As said wait for Sheryl she will give you the best advice about the doctors and the hospitals..
  15. gonna call BS on that. Not during a war that occurred 50+ years ago.
  16. You neglect to mention how much agriculture had to be curtailed due to lack of water. "The water wars" where farmers and residents fought over who could have the water. Yes its over, yes its good now, but there were a lot of bad years. I can't see the Thai's rationing water the way California had to.
  17. The roads leading in are big at least 3 lanes wide with a center meridian. I have never had a problem parking on the street at all. The whole building and government complex is huge, no other way to put it. Photo of the front of the building to give you and idea.
  18. The newly elected government. Why do you think the EC, Senators and various other old dinosaurs are so worried. They will be investigated as to where all their money came from. Time for payback, and the old guard is scared to death and clinging on by their fingernails.
  19. Bingo. This is another reason the dinosaurs are so upset, the youth are waking up. My wife studied world geography and history in school 40 years ago. When I told her those subjects are no longer taught she did not believe me and went on a crusade to prove me wrong. She later said "sorry" you were right for perhaps the second time in my life. Indeed they were phased out with more emphasis put on Sangcome, the subject where Buddhism and regard for the Royalty is taught.
  20. Thanks Neal, No Show just go dude. I found it 30 plus years ago buying gold for my wife. Just busses and motorcycles then, no google maps. Its easy. Simply google Hua Seng Heng gold shop location and you will see the Wat as Neal says its really close.
  21. You might get more replies if you used Hua Seng Heng Gold shop in Yawaorat.
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