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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. I think that I will just watch from a bar somewhere! ????
  2. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-61760972 For those using the alcohol argument ie which is the more dangerous, is irrelevant. There will be even more deaths on Thailand's roads. Stay safe people - dope heads in control.
  3. I think that it it just a poorly written article. They seem to be comparing June 2022 with June 2019 but omitted the month in further comments. (Traditionally, June has been low season on Samui.) Samui hotels have been in dire straights during Covid, but numbers this year, since April, have seen a large improvement. Certainly lots of guests in villas and more traffic around (unfortunately).
  4. Totally agree re Philippine food. I cannot remember a decent meal there. I wonder where Khmer food ranked? Did it even make the list?
  5. What could possible go wrong? From the TOL today
  6. Waste of time. We have a cycle lane painted on the ring road all round Samui. It is usually full of parked vehicles - even with the black/white and red/white painting on the kerbs.
  7. But the truck did not stop. The pedestrian stopped on the crossing because the truck didn't. The bike was overtaking a moving vehicle. "The victim then stopped in the middle of the road to allow a pickup truck to pass before him when a motorbike overtook the truck and collided with him,"
  8. I think that Vietnam already has that title. There was a recent article in Asean Now on the problem. (30th May)
  9. Well done. ???? At least it is a start. Long journeys are made with those small first steps.
  10. In that same article, the reason for the government not wanting to pass the bill was given as "existing ministerial regulations could be changed to allow small distillers to operate, and the government could then continue to control the quality and quantity of liquor production." That word control again!
  11. But they do not light up anything. They are not electricity cables. They are mostly internet fibre optic and old telephone lines. The service providers just use the 'convenient' electricity poles. The electricity cables are out of reach at the top of the poles.
  12. I think that dogs are the worst menace on the roads. Carefully riding a bike here for 22 years and so far, only two accidents. (Touch wood.) Dogs each time. When a pack of dogs are chasing something, they just run straight across the road. I can avoid 2 or 3 of them but I eventually hit one. ????
  13. When the CCP offers 'projects' such as this, you can bet your bottom Yuan that it is not really for the benefit of the host country. Large debt, high maintenance and undelivered benefits. Do this at your peril. Ask the farmers.
  14. I agree with 4MyEgo Brilliant idea. I wonder how many of the complaining 'netizens' actually catch a bus from there?
  15. What area are you staying in? Best to pick a local hire place. I recommend that you do not leave your passport as a deposit.
  16. Is she in a private hospital or a government one?
  17. That was the one that I saw. Lots of youngsters having a good time with very loud music. Nice to see (from a distance). I took my zimmer frame and found somewhere more quiet. Mind you, It was not quiet for long. It was a friend's birthday and his wife was still in Bangkok. She told him to go out and have good time.
  18. I went to Chaweng last night for an update on what is open. Quite a few tourists walking around beach road etc. (Tens not hundreds.) Restaurants near Ark Bar were doing OK. Soi Green Mango was quiet, but it was a tad early (22.00). Only a couple of places open including the Green Mango. Maybe more open at weekends. A few places up near Black Club were quite busy and a bit more action on Soi Reggae. No masks and definitely no social distancing. The 'Thai' live music bar near the lake was packed with locals queuing to get in.
  19. Sorry - this is Thailand. We all know what should happen and we all know what would happen should such laws be passed. Nothing. Absolutely nothing would change. Very sad for all concerned. RIP little 'un.
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