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Everything posted by Lantern

  1. To be fair we do have the odd gem. They are few and far between though.
  2. Hopefully he'll think twice before the next one.
  3. Sad news. Wish her all the best.
  4. I reckon all those 36 kids should give that so called teacher a dammed good flogging.
  5. ^ Wow that's $500AUD I'm sure I saw a group of them last time I went to the tip shop over here. Will have to have a look next time I'm there.
  6. Seems, to me, we have most of the world leaders carping on about "how we are meeting our targets" "on track to reduce emissions" etc. etc. And, in the meantime, just carrying on just the way it always been, knowing they will all be long gone by the time the sh*t hits the fan.
  7. AFAIK There is very little available "over the counter" in most of the world. You could try getting hold of a "Home Power" magazine from the USA or join the "Back Shed" forum. The problem is that most units are built/ designed to be site specific.
  8. Why not chuck a few dozen over the walls?
  9. Stealing electricity for sale? Something missed in the translation?
  10. I buy the biggest containers of water from the nearest 7-11, and decant into smaller bottles for taking out. These get frozen.
  11. Had one of these a few years ago. Wish I still had it. Very rare now. 1975 TL250.
  12. When I was due a pension I rang this number 001144-191-218-3600. First thing they asked was my NI Number, which I had memorised at 16. Anyway, they were very helpful and you could start here. Good luck.
  13. ^ No. They suddenly realise that there is no hurry needed
  14. Sorry can't help. Only ever tinned for me.
  15. I think it depends on the person themselves. I recall being offered some speed at @ party in Leeds way back in 1983. Which I took. I remember saying, the next day, that it was so good that I was never going to touch it again, and I haven't.
  16. There is a rumor on another board I frequent that states Tyre was in a relationship with the ex of one of the officers. Now there is no proof so it's just rumor. Would explain a lot if true.
  17. Tip for not getting your wallet stolen. Put the wallet in the front pocket of your shorts then twist the pocket through 180 deg. Result is no one can slip their hand in to get it.
  18. ^ Seems to be the way of all politicians. Say one thing then do the opposite.
  19. About seven years. Yes, one of the biggest. All done under warranty. Actually they replaced 20 x 185W with 15 x 250W and gave me room to add more, so I used even more of the roof and took the system up to around 6kW. I use very little power so expect that even the rather low FIT will see me paying no bills for the foreseeable future. The original system was put on when NSW offered a 60c per kW FIT. This paid not only all the power bills but also my house insurance, Council rates, water rates plus a few other bills for most of the seven years they were on. So all in all a fantastic deal.
  20. There are a number of reasons a panel will fail. A breakdown of the Tedlar rear surface. Caused by using a substandard material. Hot spots caused by poorly soldered junctions. Water ingress caused by poor manufacture. Micro cracks of the cell itself, usually caused by installers walking or kneeling on the module during installation. Just had all mine replaced. Reason breakdown of the Tedlar.
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