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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. I am in awe of anyone who can read a book on a phone. Tiny, fiddly screen! I speed read and my fingers would be swiping like crazy (and they are not that good). I probably need to see about half a page at a time. Good luck with the phone.
  2. Wow. Drinking non-taxed liquor is highly dangerous? Better close down duty free shops then.
  3. And then there are the sick people recording everything on their phones instead of trying to help those in need. Sad. RIP
  4. Just another feel good story to cover up the major cracks in the government. Could there be an election just around the corner?
  5. Make sure that when you buy it, that it is in one of a sealed 'duty free' bags - or it will be confiscated when you try to board the next flight. At the duty free shop they will assume that you end your journey at Bangkok so you just get a cheap (open) plastic bag. I (and others) have had bottles 'liberated' at Bangkok when transferring to Samui. It happens when you board the domestic leg of your journey. In your 'check in' luggage is safer.
  6. and boring. Thailand has so many great dishes. This is not one of them. To promote this as such belittles the cuisine here.
  7. I have always driven manual (53 years). I prefer to make the decisions as to when to change gear. Why let a dumb vehicle decide - it just makes for lazy driving.
  8. Hotels have been closed, thanks to government policies. Loans have to be repaid. Hotels need subsidies for refurb, recruit and re-open.
  9. I have just been told that Seatran have started allowing bookings and more sailings from tomorrow. Please can anyone confirm?
  10. Bangkok Airways are back up to 30 flights arriving today. The roads on Samui are busy again with wobbling tourists on scooters and minivans everywhere. Villa bookings are almost up to pre-Covid levels this month (92% of July 2019). Should be good news for the local economy.
  11. A quick snap shot from Samui. We manage rental villas and we have been 95% full this month. Bookings are just below (90%+) July 2019 numbers. The roads here are now just as busy as before Covid with lots of tourists wobbling around on motorbikes. Taxis and minivans everywhere shuttling people around. Also agree with the observation regarding nationalities. Pre Covid, maybe 6/7 groups from the USA per year. Since April this year, 2 to 3 groups per week. Then we have Indians, Middle East and France.
  12. Covid - the gift that keeps on giving. (Brown envelopes?)
  13. I would not plant trees until you live in the place. Once in, you will know what works. They will soon grow.
  14. Do not forget that you must show your passport when you buy a SIM card in Thailand.
  15. Foraging is a way of life here. I have bananas, limes, pomegranates, papaya and pineapples growing in my garden - apparently. Mind you, if I want any of those, I have to go out and buy them. They mysteriously disappear from my bushes and trees.
  16. Free every Friday at Central Festival here on Koh Samui.
  17. That is still 'under consideration' along with Thaksin's second airport and the ski slope. (They actually started the ski slope - I saw the photos!)
  18. Very true. Of course Thaksin was corrupt. ALL leaders here are corrupt but he was the first and only one to give things to the poor in Thailand. Yes - vote buying, but lots of farmers and rural folk were grateful to him. The rich living in Bangkok and military housing have done nothing for the poor.
  19. Thanks to the army it has been a bad 8 years for the majority of the Thai population.
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