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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. Read the article. They committed the crime earlier that day and jumped onto a flight to Thailand to avoid arrest no doubt. HK police tracked them and coordinated with Thailand to arrest them. Well done all around.
  2. It was a bit shallow but watchable.
  3. That would be an NGO, not an official government organization. Their main goal is to take some pictures so they can you them to suck money out of the gullible morons back home.
  4. You want an app for this? 555
  5. Hmmm. A gated community without a gate. What do they expect?
  6. 6 episodes into Tehran season 3 and it's quite good. Last 2 coming next week. Got them from scene rls. Subs included. Get the greenpeace releases from clicknupload.
  7. Oh, wait. That's not working, is it?
  8. So you don't know how to use qr codes to pay? Much easier than credit card or banking apps.
  9. Let the chaos begin. Thankfully only for 2 years when the Dems will retake the house and Senate, impeach trump for a third time, and kick him out of office for good. Is the war in Ukraine over yet? It's his first day in office and he promised... Etc. Etc. Etc.
  10. Chula pharmacy is a short walk from that fasciNO. Give them a try. My preferred pharmacy,
  11. Fentanyl obviously. Who knows what they were selling it as.
  12. Full blood tests every 6 weeks? Witch doctor? Definitely a quack. You need a second opinion. Or are you HIV positive and need to check the levels?
  13. But you are a hypochondriac.
  14. Somebody should be slapping them on the head.
  15. I refused the k-bank atm card with my account there and pay everything via qr code. No fee, and easier. Doesn't work overseas yet, but I have other cards that work better for that anyway.
  16. The power supplies for these boxes are notoriously bad. Order a spare from Lazada or shopee for cheap.
  17. It's the law. Don't pay tax on rental income and the penalties are extremely high. If you use a property manager, they are obligated to ensure you're declaring it or they need take a substantial amount and send it to the government.
  18. So, same as everyone else then.
  19. It's probably silicone seal. Is it rubbery when you touch it? If so, available everywhere.
  20. Got to spend your money before you're gone.
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