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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. And of course, if you want a divorce in India, just set your wife on fire. (From 60 minutes 20+ years ago) Edit: still happening apparently https://www.ndtv.com/video/husband-in-laws-burn-up-woman-alive-after-cops-refuse-to-file-triple-talaq-case-524770
  2. Details please. Others can learn from your experiences.
  3. First and only season. Ended now.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLlv_aZjHXc
  5. AH had precisely those goals, but for Germans. Not very knowledgeable about history, are you?
  6. Penis milk, but only if I'm making it for someone else.
  7. So Thaksin's back in power then. Just like the 90's. Wonder what the final body count will be.
  8. China and Russia are laughing over the US's stupidity giving up their influence all over the world. They'll be quick to move in and fill that role.
  9. Everything he's doing is straight from Mein Kampf.
  10. My tox 3 box speedtest gets around 300Mbps on both lan and wifi connections to an ax router. The tox 3 has gigabit lan and ac wifi. My internet connection is 400mbps. Available from lazada and shopee and AliExpress. Cheaper from AliExpress, takes a bit over a week. There's a tox 4 model which I also have but the 3 is more stable so I'd avoid the 4. Regular upgrades from the manufacturer. Get a g20s pro bt remote with it as the standard ir one is <deleted>e.
  11. Only two. If there are still elections in 2026 he'll lost the House and Senate.
  12. Yes, you are being unreasonable. Please post the title in your post. 😄
  13. Who was it that was saying pot doesn't help with sleep?
  14. Crack is cocaine. Same drug. For you chemists, crack is a base and powdered cocaine is a salt. Outlawing crack would be like outlawing whiskey.
  15. Pj's trading on the dark side. Lots of the dealings with the lady who runs it. She buys at repo auctions and resells. Apparently she has sold out to a falang so be extra careful.
  16. The rent, don't buy modus operandi applies to all 3.
  17. Why would I do anything that stupid? I learn from other people's mistakes.
  18. Line the air fry tray in the air fry toaster oven with parchment paper and never have to wash it.
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