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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. There are lies, damned lies and Thai politics. (With apologies to Benjamin Disraeli.)
  2. Cue :- benefits of the TM 30 system. I am sure that their passport details are registered on the immigration database. (Not)
  3. Tree felling requires some skill and thought. Not a job for the ignorant.
  4. From a Pattaya News article earlier - But stabbing and shooting young Thai kids is OK?
  5. I prefer to obtain information from professionals. These social media leeches allow information from any Tom, Harry and Dick (head).
  6. I am not sure about your particular case. However, my wife (from the UK) was an English teacher here in Thailand and when she died, there were payments from SS for her funeral etc. However, I have been paying SS for more than 20 years and I am NOT expecting a pension from Thailand. I am sure that old age pensions are only for Thai citizens. (I would not collect it anyway. They need it more than I do.)
  7. That is a quote from Anutin - the health minister. Smoking cannabis is not legal. Cannabis was decriminalised - not legalised - talk to a lawyer about the difference. Who the heck smokes dope that is less than .025 THC. Carry on breaking the law if you wish to stay in denial, but these are the facts.
  8. There is not hazy area. It is against the law. From an interview with CNN
  9. The full article is an interesting read (apart from the final paragraph). The problem all starts with the antiquated education system here, and the ignoring of the poorer population. No hope - no future.
  10. The best response that I have heard of from a member of a cabin crew is 'Our job is to save your ass. Not kiss it.' On a more serious note, most passengers seem to assume that it is the crew's job is to serve them. It's not. They are there for passenger's safety. The rest is just a bonus.
  11. Is it any surprise? The wonderful 'solve all problems' EEC and fast train to China via Laos seem to be only working one way. For Chinese exports. You sold your country to Xi PM.
  12. It seems that many insurance companies are doing that here in Thailand. Mine has done similar to me for the last 12 years. Their justification is 'Thailand expensive for expat health care now'. One insurance company even gives two different quotes depending on which chain of hospitals you use.
  13. This is a very tricky subject. A lot of people demand the right to end their own lives rather than wait for fatal illnesses to kill them slowly and painfully. Because of archaic laws, those unfortunates have to resort to illegal means to achieve that dying wish. The other side of this coin is that some people could be buying these drugs to kill someone else. How can anyone tell? Having watched my son die very slowly from cancer over a two year period, I know where I stand.
  14. I totally agree with Toolong. Excellent piece of penmanship. Unfortunately, there may be a libel case or too coming along next. Thank God there are some honest news sources.
  15. China will impose 'political' bans and tariffs on imports from all countries that turn away from China and turn towards the USA.
  16. This PM has already admitted that he lied on his promises during the election campaign. He has changed his mind to appease his political opponents and to win votes. What makes anyone think that he will keep this promise?
  17. Time to close down Fakebook and TikTok. Too many scams originate there. Both are very poorly monitored/censored.
  18. Good luck Thaksin. A friend of mine was taken there when he had been shot. He died after being there for 9 hours. When I went to collect his body and pay the bill, it was only for bandages. No surgery, no doctors fees. etc. He had been left to slowly die on a trolley in a corridor.
  19. Wrong. I was hit by a truck that a friend and I were trying to get started after it died in one of Samui's floods. The bonnet was up. No one in the truck. Said friend was doing something to the starting motor when the engine suddenly started and the unmanned truck drove forward, went up a dozen steps and finally stopped when it hit a tree. All of the Thais watching started praying for the 'ghost' that was driving the truck. It had an automatic gearbox and had been left in drive. Said gearbox was not a factory install. The truck was converted at some time. The insurance rep tore up the report that I had written for him and asked me to sign a blank claim which he filled in later. Strange but true.
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