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Everything posted by Rhys

  1. Simply... America's Billy Bobs and Mama Mos would not have it..
  2. ...a different Foreign Policy will take place...
  3. How... between breakfast, lunch, and Dinner, and if she swallows.
  4. The females will prevail, except in Sports...now
  5. ...lacks funds, the pokey... if the buck rolls, out soon.
  6. Simply ....many fear Harris will muck up the position
  7. Did those Weed MPs get in on this too?
  8. WAD... he will not release his new weed business ventures...
  9. It is a different call; it is up to you. I am going through this again, as I lived in a different province from my wife but returned home during the weekends. All was okay. It is a nice break, but I missed my wife's physical presence. We checked in daily on Facebook apps. During her post-retirement, she works in another province and all is the same. It is only two years Cheers mates
  10. The southern men.. et. al.. will come out and push Trump to the WH...????
  11. There are Many good program on IF... just find the right program.. start with 16:8... which means you have only a 8 hour eating period.. monitor the appropriate foods.. All the best..
  12. ...some mental health issues...
  13. What is the update on the REDBULL coward?
  14. Aren't they related to Henry Finkel?
  15. Interesting comments and recommendations on the topic. In viewing the comments and looking at other information sites, it appears that in the USA situation, it depends on the state who gets to keep the ring. Thus, it seems almost a 50/50 situation. It is a condition on a promise, therefore not followed through, the ring is returned... If the fault is with the male, then the woman may keep it.... As for the Thai situation.. that was only a question if the problem would occur here. It is open season in Thailand. There was an interesting case on the tube for an Engagement ring valued at 70K USD... The judge returned it to the male. The judge was a female and the court was in California.
  16. Casino, pootang, drugs, the portfolio of the politicians that support the weed programs.
  17. Weather in the south is nice at times
  18. Did the Anutin Weed King make it to this ministry as well?
  19. This guy is going to win a second time.. and
  20. Lun Rocco called.
  21. PSU thanks for the suggestions. Which southern campus?
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