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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. All I read was the title. I'll answer that question. Yes!
  2. I'll give it a try. What's your card number, pin, and the 3 digit code from the back?
  3. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/08/31/us/california-black-market-marijuana-grow-houses-invs/index.html
  4. On tgx, found what appears to be a non-cam version. Downloaded it and jumped around a bit and it looks legit.
  5. Cialis? Beans seem to be my trigger.
  6. I was doing a sizable transfer a few weeks ago for a medical procedure and was having problems with wise. I tried XE and set up a transfer after connecting to my bank. I didn't pull the trigger there because the wise transfer finally got processed. I got a few emails from XE offering to help me get it done. Eventually I told them to piss off. Here's there response to that one. Since they're now permanently giving me a better rate, i will definitely be giving XE a look next time.
  7. It wasn't a joke. That's what the maga morons call anything Trump says that may be questionable. Actually it is another sign of Trump's senility. Lucky for him he has Musk there now to pull the strings.
  8. They were doing this on public roads? Idiots. I'm sure they could have found a parking lot somewhere. Lock them up, keep the bikes, fine them enough they can't buy more.
  9. Rent, don't buy.
  10. Just make sure to charge triple the rate of the ferry for non-ev vehicles.
  11. Russia has been pulling most of the strings over there, so it's a big blow on them too.
  12. Can't comment on the UK, but being from Canada, its the provincial governments that run the health care system, generally not very well. The insurance companies were never a big part as govt health care has been around there for a long time, like 50 years or more.
  13. No. You quoted part of a post that said maybe weight in addition to the real fire risk could be a problem.
  14. Deviled eggs. Yumm. The little woman makes a batch once a week or so and they're good for a couple of days in the fridge.
  15. Stop trying to misdirect the topic. It's not about vehicle weight. It's about EV batteries and the fire risk. Almost impossible to put out. I can see them being banned on sone bridges too.
  16. That is a personal problem, not a problem with medicare. If you can't afford to live overseas, including the extra costs for health care/insurance, you shouldn't. Medicare/medicaid has enough problems with corruption already. Doing them overseas would amplify that significantly.
  17. Single payer would cost less than what is being spent now. Bad news for health insurance companies though, as they'll be essentially out of business.
  18. You should use some of your chump change and buy some and let us know.
  19. Rubbish. It's the health insurance companies. Some seem to think the CEOs should be shot. Medicare for all.
  20. Does the moonrat have a moonshadow? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPbuSrRfCaU
  21. Those damn blue pills. Sometimes it just won't soften up. And they make you blind sometimes too, after all, a 53 yr old Thai woman? Really?
  22. No. Canadian's pension (OAS) counts the number of years you reside in Canada after 18 to determine how much you collect. If you continue to live in Thailand you will reduce your welfare check(cheque haha). So you're around 50 and don't want to work till retirement age? Good luck. I'm sure glad I found SE Asia after I was retired (at 45) and was financially sound.
  23. They probably had just washed the stairs and they sere still wet. That slippery when wet tiling should be outlawed.
  24. You call it spoiling her. Everyone else calls it paying her. If you didn't spoil her, would she still be there? You should keep your delusions to yourself. They make you out to be a fool.
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